This tutorial will briefly tell you how to use pisg, a program that takes IRC logs and makes a webpage about statistics of the chat, with Discord.
- Use DiscordChatExporter to generate a log of the chat you want to use pisg with. You need to make it saved in the PlainText format. I prefer the command-line version of the tool. (If you're on Linux/Mac, run this tool with mono.)
- Run my Python script to convert the log into a format that pisg can read (the "mbot" format).
- Run pisg with the command that the script outputs.
I know these instructions are very brief. I hope you have command-line experience if you're doing this.
You can host the logs on somewhere like GitHub Pages. However, you need the images in the "gfx" folder in the pisg binary download in order for the graphs to show up.
Have fun!