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Created July 17, 2018 14:27
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Amplify MyPO Alexa Skill for Syncplicity POs

Axway Alexa Sync PO

An Amazon Echo Skill that runs on API Builder and MBaaS and enables users to discover new POs in the PO syncpoint. These files (POs) must be manually uploaded (for now)

Currently Supports:

  • Reading all or new files since last check
  • Sending URL to file to the user's mobile phone

NOTE that the skill compares file dates on Syncplicity with time that the Echo user checked for POs last

var Arrow = require('arrow');
var verifier = require('alexa-verifier');
var appName = "Sync Demo";
var helpTxt = "Welcome to "+appName+". You can ask "+appName+" for new purchase orders.";
var launchTxt = "Welcome to "+appName+". You can ask "+appName+" to get your list of folders.";
var userNotFoundTxt = "You need to setup your account before using this skill. Contact your administrator.";
var failedLoginTxt = "Login to Syncplicity failed. Contact your administrator.";
var POFolderName = "PO";
var isVerifier = false;
var newFilesOnly;
var userVars = {
userFound: false,
userLoggedInToSync: false,
userFname: null,
userLastPOTimeCheck: null,
userMobile: null,
newFilesOnly: true,
syncAppToken: null,
syncAppAuth: null,
syncClient_id: null,
syncAccess_token: null
var AlexaAppHandler = Arrow.API.extend({
group: 'alexa',
path: '/api/alexaapphandler',
method: 'POST',
description: 'this is an api that shows how to handle requests from the Alexa Skill Interface',
parameters: {
version: {description: 'version'},
session: {description: 'session'},
request: {description: 'request'},
context: {description: 'context', optional: true}
action: function(req, resp, next) {
console.log('\nalexaapphandler: AlexaAppHandler API called');
var requestRawBody = JSON.stringify(req.body);
console.log('\nalexaapphandler: requestRawBody = '+requestRawBody);
if(isVerifier) {
verifyAlexaRequest(req, function(e){
if(e.success) {
alexaskill(req, resp, next);
} else {
} else {
alexaskill(req, resp, next);
module.exports = AlexaAppHandler;
var alexaskill = function(req, resp, next) {
console.log('alexaapphandler: alexaskill called');
switch (req.body.request.type) {
case "LaunchRequest":
console.log("alexaapphandler: LaunchRequest");
newFilesOnly = true;
getFolderHandler(req, resp, next, userVars, newFilesOnly);
case "IntentRequest":
switch ( {
case "newpoIntent":
console.log("alexaapphandler: newpoIntent");
newFilesOnly = true;
getFolderHandler(req, resp, next, userVars, newFilesOnly);
case "allpoIntent":
console.log("alexaapphandler: allpoIntent");
newFilesOnly = false;
getFolderHandler(req, resp, next, userVars, newFilesOnly);
case "AMAZON.YesIntent":
console.log("alexaapphandler: AMAZON.YesIntent");
// sendResponse(req, resp, next, "You said yes. Goodbye for now.", true, {});
if('attributes' in req.body.session) {
if('sessionState' in req.body.session.attributes) {
if(req.body.session.attributes.sessionState === "readSyncFolders") {
readFoldersResponse(req, resp, next, req.body.session.attributes.folders, userVars);
} else if(req.body.session.attributes.sessionState === "readSyncFolder") {
readFileName(req, resp, next, req.body.session.attributes);
} else if(req.body.session.attributes.sessionState === "readFile") {
sendFile(req, resp, next, req.body.session.attributes);
} else {
sendResponse(req, resp, next, "Sorry, I'm not sure what you are saying yes to. Goodbye for now.", true, {});
} else {
sendResponse(req, resp, next, "Sorry, I'm not sure what you are saying yes to. Goodbye for now.", true, {});
} else {
sendResponse(req, resp, next, "Sorry, I'm not sure what you are saying yes to. Goodbye for now.", true, {});
case "AMAZON.NoIntent":
console.log("alexaapphandler: AMAZON.NoIntent");
if(req.body.session.attributes.sessionState === "readFile") {
req.body.session.attributes.sessionState = "readSyncFolder";
req.body.session.attributes.fileIndex = req.body.session.attributes.fileIndex+1;
if(req.body.session.attributes.fileIndex >= req.body.session.attributes.numFiles) {
