var Arrow = require('arrow'); |
var verifier = require('alexa-verifier'); |
var appName = "Sync Demo"; |
var helpTxt = "Welcome to "+appName+". You can ask "+appName+" for new purchase orders."; |
var launchTxt = "Welcome to "+appName+". You can ask "+appName+" to get your list of folders."; |
var userNotFoundTxt = "You need to setup your account before using this skill. Contact your administrator."; |
var failedLoginTxt = "Login to Syncplicity failed. Contact your administrator."; |
var POFolderName = "PO"; |
var isVerifier = false; |
var newFilesOnly; |
var userVars = { |
userFound: false, |
userLoggedInToSync: false, |
userFname: null, |
userLastPOTimeCheck: null, |
userMobile: null, |
newFilesOnly: true, |
syncAppToken: null, |
syncAppAuth: null, |
syncClient_id: null, |
syncAccess_token: null |
}; |
var AlexaAppHandler = Arrow.API.extend({ |
group: 'alexa', |
path: '/api/alexaapphandler', |
method: 'POST', |
description: 'this is an api that shows how to handle requests from the Alexa Skill Interface', |
parameters: { |
version: {description: 'version'}, |
session: {description: 'session'}, |
request: {description: 'request'}, |
context: {description: 'context', optional: true} |
}, |
action: function(req, resp, next) { |
console.log('\nalexaapphandler: AlexaAppHandler API called'); |
var requestRawBody = JSON.stringify(req.body); |
console.log('\nalexaapphandler: requestRawBody = '+requestRawBody); |
if(isVerifier) { |
verifyAlexaRequest(req, function(e){ |
if(e.success) { |
alexaskill(req, resp, next); |
} else { |
console.log(e.data); |
} |
}); |
} else { |
alexaskill(req, resp, next); |
} |
} |
}); |
module.exports = AlexaAppHandler; |
var alexaskill = function(req, resp, next) { |
console.log('alexaapphandler: alexaskill called'); |
resetUserVars(userVars); |
switch (req.body.request.type) { |
case "LaunchRequest": |
console.log("alexaapphandler: LaunchRequest"); |
newFilesOnly = true; |
getFolderHandler(req, resp, next, userVars, newFilesOnly); |
break; |
case "IntentRequest": |
switch (req.body.request.intent.name) { |
case "newpoIntent": |
console.log("alexaapphandler: newpoIntent"); |
newFilesOnly = true; |
getFolderHandler(req, resp, next, userVars, newFilesOnly); |
break; |
case "allpoIntent": |
console.log("alexaapphandler: allpoIntent"); |
newFilesOnly = false; |
getFolderHandler(req, resp, next, userVars, newFilesOnly); |
break; |
case "AMAZON.YesIntent": |
console.log("alexaapphandler: AMAZON.YesIntent"); |
// sendResponse(req, resp, next, "You said yes. Goodbye for now.", true, {}); |
if('attributes' in req.body.session) { |
if('sessionState' in req.body.session.attributes) { |
if(req.body.session.attributes.sessionState === "readSyncFolders") { |
readFoldersResponse(req, resp, next, req.body.session.attributes.folders, userVars); |
} else if(req.body.session.attributes.sessionState === "readSyncFolder") { |
readFileName(req, resp, next, req.body.session.attributes); |
} else if(req.body.session.attributes.sessionState === "readFile") { |
sendFile(req, resp, next, req.body.session.attributes); |
} else { |
sendResponse(req, resp, next, "Sorry, I'm not sure what you are saying yes to. Goodbye for now.", true, {}); |
} |
} else { |
sendResponse(req, resp, next, "Sorry, I'm not sure what you are saying yes to. Goodbye for now.", true, {}); |
} |
} else { |
sendResponse(req, resp, next, "Sorry, I'm not sure what you are saying yes to. Goodbye for now.", true, {}); |
} |
break; |
case "AMAZON.NoIntent": |
console.log("alexaapphandler: AMAZON.NoIntent"); |
if(req.body.session.attributes.sessionState === "readFile") { |
