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Forked from robsonke/
Created May 1, 2018 12:59
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This Bash script will loop through all running docker containers on a host and list the disk usage per mount. In case it's breaching the 65%, it will email you.
# get all running docker container names
containers=$(sudo docker ps | awk '{if(NR>1) print $NF}')
# loop through all containers
for container in $containers
echo "Container: $container"
percentages=($(sudo docker exec $container /bin/sh -c "df -h | grep -vE '^Filesystem|shm|boot' | awk '{ print +\$5 }'"))
mounts=($(sudo docker exec $container /bin/sh -c "df -h | grep -vE '^Filesystem|shm|boot' | awk '{ print \$6 }'"))
for index in ${!mounts[*]}; do
echo "Mount ${mounts[index]}: ${percentages[index]}%"
if (( ${percentages[index]} > 70 )); then
message="[ERROR] At $host and Docker container $container the mount ${mounts[index]} is at ${percentages[index]}% of its disk space. Please check this."
echo $message
echo $message | mail -s "Docker container $container at $host is out of disk space" "[email protected]"
echo ================================
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