sendResponse(req, resp, next, "That was the last file. Goodbye", true, "", {});
} else {
readFileName(req, resp, next, req.body.session.attributes);
} else {
sendResponse(req, resp, next, "Goodbye", true, "", {});
case "AMAZON.HelpIntent":
console.log("alexaapphandler: AMAZON.HelpIntent");
login(req.body.session.user.userId, userVars, function(e){
sendResponse(req, resp, next, generateHelpText(userVars), true, "", {});
console.log("alexaapphandler: Invalid intent");
case "SessionEndedRequest":
// Session Ended Request
console.log("alexaapphandler: SessionEndedRequest");
console.log('alexaapphandler: INVALID REQUEST TYPE:' + req.body.request.type);
function sendFile(req, resp, next, sessionAttributes) {
console.log("alexaapphandler: sendFile called, sessionAttributes = "+JSON.stringify(sessionAttributes));
var files = sessionAttributes.files;
var fileIndex = sessionAttributes.fileIndex;
var numFiles = sessionAttributes.numFiles;
shareFile(sessionAttributes.userVars, files[fileIndex].SyncpointId, files[fileIndex].Filename, function(e){
console.log("alexaapphandler: shareFile returned "+JSON.stringify(;
if(fileIndex == numFiles-1) {
sendResponse(req, resp, next, "Text message sent ... That was the last file. Goodbye.", true, "", {});
} else {
sessionAttributes.fileIndex = fileIndex+1;
var nextFile = files[sessionAttributes.fileIndex];
sessionAttributes.sessionState = "readFile";
sendResponse(req, resp, next, "Text message sent ... The next file is "+nextFile.Filename+". Would you like me to send the file to you?", false, "Would you like me to send the file to you?", sessionAttributes);
sendSMS(sessionAttributes.userVars.userMobile, "Your PO: "+files[fileIndex].Filename+"\n"[0].LandingPageUrl);
function sendSMS(mobile, msg) {
console.log('alexaapphandler: sendSMS called');
var model = Arrow.getModel("appc.twilio/message");
model.create({to: mobile, body: msg }, function(err, data){
if(err) {
console.log('alexaapphandler: sendSMS: SMS send failed, err = '+JSON.stringify(err));
function shareFile(userVars, syncpointId, filepath, callback) {
console.log('alexaapphandler: shareFile called');
console.log('alexaapphandler: shareFile called, syncpointId = '+syncpointId);
console.log('alexaapphandler: shareFile called, filepath = '+filepath);
var request = require("request");
var options = {
method: 'POST',
url: '',
headers: {
'Cache-Control': 'no-cache',
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
Accept: 'application/json',
AppKey: userVars.syncClient_id,
Authorization: 'Bearer '+userVars.syncAccess_token
json: true,
[ { SyncPointId: syncpointId,
VirtualPath: filepath,
ShareLinkPolicy: 3,
PasswordProtectPolicy: 1,
Users: [ { EmailAddress: '[email protected]' } ],
Message: 'This was sent via Syncplicity API.' } ]
request(options, function (error, response, body) {
if (error) {
console.log('alexaapphandler: share file error = '+JSON.stringify(error));
if(callback) {callback({success:false, data: 'Error sharing files'});}
} else {
console.log('alexaapphandler: share file sucess = '+JSON.stringify(body));
if(callback) {callback({success:true, data: body});}
function getFile(userVars, syncpointId, fileversionId, callback) {
console.log('alexaapphandler: getFile called');
var request = require("request");
var options = {
method: 'GET',
url: ''+syncpointId+'-'+fileversionId,
headers: {
'Cache-Control': 'no-cache',
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
Accept: 'application/json',
AppKey: userVars.syncClient_id,
Authorization: 'Bearer '+userVars.syncAccess_token
request(options, function (error, response, body) {
console.log('alexaapphandler: get file body = '+JSON.stringify(body));
if (error) {
console.log('alexaapphandler: get file error = '+error);
if(callback) {callback({success:false, data: 'Error getting files'});}
} else {
if(body.HttpError) {
console.log('alexaapphandler: get file error, body = '+body);
if(callback) {callback({success:false, data: 'Error getting sync points'});}
} else {
if(callback) {callback({success:true, data: body});}
