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Created August 2, 2017 22:36
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My old 2D Delaunay/Voronoi tessellation tools
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
module Delaunay where
import qualified Data.Function as F
import qualified Data.List as L
import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Numeric.LinearAlgebra as LA
type Coord = Double
-- | An angle, in radians
newtype Angle = Angle { unAngle :: Double }
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
-- | A single point in 2D Euclidean space
data Point = Point { pointX :: Coord
, pointY :: Coord
} deriving (Eq, Ord)
-- | A line-segment consisting of two points
data Edge = Edge Point Point
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
-- | A triangle, defined b three points
data Tri = Tri Point Point Point
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
-- | A polygon, consisting of an arbitrary number of points. This
-- polygon should form a convex hull or a non-intersecting star.
data Poly = Poly (Set Point)
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
-- | A non-tesselated cloud of points, which may have some properties
-- such as the centroid.
data PointCloud = PointCloud (Set Point)
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
-- | Coerce a Poly to Tri, presuming it has exactly 3 points.
triPoly :: Poly -> Tri
triPoly p =
case ccwVertexList p of
[a, b, c] -> Tri a b c
_ -> error "triangles must be exactly 3 points"
-- | Coerce a Tri to Poly
polyTri :: Tri -> Poly
polyTri (Tri a b c) = Poly $ Set.fromList [a, b, c]
-- | A class describing similarities in computable geometric
-- structures
class Shape s where
centroid :: s -> Point -- ^ The barycenter of the shape
vertices :: s -> Set Point -- ^ Set of the vertices
vertexCount :: s -> Int -- ^ The count of vertices
edges :: s -> Set Edge -- ^ Set of the edges
edgeCount :: s -> Int -- ^ The count of edges
edgesAbout :: s -> Point -> [Edge] -- ^ CCW ordered set of edges seen from point
cenX :: s -> Coord -- ^ The x coordinate of the centroid
cenY :: s -> Coord -- ^ The y coordinate of the centroid
angleTo :: (Shape a) => s -> a -> Angle -- ^ Angle from the centroid of a to b
ccwVertexList :: s -> [Point] -- ^ List of vertices, sorted counter-clockwise
ccwVertexListAbout :: s -> Point -> [Point]
-- ^ List of vertices, sorted counter-clockwise
edgeAdjacent :: (Shape a) => s -> a -> Bool
-- ^ Determine if shape a shares at least two vertices
area :: s -> Coord
-- ^ The area covered by this shape
-- minimal complete is just vertices
vertexCount s = Set.size $ vertices s
edgeCount s = Set.size $ edges s
centroid s | (length vl) > 0 = Point (meanCoord pointX) (meanCoord pointY)
vl = Set.toList $ vertices s
meanCoord accessor = (sum $ map accessor vl) / (fromIntegral $ length vl)
centroid _ = error "shapes with no vertices have no computable centroid"
cenX s = pointX $ centroid s
cenY s = pointY $ centroid s
angleTo a b = Angle $ atan2 ((cenY b)-(cenY a)) ((cenX b)-(cenX a))
edges s = Set.fromList $ s `edgesAbout` (centroid s)
edgesAbout s _ | (Set.size $ vertices s) < 2 = []
edgesAbout s c = take (vertexCount s) $ zipWith Edge vertexRing $ tail vertexRing
vertexRing = cycle $ s `ccwVertexListAbout` c
ccwVertexList s = ccwVertexListAbout s (centroid s)
ccwVertexListAbout s c =
map snd
