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Created March 16, 2017 02:02
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  • Save lavaldi/33b071ae84073bcc82a8c58aefe892bc to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save lavaldi/33b071ae84073bcc82a8c58aefe892bc to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Operator Mono & Sublime Text 3 themes
  1. Install Package Resource Viewer.
  2. In package control window select ‘Package Resource Viewer: Open Resource’.
  3. Scroll down until you find the option: ‘Color Scheme — Default’ (or your theme with color scheme .tmTheme) and select it.
  4. Add the following
<!-- Operator Tweaks -->
		<string>Italic HTML attribute names</string>
		  , entity.other.attribute-name.html,
			, entity.other.attribute-name.event.html,
			, entity.other.attribute-name.class.html,
			, entity.other.attribute-name.tag.jade,
			, entity.other.attribute-name.tag.pug,
			, constant.other.symbol.ruby,
<!-- End Operator Tweaks -->
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I'm using ubuntu 19+ version. And using sublime text 3. How can i install operator mono font in this?

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