Create a new project using:
appc new
For npm's required in your project, you need to do the following:
"sudo npm install " for running locally OR add to package.json -> devDependencies section
add to package.json -> dependencies section, e.g.
... "acs-node": "^0.9.5" ...
Prior to publishing, change container size and number of containers in appc.json -> cloud section:
... "container": "Medium", "minimum": 2, "maximum": 2, ...
Publish using
appc publish
Re-publishing. After making changes, use the --force
appc publish --force
By default you will not be able to access the developers console without editing /conf/default.js as follows:
... enableAdminInProduction: true, ...
Check status of your publishing or re-publishing using:
appc cloud list <app name>
Check server console logging:
appc cloud logcat <app name>
Check the build log:
appc cloud loglist --build_log <app name>
Check the performance metrics (cpu/mem):
appc cloud usage <app name>
To remove ArrowDB Prod/Dev data hassles:
- Save, then remove appc.arrowdb.development.js from /conf folder
- Save, then rename appc.arrowdb.production.js to appc.arrowdb.js in /conf folder
- Now Arrow in dev or production will access same ArrowDB so you won't have to deal with populating data in two environments
Code snipets useful in blocks:
Check REST verb:
... action: function (req, resp, next) { ... if(req.method==="GET") { var body = JSON.parse(resp.body); var data = body[body.key]; var dataLen = data.length; ... } ... }
Get header:
var deviceid = req.get('deviceid'); //get value of header deviceid
Get query parameter:
var whereClause = JSON.parse(req.params.where); //get query parameter and convert to object if(whereClause.hasOwnProperty('userid')) {...} // check for existence of field
Reply to API request and block next step(s):
resp.response.status(500); resp.send({"success": false,"error":"unsupported API"}); next(false);
Add blocks to models for specific API call types:
... "actions": [ "create", "read", "delete" ], "beforeCreate": "validatewatchlistcreate", "beforeFindAll": "unsupportedAPI", "beforeQuery": "validatewatchlistquery", "afterQuery": "addstockquote_", "afterFindOne": "addstockquote_", ... "singular": "WatchList", "plural": "WatchLists" });
before$METHOD$ - One or more blocks to be executed before the request to a particular method. This could be “beforeQuery”, “beforeDelete”, etc. See “before” above for more information.
after$METHOD$ - One or more blocks to be executed after the request to a particular method. This could be “afterQuery”, “afterDelete”, etc. See “after” above for more information.
Add multiple blocks:
... before: ['balanceQueryUseridCheck', 'balanceHeaderDeviceidCheck'], ... connector: 'appc.arrowdb', actions: [ ...
Multiple similar back end connections. See blog post
Modify connector config file:
module.exports = { connectors: { 'appc.mysql1': { connector: 'appc.mysql', connectionPooling: true, connectionLimit: 10, database: 'salesreport', user: 'root', password: 'XXXX', host: 'localhost', port: 3306, // Create models based on your schema that can be used in your API. generateModelsFromSchema: true, // Whether or not to generate APIs based on the methods in generated models. modelAutogen: true }, 'appc.mysql2': { connector: 'appc.mysql', connectionPooling: true, connectionLimit: 10, database: 'lbmysql', user: 'lbrenman', password: 'XXXX', host: 'db4free.net', port: 3306, // Create models based on your schema that can be used in your API. generateModelsFromSchema: true, // Whether or not to generate APIs based on the methods in generated models. modelAutogen: true } } };
Access in model:
var Arrow = require("arrow"); var Model = Arrow.createModel("combined",{ "fields": { "row": { "model": "appc.mysql1/region", "type": "Object" }, "us": { "model": "appc.mysql2/region", "type": "Object" } }, "connector": "appc.composite", "actions": [ "create", "read", "update", "delete", "deleteAll" ], "singular": "combined", "plural": "combineds" }); module.exports = Model;
Programmatically access models
device.findAll(function(err, data) { if(err) { console.log('utils: device findAll error = '+JSON.stringify(err)); } else { checkEachDevice(data); } });
var user = Arrow.getModel("user"); user.query({username: userid}, function(err, data){ if(err) { sendError(req, resp, next, "error accessing user database"); } else { console.log('user found, user = '+JSON.stringify(data)); // get approved device list and compare with deviceid var approvedDevices = data[0].devices; ... } ... });
Query with update of record
device.query({deviceId: deviceId}, function(err, data) { if(err) { console.log('utils: device query error = '+JSON.stringify(err)); if(callback) {callback({success:false, msg:"error accessing device database"});} } else { var device = data[0]; console.log('utils: device = '+JSON.stringify(device)); // Update the lastUpdateDate timestamp to now and clear the missedDoseAlerted flag // so that missed dose can be triggered if a dose is missed var date = new Date(); data[0].lastUpdateDate=date; data[0].missedDoseAlerted=false; // decrement remaining doses data[0].doseRemaining -= 1; data[0].update(); if(callback) {callback({success:true});} } });
deviceLog.findByID(item.id, function(err,d){ d.delete(function(err,result){ if(err) { console.log('utils: deviceLog delete err = '+err); } else { console.log('utils: deviceLog delete success'); } }); d.update(); });
model.create({to: mobile, body: msg}, function(err, instance){ if(err) { console.log('utils: Twilio message create error, err'+JSON.stringify(err)); } else { console.log('utils: Twilio message sent'); } });
Last active
June 11, 2018 11:50
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You shouldn't have to run sudo when doing npm install in a local project (it will mess up permissions). A quick way of saving a module to your project is doing
npm install module --save
this will add it to your package.json
will add it to dev dependencies
To get a specific version
Maybe also mention about bumping the version before publishing. --force is not really meant to be the standard method of publishing.