$ L.sortBy (compare `F.on` fst)
$ map (\p-> (c `angleTo` p, p))
$ Set.toList
$ vertices s
edgeAdjacent a b =
(Set.size $ Set.intersection (vertices a) (vertices b)) >= 2
area _ = 0
instance Show Point where
showsPrec _ (Point px py) suf = '<':(shows px $ ',': (shows py $ '>':suf))
instance Shape Point where
centroid = id
vertices = Set.singleton
instance Num Point where
a + b = Point ((pointX a) + (pointX b)) ((pointY a) + (pointY b))
a * b = Point ((pointX a) * (pointX b) + (pointY a) * (pointY b)) 0 -- dot product in x
negate a = Point (negate $ pointX a) (negate $ pointY a)
abs a = Point (sqrt((pointX a)^(2::Int) + (pointY a)^(2::Int))) 0
signum _ = Point 0 0
fromInteger a = Point (fromInteger a) 0
instance Shape Edge where
vertices (Edge a b) = Set.fromList [a, b]
edgeLen :: Edge -> Coord
edgeLen (Edge a b) = pointX $ abs $ a-b
instance Shape Tri where
vertices (Tri a b c) = Set.fromList [a, b, c]
area (Tri a b c) = sqrt $ s * (s-ab) * (s-bc) * (s-ca)
s = (ab + bc + ca) / 2
ab = edgeLen $ Edge a b
bc = edgeLen $ Edge b c
ca = edgeLen $ Edge c a
centroid (Tri a b c) =
let midBC = centroid $ PointCloud $ Set.fromList [b, c]
in centroid $ PointCloud $ Set.fromList [a, midBC, midBC]
instance Shape Poly where
vertices (Poly ps) = ps
area (Poly ps) = sum $ map area $ Set.toList $ starTriangulate (centroid $ PointCloud ps) (Poly ps)
centroid p@(Poly ps) =
case Set.toList $ vertices p of
[] -> Point 0 0
[a] -> a
[a, b] -> centroid $ Edge a b
[a, b, c] -> centroid $ Tri a b c
_ -> case (sum $ map (\t->case (centroid t, area t) of
(Point cx cy, at) -> Point (cx*at) (cy*at)) starTris) of
Point sumx sumy -> Point (sumx/polyArea) (sumy/polyArea)
polyArea = area $ Poly ps
starTris = Set.toList $ starTriangulate (centroid $ PointCloud ps) (Poly ps)
-- a in particular
instance Shape PointCloud where
vertices (PointCloud ps) = ps
edgesAbout _ _ = []
-- | See if Point is contained in the circumcircle of Tri. Colinearly
-- degenerate triangles are defined to include all points.
circContains :: Tri -> Point -> Bool
circContains t _ | triColinear t = True
circContains t (Point dx dy) =
case ccwVertexList t of
[Point ax ay, Point bx by, Point cx cy] ->
(LA.det $ LA.fromLists [[ax, ay, ax*ax+ay*ay, 1],
[bx, by, bx*bx+by*by, 1],
[cx, cy, cx*cx+cy*cy, 1],
[dx, dy, dx*dx+dy*dy, 1]]) > 0
_ -> True -- error "circContains received a degenerate triangle"
-- | See if the points of the triangle are colinear.
triColinear :: Tri -> Bool
triColinear tri =
(/=3) $ Set.size $ edgeAngle $ edges tri
edgeAngle (Edge ea eb) = ea `angleTo` eb
-- | Identify triangles that no longer satisfy the Delaunay constraint
-- because their circumcircles contain the point.
badTriangles :: Point -> (Set Tri) -> (Set Tri)
badTriangles p tris = Set.filter (`circContains` p) tris
-- | Trace the border of a set of connected polygons
traceBorder :: (Shape s) => (Set s) -> Poly
traceBorder tris =
Poly $ Set.fromList $ concatMap (Set.toList . vertices)
$ Map.keys
$ Map.filter (==(1::Int))
$ Map.fromListWith (+)
$ map (,1)
$ concatMap (Set.toList . edges)
$ Set.toList
$ tris
-- | Radially triangulate a star-polygon with triangles sharing vertex
-- Point.
starTriangulate :: Point -> Poly -> Set Tri
starTriangulate p poly = Set.fromList $ map makeTri $ poly `edgesAbout` p
makeTri (Edge a b) = Tri a b p
-- | Calculate a triangle large enough to include all points in the
-- pointcloud.
