Make sure your program is user friendly. FILLED WITH TEXT.
Keep it DRY- Always look for repeated code and try to refactor it to a more simple and precise way
to wrap text in the command line
normally, end of line OR end of file. in an error message if you open an "if" block or loop and don't close it -
to add a file from a link
curl + " " + hyperlink + > instructors.csv (file name)
p and print can both take 2 arguments
info = load()
infos = info.split("\n")
infos.each { |x|
p(x, x.class)
**read about SCOPE in Ruby**
`<<` add things to arrays
***Won't work***
def main()
csvtext = load()
persons= csvtext.split("\n")
contacts = []
persons.each { |person|
fields = person.split(",")
fields.each{ |field|
field = field.strip()
contacts << fields
not in the scope so throws the information away
`.pop` change the object of the array. removes the most previously added object
`.push` adds on to the array
`.unshift` stores at the top of the array (returns the entire array with new object added)
`.shift` returns back first element popped off
`range: ex. 1..100` all of the numbers starting at and including the last number (use `...` to exclude the last number)
`API` Application programable interface..setting a standard way for people to communicate to one another
* pop/push/shift/unshift: modify the array
* each/map: don't modify
`map`: performs operation on each element in the array and outputs each new object in a new array
if something doesn't modify the "self" `!` and the end of the command will modify the self
* return value and output value are different
* `gsub` finds and substitutes in a string
*Boolean operators usually have `?` at the end (ex. is_a? String) => will return `TRUE` or `False`
`each_with_index`: value of whats in the array and also position in the array
*ex. names.each_with_index {|v,i| puts v + i.to_s }
`.select` : method of sorting; will only take string elements
`.include?"` will return boolean value- use would be @usernames
`.uniq` : will return the array without duplicated elements. Does not modify the array
`symbol`: vaule of symbol is the string name
*hash- loose data trying to make more clear and more accessible/ used to map one unique identity to another