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Last active August 29, 2015 14:20
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Throwing asynchronous exceptions on threads with finalizers
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLists #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax #-}
-- | The tools for forking and managing threads from 'Control.Concurrent' and
-- 'Control.Concurrent.Async' don't guarantee that finalizers or exception
-- handlers on the thread are executed when an exception is raised on the
-- thread. This is not an masking issue, but an issue that 'throwTo' doesn't
-- block until finalizers have run to completion. Synchronous delivery of
-- exceptions only guarnatees that the threads computation got interrupted by
-- the asynchronous exception.
module Main
( main
) where
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.Async
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Unicode
import qualified Data.DList as D
import Data.Monoid.Unicode
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
import Numeric.Natural
import Prelude.Unicode
import System.Exit
import System.IO
import System.IO.Unsafe
-- | Build with
-- > ghc -fforce-recomp -threaded AsyncExc.hs
-- In order to run in a loop
-- for the tests that expect Ctrl-C use:
-- > while ./AsyncExc +RTS -N & t=$!; { sleep 1 ; kill -2 $t ; } & wait $t ; do echo "ok" ; done
-- for the other tests use:
-- > while ./AsyncExc +RTS -N ; do echo $? ; done
main ∷ IO ()
main = test5
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --
-- Simple ordering preserving logging
logs ∷ MVar (D.DList T.Text)
logs = unsafePerformIO $ do
hSetBuffering stdout LineBuffering
newMVar mempty
printLogs ∷ IO ()
printLogs = readMVar logs ≫= mapM_ T.putStrLn ∘ D.toList
∷ Natural
-- ^ expected number of log messages
→ IO ()
-- ^ inner test action
→ IO ()
checkLogs n = flip finally $ do
D.toList <$> readMVar logs ≫= \l → do
when (length l < fromIntegral n) $ exitFailure
when (last l ≠ "exit main") $ exitFailure
logg ∷ T.Text → IO ()
logg !x = modifyMVar_ logs $ \l → return $! l ⊕ [x]
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --
-- Test functions that expect to be terminate with Ctrl-C (SIGINT)
-- Failed attempts: the finalizers in the brackets are not
-- guaranteed to run to termination.
main1 ∷ IO ()
main1 = checkLogs 6 $ do
bracket_ (enter "main") (exit "main") $ mask $ \restore → do
race_ (threadWithMask "a" restore) (threadWithMask "b" restore)
main2 ∷ IO ()
main2 = checkLogs 6 $ do
bracket_ (enter "main") (exit "main") $ mask $ \restore → do
altRace_ (threadWithMask "a" restore) (threadWithMask "b" restore)
main3 ∷ IO ()
main3 = checkLogs 4 $ do
bracket_ (enter "main") (exit "main") $ mask $ \restore → do
withAsync (threadWithMask "a" restore) wait
-- Correct solutions
-- | The 'mask' is not really needed here since the finalizer is
-- part of the 'bracket_'and is not expected to run if the thread is killed
-- before the 'bracket_' is entered.
main4 ∷ IO ()
main4 = checkLogs 4 $ do
bracket_ (enter "main") (exit "main") $ mask $ \restore → do
withSafeAsync (threadWithMask "a" restore) wait
-- | a version without 'mask'. It is not guaranteed that the inner
-- computation of the thread is entred.
main5 ∷ IO ()
main5 = checkLogs 4 $ do
bracket_ (enter "main") (exit "main") $ do
withSafeAsync (thread "a") wait
-- | The 'mask' is not really needed here since the finalizer is
-- part of the 'bracket_'and is not expected to run if the thread is killed
-- before the 'bracket_' is entered.
main6 ∷ IO ()
main6 = checkLogs 6 $ do
bracket_ (enter "main") (exit "main") $ mask $ \restore → do
safeRace_ (threadWithMask "a" restore) (threadWithMask "b" restore)
-- | a version without 'mask'. It is not guaranteed that the inner
-- computation of the thread is entred.
main7 ∷ IO ()
main7 = checkLogs 6 $ do
bracket_ (enter "main") (exit "main") $ do
safeRace_ (thread "a") (thread "b")
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --
-- Test functions
test1 ∷ IO ()
test1 = checkLogs 4 $ do
bracket_ (enter "main") (exit "main") $ do
a ← mask $ \restore → forkIO $ threadWithMask "a" restore
threadDelay 100
killThread a
test2 ∷ IO ()
test2 = checkLogs 4 $ do
bracket_ (enter "main") (exit "main") $ do
a ← mask $ \restore → async $ threadWithMask "a" restore
threadDelay 100
cancel a
-- | this solution guarantees that the finalizer is executed
-- and that the inner function of the thread is entred.
test3 ∷ IO ()
test3 = checkLogs 4 $ do
bracket_ (enter "main") (exit "main") $ do
a ← mask $ \restore → async $ threadWithMask "a" restore
threadDelay 100
cancel a
void $ waitCatch a
-- | This solution guarantees that the finalizer is executed
test4 ∷ IO ()
test4 = checkLogs 4 $ do
bracket_ (enter "main") (exit "main") $ do
a ← async $ thread "a"
threadDelay 100
cancel a
void $ waitCatch a
-- | This solution guarantees that the finalizer is executed
test5 ∷ IO ()
test5 = checkLogs 4 $ do
bracket_ (enter "main") (exit "main") $ do
withSafeAsync (thread "a") $ \_ →
threadDelay 100
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --
-- Tools
thread ∷ T.Text → IO ()
thread x = bracket_ (enter x) (exit x) (forever $ threadDelay 10)
threadWithMask ∷ T.Text → (IO () → IO ()) → IO ()
threadWithMask x restore = bracket_ (enter x) (exit x) (restore $ forever $ threadDelay 10)
enter ∷ T.Text → IO ()
enter x = logg $ "enter " ⊕ x
exit ∷ T.Text → IO ()
exit x = logg $ "exit " ⊕ x
-- | Alternative, less efficient, implementation of 'race'.
altRace_ ∷ IO a → IO b → IO ()
altRace_ left right =
withAsync left $ \a →
withAsync right $ \b →
void (waitEither a b)
safeRace_ ∷ IO a → IO b → IO ()
safeRace_ left right =
withSafeAsync left $ \a →
withSafeAsync right $ \b →
void (waitEither a b)
-- | The difference to the (non-optimized) implementation of
-- 'withAsync' is the 'wait' after the 'cancel'.
withSafeAsync ∷ IO a → (Async a → IO b) → IO b
withSafeAsync action inner =
bracket (async action) (\a → cancel a ≫ waitCatch a) inner
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