req.body.session.attributes.sessionState = "readSyncFolder"; |
req.body.session.attributes.fileIndex = req.body.session.attributes.fileIndex+1; |
if(req.body.session.attributes.fileIndex >= req.body.session.attributes.numFiles) { |
sendResponse(req, resp, next, "That was the last file. Goodbye", true, "", {}); |
} else { |
readFileName(req, resp, next, req.body.session.attributes); |
} |
} else { |
sendResponse(req, resp, next, "Goodbye", true, "", {}); |
} |
break; |
case "AMAZON.HelpIntent": |
console.log("alexaapphandler: AMAZON.HelpIntent"); |
login(req.body.session.user.userId, userVars, function(e){ |
sendResponse(req, resp, next, generateHelpText(userVars), true, "", {}); |
}); |
break; |
default: |
console.log("alexaapphandler: Invalid intent"); |
} |
break; |
case "SessionEndedRequest": |
// Session Ended Request |
console.log("alexaapphandler: SessionEndedRequest"); |
break; |
default: |
console.log('alexaapphandler: INVALID REQUEST TYPE:' + req.body.request.type); |
} |
}; |
function sendFile(req, resp, next, sessionAttributes) { |
console.log("alexaapphandler: sendFile called, sessionAttributes = "+JSON.stringify(sessionAttributes)); |
var files = sessionAttributes.files; |
var fileIndex = sessionAttributes.fileIndex; |
var numFiles = sessionAttributes.numFiles; |
shareFile(sessionAttributes.userVars, files[fileIndex].SyncpointId, files[fileIndex].Filename, function(e){ |
console.log("alexaapphandler: shareFile returned "+JSON.stringify(e.data)); |
if(fileIndex == numFiles-1) { |
sendResponse(req, resp, next, "Text message sent ... That was the last file. Goodbye.", true, "", {}); |
} else { |
sessionAttributes.fileIndex = fileIndex+1; |
var nextFile = files[sessionAttributes.fileIndex]; |
sessionAttributes.sessionState = "readFile"; |
sendResponse(req, resp, next, "Text message sent ... The next file is "+nextFile.Filename+". Would you like me to send the file to you?", false, "Would you like me to send the file to you?", sessionAttributes); |
} |
sendSMS(sessionAttributes.userVars.userMobile, "Your PO: "+files[fileIndex].Filename+"\n"+e.data[0].LandingPageUrl); |
}); |
}; |
function sendSMS(mobile, msg) { |
console.log('alexaapphandler: sendSMS called'); |
var model = Arrow.getModel("appc.twilio/message"); |
model.create({to: mobile, body: msg }, function(err, data){ |
if(err) { |
console.log('alexaapphandler: sendSMS: SMS send failed, err = '+JSON.stringify(err)); |
} |
}); |
}; |
function shareFile(userVars, syncpointId, filepath, callback) { |
console.log('alexaapphandler: shareFile called'); |
console.log('alexaapphandler: shareFile called, syncpointId = '+syncpointId); |
console.log('alexaapphandler: shareFile called, filepath = '+filepath); |
var request = require("request"); |
var options = { |
method: 'POST', |
url: 'https://api.syncplicity.com/syncpoint/links.svc/', |
headers: { |
'Cache-Control': 'no-cache', |
'Content-Type': 'application/json', |
Accept: 'application/json', |
AppKey: userVars.syncClient_id, |
Authorization: 'Bearer '+userVars.syncAccess_token |
}, |
json: true, |
body: |
[ { SyncPointId: syncpointId, |
VirtualPath: filepath, |
ShareLinkPolicy: 3, |
PasswordProtectPolicy: 1, |
Users: [ { EmailAddress: '[email protected]' } ], |
Message: 'This was sent via Syncplicity API.' } ] |
}; |
request(options, function (error, response, body) { |
if (error) { |
console.log('alexaapphandler: share file error = '+JSON.stringify(error)); |
if(callback) {callback({success:false, data: 'Error sharing files'});} |
} else { |
console.log('alexaapphandler: share file sucess = '+JSON.stringify(body)); |