function readFileName(req, resp, next, sessionAttributes) {
console.log("alexaapphandler: readFileName called, sessionAttributes = "+JSON.stringify(sessionAttributes));
var files = sessionAttributes.files;
var fileIndex = sessionAttributes.fileIndex;
var currentFile = files[fileIndex];
sessionAttributes.sessionState = "readFile";
sendResponse(req, resp, next, currentFile.Filename+". Would you like me to send the file to your cell phone?", false, "Would you like me to send the file to your cell phone?", sessionAttributes);
function readFoldersResponse(req, resp, next, folders, userVars, outputText) {
console.log("alexaapphandler: readFoldersResponse called");
console.log("alexaapphandler: readFoldersResponse called, folders = "+JSON.stringify(folders));
console.log("alexaapphandler: readFoldersResponse called, userVars = "+JSON.stringify(userVars));
console.log("alexaapphandler: readFoldersResponse called, outputText = "+outputText);
if(folders.length > 1) {
outputText = ", "+folders.length+" folders were found. ";
folders.forEach(function(item, index){
if(index === folders.length-1) {
outputText += " , and ";
} else {
outputText += " , ";
sendResponse(req, resp, next, outputText, true, "", {});
} else if(folders.length === 1) {
outputText = ", "+folders.length+" folder was found. ";
outputText += folders[0].name;
sendResponse(req, resp, next, outputText, true, "", {});
} else {
sendResponse(req, resp, next, "No folders were found.", true, "", {});
function login(userId, userVars, callback) {
console.log('alexaapphandler: login() called');
getUser(userId, function(e){
if(e.success) {
console.log("alexaapphandler: login - User found");
userVars.userFname =;
userVars.userFound = true;
userVars.userMobile =;
userVars.syncAppToken =;
userVars.syncAppAuth =;
userVars.tfa =;
userVars.userLastPOTimeCheck =;
syncLogin(userVars, function(e){
if(e.success) {
console.log("alexaapphandler: login - Syncplicity login success = ";
userVars.userLoggedInToSync = true;
if(callback) {callback({success: true,});}
} else {
console.log("alexaapphandler: login - Syncplicity login error = ";
if(callback) {callback({success: false,});}
} else {
console.log("alexaapphandler: login - User NOT found");
if(callback) {callback({success: false,});}
function getUser(alexaUserid, callback) {
console.log('alexaapphandler: getUser() called');
var model = Arrow.getModel("user");
model.query({alexaUserid: alexaUserid}, function(err, data) {
console.log('alexaapphandler: getUser - err = '+JSON.stringify(err));
console.log('alexaapphandler: getUser - data = '+JSON.stringify(data));
if (err) {
console.log('alexaapphandler: getUser - error querying user database, err = ' + JSON.stringify(err));
if(callback) {callback({success:false, msg:"error querying user database"});}
} else {
if (data.length != 1) {
console.log('alexaapphandler: getUser - no matches found in user database');
if(callback) {callback({success:false, msg:"no matches found in user database"});}
} else {
if(callback) {callback({success:true, data: data[0]});}
var dateNow = new Date();
data[0].lastPOCheckTimeStamp = dateNow;
function syncLogin(data, callback) {
console.log('alexaapphandler:syncLogin called');
var request = require("request");
var options = {
method: 'POST',
url: '',
headers: {
'Cache-Control': 'no-cache',
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
// 'Sync-App-Token': data.syncAppToken+'0', // force fail login for debugging
'Sync-App-Token': data.syncAppToken,
Authorization: 'Basic '+ data.syncAppAuth},
form: { grant_type: 'client_credentials' }
request(options, function (error, response, body) {
// console.log('alexaapphandler:syncLogin body = '+body);
var responseBody = JSON.parse(body);
if (error) {
console.log('alexaapphandler:syncLogin error = '+error);
if(callback) {callback({success:false, data: 'Error reaching syncplicity server'});}
} else {
if(responseBody.HttpError) {
console.log('alexaapphandler:syncLogin error, body = '+body);
if(callback) {callback({success:false, data: 'Error logging into syncplicity server'});}
} else {
