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#!/bin/bash | |
# Compute the Giacenza Media Annua (GMA) of a Revolut account, required by the Italian INPS. | |
# Dependencies: awk, GNU date, getopts, xargs | |
# Computation method: https://bit.ly/3avDLu3 | |
# Thread on Revolut forum: https://bit.ly/3511e5h | |
# Assumptions: | |
# 1. Dates are in YYYY-MM-DD format. The Revolut app uses your locale, so if this is set | |
# to it-IT, then this assumption is already satisfied. Otherwise, convert the dates in | |
# your CSV to ISO 8601 before using the script. | |
# 2. The time interval considered is between January 1 and December 31 of the same year | |
# (since it is an annual value). | |
# 3. Transactions are in ascending date order. | |
# 4. The actual balance of day D is the last registered during D. This is because the GMA | |
# is a weighted arithmetic mean, and the entries of the CSV are sorted by date. Hence, | |
# if T is an array of transactions registered during D, with |T| > 1, then all entries | |
# in T except the last one have null weight, because they have been on the account for | |
# less than one day. Thus, they do not affect the GMA, and can be safely skipped. | |
version="2022.05" | |
completed_date=4 | |
balance=10 | |
separator="," | |
use_decimal_point=false | |
print_usage() { | |
printf "Usage: `basename "$0"` [options]\n%-2sOptions:\n" | |
printf "%-4s-c \n%-6s'Completed Date' column number\n" | |
printf "%-6sDefault: $completed_date\n" | |
printf "%-4s-a \n%-6s'Balance' column number\n%-6sDefault: $balance\n" | |
printf "%-4s-s \n%-6sSeparator character of the input CSV\n" | |
printf "%-6sDefault: '$separator'\n" | |
printf "%-4s-d \n%-6sUse point instead of comma as decimal separator\n" | |
printf "%-6sDefault: $use_decimal_point\n" | |
} | |
if [[ $# -lt 1 ]] | |
then | |
print_usage | |
exit 1 | |
fi | |
while getopts "cbs:dvh" flag; do | |
case "${flag}" in | |
c) completed_date="${OPTARG}" ;; | |
b) balance="${OPTARG}" ;; | |
s) separator="${OPTARG}" ;; | |
d) use_decimal_point=true ;; | |
v) printf "Version: $version\n" | |
exit 0 ;; | |
*) print_usage | |
exit 0 ;; | |
esac | |
done | |
result=0 | |
prev_date="" | |
year="" | |
get_days() { | |
# input values are in seconds, and there are 60 * 60 * 24 = 86400 seconds in a day | |
days=$((($1 - $2) / 86400)) | |
days=${days#-} | |
days=$(($days + 1)) | |
printf $days | |
} | |
mycmd="awk -F '$separator' '(!unique[\$$completed_date]++ && NR > 1) {print \$$completed_date,\$$balance}' '$1'" | |
while read curr_date | |
do | |
d1="" | |
d2s="" | |
if [[ ! $prev_date ]] | |
then | |
year=$(date -d "${curr_date% *}" "+%Y") | |
d1=$(date -d "$year-01-01" +%s) | |
d1s="1 Jan $year" | |
prev_date="$year-01-01" | |
printf "Calculating the Giacenza Media Annua of the year $year\n\n" | |
fi | |
if [[ ! $d1 ]] | |
then | |
d1=$(date -d "${prev_date%% *}" +%s) | |
fi | |
d2=$(date -d "${curr_date%% *}" +%s) | |
days="$(get_days $d1 $d2)" | |
money=`echo ${curr_date##* } | xargs` | |
# approximated to 2 decimal values for ease of reading, comment to see exact values | |
money=$(awk "BEGIN {printf(\"%.2f\", $money); exit}") | |
p=$(awk "BEGIN {print $money*$days; exit}") | |
result=$(awk "BEGIN {print $result+$p; exit}") | |
d1s=`echo ${prev_date%% *} | xargs` | |
if [[ ! $d2s ]] | |
then | |
d2s=`echo ${curr_date%% *} | xargs` | |
fi | |
printf "$d1s to $d2s: $money x $days = $p\n" | |
prev_date=$curr_date | |
done <<< `eval $mycmd` | |
if [[ ! "$d2s" = "$year-12-31" ]] # last date is not the last day of the year | |
then | |
days="$(get_days $(date -d "$year-12-31" +%s) $d2)" | |
p=$(awk "BEGIN {print $money*$days; exit}") | |
result=$(awk "BEGIN {print $result+$p; exit}") | |
printf "$d2s to $year-12-31: $money x $days days = $p\n" | |
fi | |
result=`awk "BEGIN {print $result/365; exit}"` | |
if !$use_decimal_point | |
then | |
result=${result/\./\,} | |
fi | |
if [[ "$result" -lt 0 ]] # if the GMA is negative, the value to declare must be 0 | |
then | |
result_ceil=0 | |
else | |
result_ceil=${result%.*} | |
result_ceil=$((result_ceil + 1)) | |
fi | |
printf "\nResult: $result, to be rounded up to $result_ceil\n" | |
exit 0 |
Not an expert but I think the error generates from the new date format of Revolut which consists of day and time. From the error message I get, I guess the script does not recognize time.