if(callback) {callback({success:true, data: body});} |
} |
}); |
}; |
function getFile(userVars, syncpointId, fileversionId, callback) { |
console.log('alexaapphandler: getFile called'); |
var request = require("request"); |
var options = { |
method: 'GET', |
url: 'https://data.syncplicity.com/retrieveFile.php?vToken='+syncpointId+'-'+fileversionId, |
headers: { |
'Cache-Control': 'no-cache', |
'Content-Type': 'application/json', |
Accept: 'application/json', |
AppKey: userVars.syncClient_id, |
Authorization: 'Bearer '+userVars.syncAccess_token |
} |
}; |
request(options, function (error, response, body) { |
console.log('alexaapphandler: get file body = '+JSON.stringify(body)); |
if (error) { |
console.log('alexaapphandler: get file error = '+error); |
if(callback) {callback({success:false, data: 'Error getting files'});} |
} else { |
if(body.HttpError) { |
console.log('alexaapphandler: get file error, body = '+body); |
if(callback) {callback({success:false, data: 'Error getting sync points'});} |
} else { |
if(callback) {callback({success:true, data: body});} |
} |
} |
}); |
}; |
function readFileName(req, resp, next, sessionAttributes) { |
console.log("alexaapphandler: readFileName called, sessionAttributes = "+JSON.stringify(sessionAttributes)); |
var files = sessionAttributes.files; |
var fileIndex = sessionAttributes.fileIndex; |
var currentFile = files[fileIndex]; |
sessionAttributes.sessionState = "readFile"; |
sendResponse(req, resp, next, currentFile.Filename+". Would you like me to send the file to your cell phone?", false, "Would you like me to send the file to your cell phone?", sessionAttributes); |
}; |
function readFoldersResponse(req, resp, next, folders, userVars, outputText) { |
console.log("alexaapphandler: readFoldersResponse called"); |
console.log("alexaapphandler: readFoldersResponse called, folders = "+JSON.stringify(folders)); |
console.log("alexaapphandler: readFoldersResponse called, userVars = "+JSON.stringify(userVars)); |
console.log("alexaapphandler: readFoldersResponse called, outputText = "+outputText); |
if(folders.length > 1) { |
outputText = ", "+folders.length+" folders were found. "; |
folders.forEach(function(item, index){ |
if(index === folders.length-1) { |
outputText += " , and "+item.name; |
} else { |
outputText += " , "+item.name; |
} |
}); |
sendResponse(req, resp, next, outputText, true, "", {}); |
} else if(folders.length === 1) { |
outputText = ", "+folders.length+" folder was found. "; |
outputText += folders[0].name; |
sendResponse(req, resp, next, outputText, true, "", {}); |
} else { |
sendResponse(req, resp, next, "No folders were found.", true, "", {}); |
} |
}; |
function login(userId, userVars, callback) { |
console.log('alexaapphandler: login() called'); |
getUser(userId, function(e){ |
if(e.success) { |
console.log("alexaapphandler: login - User found"); |
userVars.userFname = e.data.fname; |
userVars.userFound = true; |
userVars.userMobile = e.data.mobile; |
userVars.syncAppToken = e.data.syncAppToken; |
userVars.syncAppAuth = e.data.syncAppAuth; |
userVars.tfa = e.data.tfa; |
userVars.userLastPOTimeCheck = e.data.lastPOCheckTimeStamp; |
syncLogin(userVars, function(e){ |
if(e.success) { |
console.log("alexaapphandler: login - Syncplicity login success = "+e.data); |
userVars.userLoggedInToSync = true; |
if(callback) {callback({success: true, data:e.data});} |
} else { |
console.log("alexaapphandler: login - Syncplicity login error = "+e.data); |
if(callback) {callback({success: false, data:e.data});} |
} |
}); |
} else { |
console.log("alexaapphandler: login - User NOT found"); |