console.log('alexaapphandler:syncLogin success');
if(callback) {callback({success:true, data: body});}
function getSyncPoints(userVars, callback) {
console.log('alexaapphandler:getSyncPoints called');
var request = require("request");
var options = {
method: 'GET',
url: '',
qs: { include: 'children', includeType: '1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8' },
headers: {
'Cache-Control': 'no-cache',
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
Accept: 'application/json',
AppKey: userVars.syncClient_id,
Authorization: 'Bearer '+userVars.syncAccess_token
request(options, function (error, response, body) {
var responseBody = JSON.parse(body);
if (error) {
console.log('alexaapphandler:syncPoint error = '+error);
if(callback) {callback({success:false, data: 'Error getting sync points'});}
} else {
if(responseBody.HttpError) {
console.log('alexaapphandler:syncPoint error, body = '+body);
if(callback) {callback({success:false, data: 'Error getting sync points'});}
} else {
console.log('alexaapphandler:get sync point success, body = '+body);
if(callback) {callback({success:true, data: body});}
function readFilesResponse(req, resp, next, files, foldername, userVars) {
console.log("alexaapphandler: readFilesResponse called");
console.log("alexaapphandler: readFilesResponse files = "+JSON.stringify(files));
var numFiles = files.length;
var sessionAttributes = {
sessionState: "readSyncFolder",
files: files,
fileIndex: 0,
numFiles: numFiles,
userVars: userVars
var prefix = " ";
if(userVars.newFilesOnly) {
prefix = " new ";
if(numFiles == 0) {
// sendResponse(req, resp, next, "No new purchase orders found.", true, "", sessionAttributes);
sendResponse(req, resp, next, "No"+prefix+"purchase orders found.", true, "", sessionAttributes);
} else if(numFiles == 1) {
sendResponse(req, resp, next, numFiles+prefix+"purchase order found. Would you like me to read the filename to you?", false, "Would you like me to read the filename to you?", sessionAttributes);
// sendResponse(req, resp, next, numFiles+" new purchase order found. Would you like me to read the filename to you?", false, "Would you like me to read the filename to you?", sessionAttributes);
} else {
// sendResponse(req, resp, next, numFiles+" new purchase orders found. Would you like me to read the filenames to you?", false, "Would you like me to read the filenames to you?", sessionAttributes);
sendResponse(req, resp, next, numFiles+prefix+"purchase orders found. Would you like me to read the filenames to you?", false, "Would you like me to read the filenames to you?", sessionAttributes);
function getFiles(userVars, syncpointId, folderId, callback) {
console.log('alexaapphandler: getFiles called');
var request = require("request");
var options = {
method: 'GET',
url: ''+folderId+'/folder/'+syncpointId+'/files',
headers: {
'Cache-Control': 'no-cache',
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
Accept: 'application/json',
AppKey: userVars.syncClient_id,
Authorization: 'Bearer '+userVars.syncAccess_token
request(options, function (error, response, body) {
var responseBody = JSON.parse(body);
if (error) {
console.log('alexaapphandler: get files error = '+error);
if(callback) {callback({success:false, data: 'Error getting files'});}
} else {
if(responseBody.HttpError) {
console.log('alexaapphandler: get files error, body = '+body);
if(callback) {callback({success:false, data: 'Error getting sync points'});}
} else {
console.log('alexaapphandler: get files success, body = '+JSON.stringify(JSON.parse(body)));
var timeSince = '0'; // get all POs
if(userVars.newFilesOnly) {
timeSince = userVars.userLastPOTimeCheck; // get new POs
var files = getNewerFiles(JSON.parse(body), timeSince);
if(callback) {callback({success:true, data: files});}
function getNewerFiles(allFiles, timeSince) {
// console.log('alexaapphandler: getNewerFiles called, allFiles = '+JSON.stringify(allFiles));
console.log('alexaapphandler: getNewerFiles called');
console.log('alexaapphandler: getNewerFiles called, timeSince = '+timeSince);
var newerFiles = [];
