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Created November 22, 2015 09:59
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Resolving multiple artifacts
def fetchPIDE(version: Version)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[List[Path]] = {
val repositories = Seq(Repository.ivy2Local, Repository.mavenCentral, Repository.sonatypeReleases)
val files = coursier.Files(
Seq("https://" -> new File(sys.props("user.home") + "/.libisabelle/cache")),
() => sys.error("impossible")
val cachePolicy = Repository.CachePolicy.Default
def resolve(identifier: String) = {
val dependency =
Module(BuildInfo.organization, s"pide-${identifier}_${BuildInfo.scalaBinaryVersion}"),
Resolution(Set(dependency)) { res =>
if (!res.isDone)
sys.error("not converged")
else if (!res.errors.isEmpty)
sys.error(s"errors: ${res.errors}")
val pideInterface = resolve("interface")
val pideVersion = resolve(version.identifier)
for {
i <- pideInterface
v <- pideVersion
artifacts = v -- i
res <- Future.traverse(artifacts.toList)(files.file(_, cachePolicy).run.toScalaFuture)
yield, _.toPath))
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