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Last active September 16, 2023 17:02
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  • Save lbialy/e5eeb6ba251d1d2860cf40ea200db7d2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Early check whether Chimney can deal with mutable classes and whether it even makes sense to use localised mutability at all. Needs JMH.
//> using lib "io.github.martinhh::scalacheck-derived:0.4.1"
//> using lib "org.scalacheck::scalacheck:1.17.0"
//> using lib "io.scalaland::chimney:0.8.0-M1"
//> using lib "org.openjdk.jmh:jmh-core:1.37"
package local.mutability
import scala.collection.mutable
import io.scalaland.chimney.dsl.*
case class Entry(value: String)
case class Event(entry: Entry)
case class State(count: Int, validEntries: Set[Entry])
class MutState(var count: Int, var validEntries: mutable.Set[Entry])
def computeStateImmutable(state: State, events: Iterator[Event]): State =
events.foldLeft(state) { (state, event) =>
count = state.count + 1,
validEntries =
if event.entry.value.toLowerCase().contains("x") then
state.validEntries + event.entry
else state.validEntries
def computeStateMutableChimney(state: State, events: Iterator[Event]): State =
val mutState = state.transformInto[MutState]
events.foreach { event =>
mutState.count += 1
if event.entry.value.toLowerCase().contains("x") then
mutState.validEntries += event.entry
def computeStateMutableManual(state: State, events: Iterator[Event]): State =
val mutState = MutState(state.count, mutable.Set.from(state.validEntries))
events.foreach { event =>
mutState.count += 1
if event.entry.value.toLowerCase().contains("x") then
mutState.validEntries += event.entry
State(mutState.count, mutState.validEntries.toSet)
import org.scalacheck.*
import io.github.martinhh.derived.scalacheck.given
def genEvents: Iterator[Event] =
val genEvent = for entry <- Gen.alphaStr yield Event(Entry(entry))
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.*
@Warmup(iterations = 5)
@Measurement(iterations = 3)
class Benchmarks:
val staticEvents = genEvents.take(1000000).toVector
def immutable(): State =
computeStateImmutable(State(0, Set.empty), staticEvents.iterator)
def mutableManual(): State =
computeStateMutableManual(State(0, Set.empty), staticEvents.iterator)
def mutableChimney(): State =
computeStateMutableChimney(State(0, Set.empty), staticEvents.iterator)

Apparently TLABs are awesome, I guess?

Here's what I get on a 2021 MBP M1 Pro running with OpenJDK 19:

Benchmark                                     Mode  Cnt          Score        Error   Units
Benchmarks.immutable                            ss   15          1.367 ±      0.030    s/op
Benchmarks.immutable:gc.alloc.rate              ss   15        463.129 ±     10.164  MB/sec
Benchmarks.immutable:gc.alloc.rate.norm         ss   15  664039387.200 ± 461244.704    B/op
Benchmarks.immutable:gc.count                   ss   15         11.000               counts
Benchmarks.immutable:gc.time                    ss   15         79.000                   ms
Benchmarks.mutableChimney                       ss   15          1.638 ±      0.057    s/op
Benchmarks.mutableChimney:gc.alloc.rate         ss   15        119.821 ±      4.075  MB/sec
Benchmarks.mutableChimney:gc.alloc.rate.norm    ss   15  205715684.800 ± 113812.564    B/op
Benchmarks.mutableChimney:gc.count              ss   15          4.000               counts
Benchmarks.mutableChimney:gc.time               ss   15        175.000                   ms
Benchmarks.mutableManual                        ss   15          1.647 ±      0.072    s/op
Benchmarks.mutableManual:gc.alloc.rate          ss   15        119.267 ±      4.969  MB/sec
Benchmarks.mutableManual:gc.alloc.rate.norm     ss   15  205688534.400 ±  55861.563    B/op
Benchmarks.mutableManual:gc.count               ss   15          2.000               counts
Benchmarks.mutableManual:gc.time                ss   15         96.000                   ms

I'm not disregarding the idea that memory pressure is a problem but I wonder if it's a problem in tight loops like event folding onto state?

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lbialy commented Sep 15, 2023

I forgot the command to run this: scala-cli run --jmh local-mutability-under-spectacle.scala -- -prof gc

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lbialy commented Sep 16, 2023

or rather scala-cli run --jmh -- -prof gc

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