When we create a class: put it in its own file
entry point: the first line exexuted in the code
If you don't need to change data in your file:
only. Can always go back and change to access
*JSON: program agnostic(allows you to use in most languages), data stores in hashes and strings, human-readable,
specialization of super class. Share data with another class
class Student
attr_reader :name, :email, :phone
def inititalize(student)
@name = student["name"]
@email = student["email"]
@phone = student["phone"]
require 'json'
json = FILE.read("students.json")
data - JSON.parse(json)
student_list = []
#where we initialize
data.each do |student|
student_list << Student.new(student)
flag = ARGV[0]
number = ARGV[1].to_i
if ('-g' == flag)
student_list.shuffle.each_slice(number) do |groups|
groups.each { |student|
puts student.name
elsif ('-n' == flag)
student_list.sample(number).each do |student|
p student.name
p "Error: please select a flag option: -g or -n"
the more you think about what you want to build, the less time you spend while you are coding
often, build "bare bones" model, get it to function, then make it extendable
main relationship for design: "has a" or "is a" => (inheritance)
How do we take real world things that are happening and make it into a template for a model?
**scenario: You own a building. You need to write a software program that manages the rentals for us.
Domain: Apartment, apartment rentals, building
- tenant information
- track rental availability
- rental description
- payment information
- request for repair repairs
- rental assignements
- complaints
- Tenant
- Unit
- Building
-occupied? (occupied_on)
Relationship: Building HAS Unit (1..n)/ Unit HAS Building (1) Unit HAS Tenant (0..1)/Tenant HAS Unit (1)
- High Arching Overview
- sample testing
Test Driven Development
TDD Test first, then code
- name after file you're testing
- stack trace- has a counter and prints to the screen
- assume that it needs a class
a method. Almost all rspecs will have this method--color
return passed tests in green and failed in red