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Created February 26, 2017 13:30
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A script to fade volume when toggling MPD via mpc
# A script to fade volume when toggling MPD via mpc
mpc=`which mpc`
# volume commands, customize here
decrease="amixer -q set Master 1%-"
increase="amixer -q set Master 1%+"
if [ $# -ne 2 ] ; then
echo "usage: mpc-fade <volume fade percentage> <fade length in secs>"
# example: $ mpc-fade 20 4
exit 1
fade() {
while [ $VOLUME -ge 0 ] ; do
sleep .1 # 0.1 seconds
playing=$(mpc status | grep playing)
if [ ${#playing} -gt 0 ] ; then
fade "$decrease"
mpc toggle -q
mpc toggle -q
fade "$increase"
exit 0
# eof
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Pablo1107 commented Jan 10, 2019

This also sets volume to current volume so the fade out always goes to 0 and you can pass an argument to set in how many seconds it fade out, the only bug is that always add 2 seconds for some reason. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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