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Created August 26, 2020 00:49
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hello world z80 nsadv
;; constants in the rom
romcout:equ 087fdh ; draw-character routine
romfont:equ 08561h ; built-in compressed 8x10 font
;; bootloader always jumps to loadaddr+10
bsent: equ 0c00ah
org 0c000h ; start at 0c000h
db 0c0h ; tell bootloader to load at 0c000h
ds bsent-$ ; skip to the 0c00ah entry point
jp main ; bootloader requires JP insn
ld sp,0fffeh ; initialize stack at top of ram
push hl ; save boot monitor re-entry address
ld ix,vidblock ; load address of our video terminal state
ld hl,msg ; load hello message
call putstr ; print it
ret ; return to monitor
;; char in A, clobbers BC DE HL F
;; requires IX already set to vidblock
jp romcout
;; stringz addr in HL
;; HL just past the zero byte afterward
;; assumes IX is already set to vidblock
push bc
push de
push af
push iy
psloop: ld a,(hl)
cp 000h
jr z,putstrout
push hl
call vidcall
pop hl
inc hl
jr psloop
inc hl
pop iy
pop af
pop de
pop bc
;;; all code above, all data below
dm "Hello, world!"
db 0
;;; all rommable data/code above, writable data below
vx: db 0 ; byte column
vy: db 0 ; scan row
vfont: dw romfont ; font addr
vscrl: db 0 ; vertical scroll offset
vstat: db 0 ; video status
vret: dw viddest ; return address
vctemp: dw vcursor ; address of cursor bitmap
vinv: db 0 ; invert video flag
ds 00ah, 0ffh ; cursor bitmap buffer
;;; relative offsets for indirect addressing of vidblock to move
;;; cursor, etc
rx: equ 0 ; offset equ for e.g. ld (iy+rx),..., etc
ry: equ 1 ; same for scan row
;;; uninitialized data if we had any
;;; ...
;;; assembles to
;000000 c0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 c3 0d c0 31 fe ff >.............1..<
;000010 e5 dd 21 47 c0 21 39 c0 cd 20 c0 c9 c3 fd 87 c9 >..!G.!9.. ......<
;000020 c5 d5 f5 fd e5 7e fe 00 28 08 e5 cd 1c c0 e1 23 >.....~..(......#<
;000030 18 f3 23 fd e1 f1 d1 c1 c9 48 65 6c 6c 6f 2c 20 >..#......Hello, <
;000040 77 6f 72 6c 64 21 00 00 00 61 85 00 00 1f c0 52 >world!...a.....R<
;000050 c0 00 ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff >............<
;;; suitable for writing onto track0, sector4 of a hardsectored 5 1/4" floppy
;;; to boot.
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