constructSuperTri :: PointCloud -> Tri
constructSuperTri pc@(PointCloud ps) =
Tri a b c
cen = centroid pc
distCen p = pointX $ abs $ p - cen
r = 8 + (Set.findMax $ distCen ps)
a = cen + (Point (-20*r) (30*r))
b = cen + (Point (-20*r) (-30*r))
c = cen + (Point (30*r) 0)
-- | Calculate the center and radius of the circumcircle for a
-- triangle.
circumcircle :: Tri -> (Point, Coord)
circumcircle t | triColinear t =
error $ "colinear points from degenerate triangle "
++ (show t) ++ " have no circumcircle"
circumcircle (Tri a b c) =
case LA.toLists $ matAinv LA.<> matB of
[[ccx],[ccy]] -> ((Point ccx ccy), pointX $ abs $ (Point ccx ccy)-a)
x -> error $ "\n\ncircumcircle fault in " ++ (show $ Tri a b c)
++ "\n\nproduced " ++ (show x)
++ "\n\nfrom mat A " ++ (show matA)
++ "\n\ninv " ++ (show matAinv)
++ "\n\nmatB " ++ (show matB)
row :: Edge -> ([Double], [Double])
row e@(Edge (Point ax ay) (Point bx by)) =
if ay==by then ([0, 1], [ay])
else if ax==bx then ([1, 0], [ax])
else ([m, -1], [m*cx-cy])
(Point cx cy) = centroid e
m = -(bx-ax)/(by-ay)
rows = map row [Edge a b, Edge b c, Edge c a]
pzrows = take 2 $ L.nub $ (filter (\([ra,rb],_)->ra==0||rb==0) rows)
++ (reverse rows)
matA = LA.fromLists $ map fst pzrows
matB = LA.fromLists $ map snd pzrows
matAinv = LA.inv matA
-- | Add a point to an existing triangulation set, shattering and
-- reforming triangles as needed.
addPoint :: Point -> (Set Tri) -> (Set Tri)
addPoint p tris =
(tris `Set.difference` badTris) `Set.union` newTris
badTris = badTriangles p tris
newTris = starTriangulate p $ traceBorder badTris
-- | Calculate a < Delaunay triangulation>
-- of the pointcloud using the
-- < Bowyer-Watson algorithm>.
bowyerWatsonTriangulate :: PointCloud -> Set Tri
bowyerWatsonTriangulate pc@(PointCloud ps) =
Set.filter notSuper $
Set.foldr addPoint (Set.singleton superTri) ps
superTri = constructSuperTri pc
notSuper :: Tri -> Bool
notSuper t = Set.null $ (vertices t) `Set.intersection` (vertices superTri)
-- | Identify the adjacent triangles in a Delaunay triangulation given
-- a triangle.
delaunayNeighbors :: Set Tri -> Tri -> Set Tri
delaunayNeighbors tris tri = Set.filter (edgeAdjacent tri) tris
-- | Produce a Delaunay connectivity map.
delaunayConnectivity :: Set Tri -> Map Tri (Set Tri)
delaunayConnectivity tris = Map.fromSet (delaunayNeighbors tris) tris
-- | Produce a map of points identifying which triangles contain them.
vertexMembers :: Set Tri -> Map Point (Set Tri)
vertexMembers dTris =
let vs = Set.unions $ map vertices $ Set.toList dTris
in Map.fromSet (\v->Set.filter (\t->Set.member v $ vertices t) dTris) vs
-- | Produce the Voronoi diagram of a Delaunay triangulation.
voronoi :: Set Tri -> Set Poly
voronoi dTris =
Set.fromList $ map (Poly . ( (fst . circumcircle))) $ Map.elems $ vertexMembers dTris
-- | Perform Lloyd-relaxation on a set of polygons using their
-- centroid.
lloydRelax :: Set Poly -> PointCloud
lloydRelax ps = PointCloud $ centroid ps
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