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Created November 28, 2012 06:48
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#Script to reboot application
#Can be used in conjunction with Lingon or a Cron to run on a periodic basis, e.g. every 2 minutes.
#Version 1.0 written by Daniel Mare from
#Date: 02/08/2010
#Modified by Blair Neal 11_27_2012
#Helpful shell scripting additions from Patricio Gonzalez Vivo
MEM_THRESHOLD=6 #INTEGERS ONLY If any process uses more MEM (in percentage of total MEM) than this threshold, the application will be rebooted
#Say you have 8gb of RAM, then a process that is using 2gb or more would be using 25%
#test is MEM usage is excessive
MEM_LINE=$(ps wwaxm -o %mem,command | head -2 | tail -1) #Output from ps showing the TOP app that is using the most memory
MEM_USAGE=`echo $MEM_LINE | sed 's/\ .*//'` #Strip off the numbers from above output
MEM_USAGE=${MEM_USAGE/\.*} #Truncate decimals - bash only compares integers TODO: incorporate this line into one above
if [ $MEM_USAGE -gt $MEM_THRESHOLD ] ; then
#echo "Original line: " $MEM_LINE | sed -e 's/.*\///'
MEM_PROCESS=`echo $MEM_LINE | sed -e 's/.*\///'` #this is the process name, used to kill the app later
MEM_FORMATTED=`echo $MEM_LINE | sed -e 's/.*\///' | sed 's/ -psn_[0-9]_[0-9]*/.app/' | sed 's/ //g'` #Get the name of process that triggered this alert, strip off the -psn and ID numbers and delete all spaces so it can be compared with your app name. Could be more elegant, but gets the job done!
echo "Memory leak threshold exceeded by this process: " $MEM_FORMATTED
echo $MEM_FORMATTED "It was using this percentage of memory: " $MEM_USAGE
if [ $MEM_FORMATTED == "" ]; then #make sure you're killing your own app, not something else important like a system process
echo "Closing Leaky App " $MEM_PROCESS
killall $MEM_PROCESS
echo "This is not the leaky process you're looking for!" #Your app wasn't the culprit
echo "All is well! Your app is not using too much
sleep 15 #Wait 15seconds (arbitrary) for everything to close out before restarting
#Now check and see if your app is closed out, and if it isn't then re-open it
if [ $(ps ax | grep -v grep | grep "" | wc -l) -eq 0 ] ; #Replace with your own app's name
echo "YourAppName not running. Opening..."
open /Applications/
echo "YourAppName running"
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