require 'acceptance/acceptance_helper' |
feature 'Signup:', %q{ |
In order to start using the app |
Users should be able to signup |
And link with an OAuth provider |
} do |
#VCR will record interactions if cassette file doesn't exist, otherwise it will use what's in the cassette |
use_vcr_cassette 'registration', :record => :once |
#This is a nice little tweak, that saves the current state of the browser on a spec fail and opens it |
after do |
if example.exception |
page.driver.render('testoutput.png') |
`open testoutput.png` |
end |
end |
background do |
visit '/users/sign_up |
end |
#If your app relies on JS, don't forget :js => true, or you will hate yourself |
scenario 'create an account', :js => true do |
#skips any jQuery animations, for speed |
page.driver.evaluate_script('$.fx.off = true') |
#First we just want to fill in the form and submit |
fill_fields({ |
"First name" => "Philip", |
"Last name" => "Roberts", |
"Company" => "Float", |
"Email" => '[email protected]', |
"Choose your password" => "password" |
}) |
click_button "Start your free trial!" |
# This is where it gets interesting. If we are recording the VCR cassette, we want to |
# actually go through the interaction with the third party. These steps will depend on the |
# third-party |
if VCR.current_cassette.recording? |
page.should have_content 'Please log in' |
fill_fields({ |
:email => "my_username", |
:password => "my_password" |
}) |
find(:css, 'input[type=submit]').click |
find(:css, 'a[href="grant_approval"]').click |
# This will take us back to our callback /oauth/callback with a real code. |
# This code will be upgraded, and all the interactions for doing so will be recorded for next time |
else |
#If we are not recording, skip the third party stuff, and use the recorded token upgrade |
visit '/oauth/callback?code=fake' |
end |
page.should have_content "Welcome!" |
end |
end |
It looks like 6-spec-acceptance-user_registration.rb is missing a closing single quote on line 25.