if(callback) {callback({success: false, data:e.data});} |
} |
}); |
}; |
function getUser(alexaUserid, callback) { |
console.log('alexaapphandler: getUser() called'); |
var model = Arrow.getModel("user"); |
model.query({alexaUserid: alexaUserid}, function(err, data) { |
console.log('alexaapphandler: getUser - err = '+JSON.stringify(err)); |
console.log('alexaapphandler: getUser - data = '+JSON.stringify(data)); |
if (err) { |
console.log('alexaapphandler: getUser - error querying user database, err = ' + JSON.stringify(err)); |
if(callback) {callback({success:false, msg:"error querying user database"});} |
} else { |
if (data.length != 1) { |
console.log('alexaapphandler: getUser - no matches found in user database'); |
if(callback) {callback({success:false, msg:"no matches found in user database"});} |
} else { |
if(callback) {callback({success:true, data: data[0]});} |
var dateNow = new Date(); |
data[0].lastPOCheckTimeStamp = dateNow; |
data[0].update(); |
} |
} |
}); |
}; |
function syncLogin(data, callback) { |
console.log('alexaapphandler:syncLogin called'); |
var request = require("request"); |
var options = { |
method: 'POST', |
url: 'https://api.syncplicity.com/oauth/token', |
headers: { |
'Cache-Control': 'no-cache', |
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', |
// 'Sync-App-Token': data.syncAppToken+'0', // force fail login for debugging |
'Sync-App-Token': data.syncAppToken, |
Authorization: 'Basic '+ data.syncAppAuth}, |
form: { grant_type: 'client_credentials' } |
}; |
request(options, function (error, response, body) { |
// console.log('alexaapphandler:syncLogin body = '+body); |
var responseBody = JSON.parse(body); |
if (error) { |
console.log('alexaapphandler:syncLogin error = '+error); |
if(callback) {callback({success:false, data: 'Error reaching syncplicity server'});} |
} else { |
if(responseBody.HttpError) { |
console.log('alexaapphandler:syncLogin error, body = '+body); |
if(callback) {callback({success:false, data: 'Error logging into syncplicity server'});} |
} else { |
console.log('alexaapphandler:syncLogin success'); |
if(callback) {callback({success:true, data: body});} |
} |
} |
}); |
}; |
function getSyncPoints(userVars, callback) { |
console.log('alexaapphandler:getSyncPoints called'); |
var request = require("request"); |
var options = { |
method: 'GET', |
url: 'https://api.syncplicity.com/syncpoint/syncpoints.svc/', |
qs: { include: 'children', includeType: '1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8' }, |
headers: { |
'Cache-Control': 'no-cache', |
'Content-Type': 'application/json', |
Accept: 'application/json', |
AppKey: userVars.syncClient_id, |
Authorization: 'Bearer '+userVars.syncAccess_token |
} |
}; |
request(options, function (error, response, body) { |
var responseBody = JSON.parse(body); |
if (error) { |
console.log('alexaapphandler:syncPoint error = '+error); |
if(callback) {callback({success:false, data: 'Error getting sync points'});} |
} else { |
if(responseBody.HttpError) { |
console.log('alexaapphandler:syncPoint error, body = '+body); |
if(callback) {callback({success:false, data: 'Error getting sync points'});} |
} else { |
console.log('alexaapphandler:get sync point success, body = '+body); |
if(callback) {callback({success:true, data: body});} |
} |
} |
}); |
}; |
function readFilesResponse(req, resp, next, files, foldername, userVars) { |
console.log("alexaapphandler: readFilesResponse called"); |
console.log("alexaapphandler: readFilesResponse files = "+JSON.stringify(files)); |
var numFiles = files.length; |
var sessionAttributes = { |