// console.log('alexaapphandler: getNewerFiles - file.CreationTimeUtc = '+file.CreationTimeUtc);
console.log('alexaapphandler: getNewerFiles - file.CreationTimeUtc = '+file.CreationTimeUtc);
console.log('alexaapphandler: getNewerFiles - timeSince = '+timeSince);
var lastCheck = new Date(timeSince);
var fileDate = new Date(file.CreationTimeUtc)
if(fileDate > lastCheck) {
// console.log('alexaapphandler: getNewerFiles - file.CreationTimeUtc <= timeSince is true');
// console.log('alexaapphandler: getNewerFiles - newerFiles = '+newerFiles);
return JSON.stringify(newerFiles);
function getMatchingFolder(folders, foldername) {
console.log('alexaapphandler: getMatchingFolder called');
console.log('folders = '+JSON.stringify(folders));
console.log('foldername = '+foldername);
var matchingFolder = {};
if(folder.Name.toLowerCase() === foldername.toLowerCase()) {
matchingFolder = folder;
console.log('matchingFolder = '+JSON.stringify(matchingFolder));
return matchingFolder;
var getFoldersHandler = function(req, resp, next, userVars) {
console.log('alexaapphandler: getFoldersHandler called');
login(req.body.session.user.userId, userVars, function(e){
console.log("alexaapphandler: getFoldersHandler: login, e = "+JSON.stringify(e));
if(e.success) {
var user = JSON.parse(;
console.log("alexaapphandler: getFoldersHandler: login, user = "+JSON.stringify(user));
getSyncPoints(userVars, function(f){
var folders = JSON.parse(;
console.log("alexaapphandler: getFoldersHandler - getSyncPoints folders length = "+folders.length);
var outputText = "Hello "+userVars.userFname;
if(folders.length === 0) {
outputText += ", you have no Syncplicity folders.";
sendResponse(req, resp, next, outputText, true, "", {});
} else {
var repromptText = "Would you like me to read your folder names to you?";
var sessionAttributes = {
sessionState: "readSyncFolders",
folders: reduceSyncpointReply(folders),
folderIndex: 0
if(folders.length === 1) {
outputText += ", you have one Syncplicity folder. Would you like me to read the folder name to you?";
} else {
outputText += ", you have "+folders.length+" Syncplicity folders. Would you like me to read your folder names to you?";
sendResponse(req, resp, next, outputText, false, repromptText, sessionAttributes);
} else {
sendResponse(req, resp, next, "Problem logging in. Please try again or contact your administrator.", true, {});
function reduceSyncpointReply(syncpointReply) {
console.log('alexaapphandler:reduceSyncpointReply called');
var folderArray = [];
name: folder.Name
return folderArray;
var getFolderHandler = function(req, resp, next, userVars, newFilesOnly){
console.log('alexaapphandler: getFolderHandler called');
login(req.body.session.user.userId, userVars, function(e){
console.log("alexaapphandler: getFolderHandler: login, e = "+JSON.stringify(e));
var outputText;
if(e.success) {
var user = JSON.parse(;
console.log("alexaapphandler: getFolderHandler: login, user = "+JSON.stringify(user));
getSyncPoints(userVars, function(f){
if(f.success) {
var folders = JSON.parse(;
console.log("alexaapphandler: getFolderHandler - getSyncPoints folders length = "+folders.length);
var matchingFolder = getMatchingFolder(folders, POFolderName);
if(!isEmpty(matchingFolder)) {
getFiles(userVars, matchingFolder.RootFolderId, matchingFolder.Id, function(g){
if(g.success) {
readFilesResponse(req, resp, next, JSON.parse(, POFolderName, userVars);
} else {
outputText = "Hello "+userVars.userFname+", I had a problem access the Syncplicity server, please try again";
sendResponse(req, resp, next, outputText, true, "", {});
} else {
outputText = "Hello "+userVars.userFname+", "+POFolderName+" folder not found, please try again";
sendResponse(req, resp, next, outputText, true, "", {});
} else {
outputText = "Hello "+userVars.userFname+", I had a problem access the Syncplicity server, please try again";
sendResponse(req, resp, next, outputText, true, "", {});
} else {
sendResponse(req, resp, next, "Problem logging in. Please try again or contact your administrator.", true, {});
function isEmpty(obj) {
console.log('alexaapphandler: isEmpty called');
