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Created June 21, 2024 18:10
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URDF importer for 3D Slicer
# URDF importer for Slicer
# This script imports a universal robot description file (URDF) into 3D Slicer scene.
# This model can then be animated by updating the joint transforms by interactively modifying the transforms in 3D views
# or remotely via OpenIGTLink.
# Usage: Copy-paste this script into the Python console in 3D Slicer. The script automatically downloads an example URDF from github.
# You can use your own URDF file by setting `rootPath` and `urdfFilePath` to the path of your URDF file.
# Get URDF file.
import SampleData
downloadedFolder = SampleData.downloadFromURL(
rootPath = downloadedFolder + "/franka_panda_description-master" # root path for models
urdfFilePath = rootPath + "/robots/panda_arm.urdf" # full path of the .urdf file to import
# Parse robot description file
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
# Parse XML data from a file
tree = ET.parse(urdfFilePath)
robot = tree.getroot()
if robot.tag != "robot":
raise ValueError("Invalid URDF file")
# Add all links and joints to the scene
nodes = {}
for link in robot:
name = link.get("name")
if link.tag == "link":
stlFilePath = rootPath + "/" + link.find('collision').find('geometry').find('mesh').attrib["filename"]
# Use RAS coordinate system to avoid model conversion from LPS to RAS (we can transform the entire robot as a whole later if needed)
modelNode = slicer.modules.models.logic().AddModel(stlFilePath, slicer.vtkMRMLStorageNode.CoordinateSystemRAS)
# No mesh found, add a sphere
sphere = vtk.vtkSphereSource()
modelNode = slicer.modules.models.logic().AddModel(sphere.GetOutputPort())
nodes[name] = { "type": "link", "model": modelNode}
elif link.tag == "joint":
jointTransformNode = slicer.mrmlScene.AddNewNodeByClass("vtkMRMLTransformNode", name)
nodes[name] = { "type": "joint", "transform": jointTransformNode}
if link.get("type") == "fixed":
# do not create a display node, the transform does not have to be editable
# make the transform interactively editable in 3D views
displayNode = jointTransformNode.GetDisplayNode()
if link.get("type") == "revolute":
# <axis xyz="0 0 1"/>
rotationAxis = [float(x) for x in link.find("axis").get("xyz").split()]
if rotationAxis == [1, 0, 0]:
displayNode.SetRotationHandleComponentVisibility3D(True, False, False, False)
elif rotationAxis == [0, 1, 0]:
displayNode.SetRotationHandleComponentVisibility3D(False, True, False, False)
elif rotationAxis == [0, 0, 1]:
displayNode.SetRotationHandleComponentVisibility3D(False, False, True, False)
raise ValueError(f"Unsupported rotation axis {rotationAxis}")
# TODO: implement translation and other joint types
raise ValueError(f"Unsupported joint type {link.get('type')}")
# Create hierarchy
for joint in robot.findall("joint"):
name = joint.get("name")
parentName = joint.find("parent").get("link")
if parentName:
parent = nodes[parentName]
if parent["type"] != "link":
raise ValueError(f"Parent of joint {name} is not a link")
jointToParentTransformNode = slicer.mrmlScene.AddNewNodeByClass("vtkMRMLTransformNode", f"{name} to {parentName}")
nodes[jointToParentTransformNode.GetName()] = { "type": "transform", "transform": jointToParentTransformNode}
# <origin rpy="-1.57079632679 0 0" xyz="0 0 0"/>
transformToParent = vtk.vtkTransform()
rpy = [vtk.vtkMath.DegreesFromRadians(float(x)) for x in joint.find("origin").get("rpy").split()]
xyz = [float(x) for x in joint.find("origin").get("xyz").split()]
# iterate through all children
for child in joint.findall("child"):
childName = child.get("link")
child = nodes[childName]
if child["type"] != "link":
raise ValueError(f"Child of joint {name} is not a link")
childModelNode = child["model"]
# Add all top-level nodes under root transform.
# This is needed to transform from URDF coordinate world coordinate system, which uses meters, to Slicer coordinate system, which uses millimeters.
# It is also useful to be able to position the robot anywhere within the scene
robotToWorldTransformNode = slicer.mrmlScene.AddNewNodeByClass("vtkMRMLTransformNode", "Robot")
robotToWorldTransform = vtk.vtkTransform()
robotToWorldTransform.Scale(1000, 1000, 1000) # convert from meters (URDF) to millimeters (Slicer)
for nodeName in nodes:
if nodes[nodeName]["type"] == "link":
node = nodes[nodeName]["model"]
elif nodes[nodeName]["type"] == "joint" or nodes[nodeName]["type"] == "transform":
node = nodes[nodeName]["transform"]
if not node.GetParentTransformNode():
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