sessionState: "readSyncFolder", |
files: files, |
fileIndex: 0, |
numFiles: numFiles, |
userVars: userVars |
}; |
var prefix = " "; |
if(userVars.newFilesOnly) { |
prefix = " new "; |
} |
if(numFiles == 0) { |
// sendResponse(req, resp, next, "No new purchase orders found.", true, "", sessionAttributes); |
sendResponse(req, resp, next, "No"+prefix+"purchase orders found.", true, "", sessionAttributes); |
} else if(numFiles == 1) { |
sendResponse(req, resp, next, numFiles+prefix+"purchase order found. Would you like me to read the filename to you?", false, "Would you like me to read the filename to you?", sessionAttributes); |
// sendResponse(req, resp, next, numFiles+" new purchase order found. Would you like me to read the filename to you?", false, "Would you like me to read the filename to you?", sessionAttributes); |
} else { |
// sendResponse(req, resp, next, numFiles+" new purchase orders found. Would you like me to read the filenames to you?", false, "Would you like me to read the filenames to you?", sessionAttributes); |
sendResponse(req, resp, next, numFiles+prefix+"purchase orders found. Would you like me to read the filenames to you?", false, "Would you like me to read the filenames to you?", sessionAttributes); |
} |
}; |
function getFiles(userVars, syncpointId, folderId, callback) { |
console.log('alexaapphandler: getFiles called'); |
var request = require("request"); |
var options = { |
method: 'GET', |
url: 'https://api.syncplicity.com/sync/folder_files.svc/'+folderId+'/folder/'+syncpointId+'/files', |
headers: { |
'Cache-Control': 'no-cache', |
'Content-Type': 'application/json', |
Accept: 'application/json', |
AppKey: userVars.syncClient_id, |
Authorization: 'Bearer '+userVars.syncAccess_token |
} |
}; |
request(options, function (error, response, body) { |
var responseBody = JSON.parse(body); |
if (error) { |
console.log('alexaapphandler: get files error = '+error); |
if(callback) {callback({success:false, data: 'Error getting files'});} |
} else { |
if(responseBody.HttpError) { |
console.log('alexaapphandler: get files error, body = '+body); |
if(callback) {callback({success:false, data: 'Error getting sync points'});} |
} else { |
console.log('alexaapphandler: get files success, body = '+JSON.stringify(JSON.parse(body))); |
var timeSince = '0'; // get all POs |
if(userVars.newFilesOnly) { |
timeSince = userVars.userLastPOTimeCheck; // get new POs |
} |
var files = getNewerFiles(JSON.parse(body), timeSince); |
if(callback) {callback({success:true, data: files});} |
} |
} |
}); |
}; |
function getNewerFiles(allFiles, timeSince) { |
// console.log('alexaapphandler: getNewerFiles called, allFiles = '+JSON.stringify(allFiles)); |
console.log('alexaapphandler: getNewerFiles called'); |
console.log('alexaapphandler: getNewerFiles called, timeSince = '+timeSince); |
var newerFiles = []; |
allFiles.forEach(function(file){ |
// console.log('alexaapphandler: getNewerFiles - file.CreationTimeUtc = '+file.CreationTimeUtc); |
console.log('alexaapphandler: getNewerFiles - file.CreationTimeUtc = '+file.CreationTimeUtc); |
console.log('alexaapphandler: getNewerFiles - timeSince = '+timeSince); |
var lastCheck = new Date(timeSince); |
var fileDate = new Date(file.CreationTimeUtc) |
if(fileDate > lastCheck) { |
// console.log('alexaapphandler: getNewerFiles - file.CreationTimeUtc <= timeSince is true'); |
newerFiles.push(file); |
} |
}); |
// console.log('alexaapphandler: getNewerFiles - newerFiles = '+newerFiles); |
return JSON.stringify(newerFiles); |
}; |
function getMatchingFolder(folders, foldername) { |
console.log('alexaapphandler: getMatchingFolder called'); |
