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Last active March 9, 2021 22:07
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Funcs Keys listing
terraform {
required_providers {
shell = {
source = "scottwinkler/shell"
version = "1.7.7"
resource "azurerm_function_app" "functions" {
name = "${var.function_name}-${var.random_string}-premium"
location = var.resource_group_location
resource_group_name = var.resource_group_name
app_service_plan_id = var.app_service_plan_id
version = "~3"
storage_account_name = var.storage_account_name
storage_account_access_key = var.storage_account_key
identity {
type = "SystemAssigned"
site_config {
# Ensure we use all the mem on the box and not only 3.5GB of it!
use_32_bit_worker_process = false
pre_warmed_instance_count = 1
app_settings = merge({
StorageContainerName = var.test_storage_container_name
https_only = true
HASH = base64encode(filesha256(local.func_zip_path))
WEBSITE_RUN_FROM_PACKAGE = "https://${var.storage_account_name}${var.deployment_container_name}/${}${var.storage_sas}"
# Route outbound requests over VNET see:
}, var.app_settings)
data "azurerm_subscription" "current" {
data "shell_script" "functions_key" {
lifecycle_commands {
read = file("${path.module}/")
environment = {
RG_NAME = var.resource_group_name
SUB_ID = data.azurerm_subscription.current.subscription_id
depends_on = [azurerm_function_app.functions]
output "function_master_key" {
# Try is used here to ensure destroy works as expected. On destroy the map will be
# empty so try instead returns an empty string
# See:
value = try(data.shell_script.functions_key.output["masterKey"], "")
output "function_hostname" {
value = azurerm_function_app.functions.default_hostname
output "function_name" {
value =
set -e
# Get a token so we can call the ARM api
TOKEN=$(az account get-access-token -o json | jq -r .accessToken)
# Attempt to list the keys with exponential backoff and do this for 5mins max
# --fail required see
curl "$SUB_ID/resourceGroups/$RG_NAME/providers/Microsoft.Web/sites/$FUNC_NAME/host/default/listkeys?api-version=2018-11-01" \
--compressed -H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8' \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" -d "{}" \
--retry 8 --retry-max-time 360 --retry-all-errors --fail --silent
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