for(var prop in obj) {
return false;
return JSON.stringify(obj) === JSON.stringify({});
function resetUserVars(userVars) {
console.log('alexaapphandler: resetUserVars called');
userVars.userFound = false;
userVars.userLoggedInToSync = false;
function sendResponse(req, resp, next, outputText, closeSession, repromptText, sessionAttributes) {
console.log("alexaapphandler: sendResponse called");
console.log("alexaapphandler: sessionAttributes = "+JSON.stringify(sessionAttributes));
"sessionAttributes": sessionAttributes,
"version": "1.0",
"response": {
"shouldEndSession": closeSession,
"outputSpeech": {
"type": "SSML",
ssml: "<speak>"+outputText+"</speak>"
reprompt: {
"outputSpeech": {
type: "SSML",
ssml: "<speak>"+repromptText+"</speak>"
"card": {
type: "Standard",
title: appName,
text: outputText,
"image": {
"smallImageUrl": "",
"largeImageUrl": ""
function verifyAlexaRequest(req, callback) {
console.log('alexaapphandler: verifyAlexaRequest called');
var cert_url = req.headers['signaturecertchainurl'];
var signature = req.headers['signature'];
var requestRawBody = JSON.stringify(req.body);
console.log('\alexaapphandler: header signaturecertchainurl = '+cert_url);
console.log('\alexaapphandler: header signature = '+signature);
console.log('\alexaapphandler: requestRawBody = '+requestRawBody);
if (cert_url && signature) {
verifier(cert_url, signature, requestRawBody, function(error) {
if (!error) {
if(callback) {callback({success: true});}
} else {
console.log('alexaapphandler: API verify request error = ' + error);
if(callback) {callback({success: false, data:error});}
} else {
console.log('alexaapphandler: verify request error. Proper headers not found');
if(callback) {callback({success: false, data:'verify request error. Proper headers not found'});}
function generateLaunchText(userVars) {
console.log('alexaapphandler: generateLaunchText called');
if(!userVars.userFound) {
return launchTxt + ", " +userNotFoundTxt;
} else if(!userVars.userLoggedInToSync) {
return "Hello "+userVars.userFname+", "+launchTxt+", "+ failedLoginTxt;
} else {
return "Hello "+userVars.userFname+", "+launchTxt;
function generateHelpText(userVars) {
console.log('alexaapphandler: generateHelpText called');
if(!userVars.userFound) {
return helpTxt + ", " +userNotFoundTxt;
} else if(!userVars.userLoggedInToSync) {
return "Hello "+userVars.userFname+", "+helpTxt+", "+ failedLoginTxt;
} else {
return "Hello "+userVars.userFname+", "+helpTxt;
"interactionModel": {
"languageModel": {
"invocationName": "sink demo",
"intents": [
"name": "AMAZON.CancelIntent",
"samples": []
"name": "AMAZON.HelpIntent",
"samples": [
"ask sink demo for help"
"name": "AMAZON.StopIntent",
"samples": []
"name": "newpoIntent",
"slots": [],
"samples": [
"ask sink demo for new purchase orders"
"name": "AMAZON.YesIntent",
"samples": []
"name": "AMAZON.NoIntent",
"samples": []
"name": "allpoIntent",
"slots": [],
"samples": [
"ask sink demo for all purchase orders"
"types": []
var Arrow = require('arrow');
var Model = Arrow.createModel('user', {
"fields": {
"alexaUserid": {
"type": "string",
"description": "User Alexa userid"
"syncAppToken": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Syncplicity Application Token for your account. Login to your Admin Account, go to your Account tab, and find the “Application Token” under your Profile info."
"fname": {
"type": "string",
"description": "User first name"
"lname": {
"type": "string",
"description": "User last name"
"email": {
"type": "string",
"description": "User email address"
"mobile": {
"type": "string",
"description": "User mobile phone"
"syncAppAuth": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Base64 encoded OAuth basic token for your App. Go to \"My Apps” and get the “App Key” and “App Secret”. Base64 encode \"<App Key>:<App Secret>\""
"lastPOCheckTimeStamp": {
"type": "date",
"default": "0",
"description": "Time stamp of last time the PO was checked"
"connector": "appc.arrowdb",
"actions": [
module.exports = Model;
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