console.log('folders = '+JSON.stringify(folders)); |
console.log('foldername = '+foldername); |
var matchingFolder = {}; |
folders.forEach(function(folder){ |
if(folder.Name.toLowerCase() === foldername.toLowerCase()) { |
matchingFolder = folder; |
} |
}); |
console.log('matchingFolder = '+JSON.stringify(matchingFolder)); |
return matchingFolder; |
}; |
var getFoldersHandler = function(req, resp, next, userVars) { |
console.log('alexaapphandler: getFoldersHandler called'); |
login(req.body.session.user.userId, userVars, function(e){ |
console.log("alexaapphandler: getFoldersHandler: login, e = "+JSON.stringify(e)); |
if(e.success) { |
var user = JSON.parse(e.data); |
console.log("alexaapphandler: getFoldersHandler: login, user = "+JSON.stringify(user)); |
userVars.syncClient_id=user.client_id; |
userVars.syncAccess_token=user.access_token; |
getSyncPoints(userVars, function(f){ |
var folders = JSON.parse(f.data); |
console.log("alexaapphandler: getFoldersHandler - getSyncPoints folders length = "+folders.length); |
var outputText = "Hello "+userVars.userFname; |
if(folders.length === 0) { |
outputText += ", you have no Syncplicity folders."; |
sendResponse(req, resp, next, outputText, true, "", {}); |
} else { |
var repromptText = "Would you like me to read your folder names to you?"; |
var sessionAttributes = { |
sessionState: "readSyncFolders", |
folders: reduceSyncpointReply(folders), |
folderIndex: 0 |
}; |
if(folders.length === 1) { |
outputText += ", you have one Syncplicity folder. Would you like me to read the folder name to you?"; |
} else { |
outputText += ", you have "+folders.length+" Syncplicity folders. Would you like me to read your folder names to you?"; |
} |
sendResponse(req, resp, next, outputText, false, repromptText, sessionAttributes); |
} |
}); |
} else { |
sendResponse(req, resp, next, "Problem logging in. Please try again or contact your administrator.", true, {}); |
} |
}); |
}; |
function reduceSyncpointReply(syncpointReply) { |
console.log('alexaapphandler:reduceSyncpointReply called'); |
var folderArray = []; |
syncpointReply.forEach(function(folder){ |
folderArray.push({ |
name: folder.Name |
}); |
}); |
return folderArray; |
}; |
var getFolderHandler = function(req, resp, next, userVars, newFilesOnly){ |
console.log('alexaapphandler: getFolderHandler called'); |
login(req.body.session.user.userId, userVars, function(e){ |
console.log("alexaapphandler: getFolderHandler: login, e = "+JSON.stringify(e)); |
var outputText; |
if(e.success) { |
var user = JSON.parse(e.data); |
console.log("alexaapphandler: getFolderHandler: login, user = "+JSON.stringify(user)); |
userVars.syncClient_id=user.client_id; |
userVars.syncAccess_token=user.access_token; |
userVars.newFilesOnly=newFilesOnly; |
getSyncPoints(userVars, function(f){ |
if(f.success) { |
var folders = JSON.parse(f.data); |
console.log("alexaapphandler: getFolderHandler - getSyncPoints folders length = "+folders.length); |
var matchingFolder = getMatchingFolder(folders, POFolderName); |
if(!isEmpty(matchingFolder)) { |
getFiles(userVars, matchingFolder.RootFolderId, matchingFolder.Id, function(g){ |
if(g.success) { |
readFilesResponse(req, resp, next, JSON.parse(g.data), POFolderName, userVars); |
} else { |
outputText = "Hello "+userVars.userFname+", I had a problem access the Syncplicity server, please try again"; |
sendResponse(req, resp, next, outputText, true, "", {}); |
} |
}); |
} else { |
outputText = "Hello "+userVars.userFname+", "+POFolderName+" folder not found, please try again"; |
sendResponse(req, resp, next, outputText, true, "", {}); |
