Create a new API Builder Project
Disable Auth (set auth to none in default.js)
Run the Project (appc run)
Use ngrok so your API will be accessible by FB
Follow the FB Messenger Quick Start Guide here: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/messenger-platform/getting-started/quick-start
Stop here since you will need API Builder APIs to enter in the Webhook section
Place fbwebhook.js and fbwebhookp.js in the /api folder
Run the Project (appc run)
Go to http://localhost:8080/console and show the two APIs (webhooks)
In the Webhooks section, click "Setup Webhooks"
Enter https://26bc6f28.ngrok.io/api/fbwebhook for the webhook URL
Enter a URL for a webhook, enter a Verify Token (XXX) and select messages and messaging_postbacks under Subscription Fields
- See the API Builder console log for
fbwebhook - fbwebhook API called (GET) Validating webhook
Since this worked properly, you should see a green check mark that the webhook is complete
Review the code for the fbwebhook GET and the validation and the token
In the Token Generation section, select your Page (created above)
Copy page token to clipboard
Paste the access token in the callSendAPI() method in the request options
Show how the code is mainly copy and pasted from the FB Messenger Quick Start Guide
Show how the response is just an echo of what was received
Restart the API Builder app
In the Webhooks section, you can subscribe the webhook for a specific page (Demobot) and click subscribe
Go to the FB Demobot home page (https://www.facebook.com/DemoBot-1437442156352884/)
In the lower right hand corner, bring up the chat window and search for Demobot and click on it
You should see a "Demobot is active now. Start a conversation"
Type "Hello Demobot"
Should see the response: "The API Builder Chatbot detected that you wrote: Hello Demobot"
See the console log for the following:
Received message for user 1896462583703774 and page 1437442156352884 at 1507323189868 with message:
Successfully sent generic message with id mid.$cAAUbWLKh6iZlJLvlUle83adD5LKX to recipient 1896462583703774