This is a simple script that authenticates as a GitHub App, generates an installation token and runs a GitHub API request with this token built from the CLI arguments.
You can create a simple shell-script wrapper to run it:
#!/usr/bin/env sh
deno run --allow-read --allow-net --appId=123456 --installationId=12345678 --privateKey=private-key.pem $@
save it as
and make executable: chmod +x
, then you can call it like this:
./ GET /repos/octokit/hello-world/deployments
You can pass any extra parameters as normal command line options:
./ POST /repos/octokit/hello-world/deployments --ref='master'
Use jq
to extract information from the response and use it in the next request:
deployment_id=$(./ POST /repos/octokit/hello-world/deployments --ref='master' | jq -r '.id')
./ POST /repos/octokit/hello-world/deployments/$deployment_id/statuses \
--environment=staging \
This will create a deployment, save its ID to a var and then run a request to update this deployment status.