} |
} else { |
outputText = "Hello "+userVars.userFname+", I had a problem access the Syncplicity server, please try again"; |
sendResponse(req, resp, next, outputText, true, "", {}); |
} |
}); |
} else { |
sendResponse(req, resp, next, "Problem logging in. Please try again or contact your administrator.", true, {}); |
} |
}); |
}; |
function isEmpty(obj) { |
console.log('alexaapphandler: isEmpty called'); |
for(var prop in obj) { |
if(obj.hasOwnProperty(prop)) |
return false; |
} |
return JSON.stringify(obj) === JSON.stringify({}); |
}; |
function resetUserVars(userVars) { |
console.log('alexaapphandler: resetUserVars called'); |
userVars.userFound = false; |
userVars.userLoggedInToSync = false; |
userVars.userFname=null; |
userVars.userLastPOTimeCheck=null; |
userVars.userMobile=null; |
userVars.newFilesOnly=true; |
userVars.syncAppToken=null; |
userVars.syncAppAuth=null; |
userVars.syncClient_id=null; |
userVars.syncAccess_token=null; |
}; |
function sendResponse(req, resp, next, outputText, closeSession, repromptText, sessionAttributes) { |
console.log("alexaapphandler: sendResponse called"); |
console.log("alexaapphandler: sessionAttributes = "+JSON.stringify(sessionAttributes)); |
resp.response.status(200); |
resp.send({ |
"sessionAttributes": sessionAttributes, |
"version": "1.0", |
"response": { |
"shouldEndSession": closeSession, |
"outputSpeech": { |
"type": "SSML", |
ssml: "<speak>"+outputText+"</speak>" |
}, |
reprompt: { |
"outputSpeech": { |
type: "SSML", |
ssml: "<speak>"+repromptText+"</speak>" |
} |
}, |
"card": { |
type: "Standard", |
title: appName, |
text: outputText, |
"image": { |
"smallImageUrl": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/lbsyncalexaassets/sync_icon_512.png", |
"largeImageUrl": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/lbsyncalexaassets/sync_icon_512.png" |
} |
} |
} |
}); |
next(); |
}; |
function verifyAlexaRequest(req, callback) { |
console.log('alexaapphandler: verifyAlexaRequest called'); |
var cert_url = req.headers['signaturecertchainurl']; |
var signature = req.headers['signature']; |
var requestRawBody = JSON.stringify(req.body); |
console.log('\alexaapphandler: header signaturecertchainurl = '+cert_url); |
console.log('\alexaapphandler: header signature = '+signature); |
console.log('\alexaapphandler: requestRawBody = '+requestRawBody); |
if (cert_url && signature) { |
verifier(cert_url, signature, requestRawBody, function(error) { |
if (!error) { |
if(callback) {callback({success: true});} |
} else { |
console.log('alexaapphandler: API verify request error = ' + error); |
if(callback) {callback({success: false, data:error});} |
} |
}); |
} else { |
console.log('alexaapphandler: verify request error. Proper headers not found'); |
if(callback) {callback({success: false, data:'verify request error. Proper headers not found'});} |
} |
}; |
function generateLaunchText(userVars) { |
console.log('alexaapphandler: generateLaunchText called'); |
if(!userVars.userFound) { |
return launchTxt + ", " +userNotFoundTxt; |
} else if(!userVars.userLoggedInToSync) { |
return "Hello "+userVars.userFname+", "+launchTxt+", "+ failedLoginTxt; |
} else { |
return "Hello "+userVars.userFname+", "+launchTxt; |
} |
}; |
function generateHelpText(userVars) { |
console.log('alexaapphandler: generateHelpText called'); |
if(!userVars.userFound) { |
return helpTxt + ", " +userNotFoundTxt; |
} else if(!userVars.userLoggedInToSync) { |
return "Hello "+userVars.userFname+", "+helpTxt+", "+ failedLoginTxt; |
} else { |
return "Hello "+userVars.userFname+", "+helpTxt; |
} |
}; |