os2@localhost:/media/sf_OSK1_shared> bash revolut.sh Revolut-Statement.csv
date: invalid date ‘TOPUP,Current,2021-04-04 06:45:39,2021-04-04 06:45:44,Apple Pay Top-Up by’
Calculating the Giacenza Media Annua of the year
date: invalid date ‘TOPUP,Current,2021-04-04 06:45:39,2021-04-04 06:45:44,Apple Pay Top-Up by’
awk: cmd. line:1: BEGIN {print *18261; exit}
awk: cmd. line:1: ^ syntax error
awk: cmd. line:1: BEGIN {print 0+; exit}
awk: cmd. line:1: ^ syntax error
From TOPUP,Current,2021-04-04 06:45:39,2021-04-04 06:45:44,Apple Pay Top-Up by to 31 Dec: x 18261 days =
date: invalid date ‘TOPUP,Current,2021-04-04 06:45:39,2021-04-04 06:45:44,Apple Pay Top-Up by’
date: invalid date ‘TRANSFER,Current,2021-04-04 06:46:50,2021-04-04 06:46:52,To Mark’
awk: cmd. line:1: BEGIN {print *1; exit}
awk: cmd. line:1: ^ syntax error
awk: cmd. line:1: BEGIN {print +; exit}
awk: cmd. line:1: ^ syntax error
@mastino21 Please try the latest revision. A couple of points:
- Ensure that all dates are in
format. If needed, you can make the conversion both in Excel and LibreOffice. - Specify the numbers of the columns
Completed Date
, as well as the separator character, as follows:./revolut-gma.bash Revolut-Statement.csv -c 3 -b 13 -s ','
In case it still does not work, please paste me an example statement.
Sei un grande. I think you nailed it. It works with the Revolut csv out of the box, meaning you do not need to change dates format. Also it seems specifying number of the columns is not really needed.
Hi, thx for your work. In my case he doesn't seem to notice that there are no more records.
awk: cmd. line:1: BEGIN {printf("%.2f", ); exit}
awk: cmd. line:1: ^ syntax error
awk: cmd. line:1: BEGIN {print *415; exit}
awk: cmd. line:1: ^ syntax error
awk: cmd. line:1: BEGIN {print 9858.27+; exit}
awk: cmd. line:1: ^ syntax error
2020-12-28 to : x 415 days =
awk: cmd. line:1: BEGIN {print *412; exit}
awk: cmd. line:1: ^ syntax error
awk: cmd. line:1: BEGIN {print +; exit}
awk: cmd. line:1: ^ syntax error
to 2020-12-31: x 412 days =
awk: cmd. line:1: BEGIN {print /365; exit}
awk: cmd. line:1: ^ unterminated regexp
awk: cmd. line:1: BEGIN {print /365; exit}
awk: cmd. line:1: ^ unexpected newline or end of string
@atrebla I don't understand what you mean. Can you provide an example input? Just a few lines would suffice.
Su linux crasha, questa correzione risolve il problema:
if [[ "$result" -lt 0 ]] # if the GMA is negative, the value to declare must be 0
A quanto pare il punto invece della virgola da dei problemi.
@Mte90 Please check if this patch works.
--- revolut-gma.bash 2022-05-03 13:09:54.134159031 +0200
+++ revolut-gma.bash.new 2022-05-03 13:12:38.554667320 +0200
@@ -20,11 +20,12 @@
# in T except the last one have null weight, because they have been on the account for
# less than one day. Thus, they do not affect the GMA, and can be safely skipped.
print_usage() {
printf "Usage: `basename "$0"` [options]\n%-2sOptions:\n"
@@ -33,6 +34,8 @@
printf "%-4s-a \n%-6s'Balance' column number\n%-6sDefault: $balance\n"
printf "%-4s-s \n%-6sSeparator character of the input CSV\n"
printf "%-6sDefault: '$separator'\n"
+ printf "%-4s-d \n%-6sUse point instead of comma as decimal separator\n"
+ printf "%-6sDefault: $use_decimal_point\n"
if [[ $# -lt 1 ]]
@@ -41,11 +44,12 @@
exit 1
-while getopts "cbs:vh" flag; do
+while getopts "cbs:dvh" flag; do
case "${flag}" in
c) completed_date="${OPTARG}" ;;
b) balance="${OPTARG}" ;;
s) separator="${OPTARG}" ;;
+ d) use_decimal_point=true ;;
v) printf "Version: $version\n"
exit 0 ;;
*) print_usage
@@ -116,7 +120,12 @@
result=`awk "BEGIN {print $result/365; exit}"`
-if [[ result -lt 0 ]] # if the GMA is negative, the value to declare must be 0
+if !$use_decimal_point
+ result=${result/\./\,}
+if [[ "$result" -lt 0 ]] # if the GMA is negative, the value to declare must be 0
I think that should work :-)
Thanks, patch applied.
Copying relevant info for users from the author, from
Hi all, I’ve made a little script in bash for calculating the Italian Giacenza Media Annua. Download it here 226.
It’s a bash script, you can run it on any major operating system (check this page 56 for Windows).
It is based on 2 assumptions:
Dates are in English and have one of the following formats: ISO 8601; RFC 5322; RFC 3339. For instance, valid dates are: 24 Jul 2019, 2020-07-24.
Numbers only have the decimal dot. For instance, “3.120,49” is not valid, while “3120.49” is valid.
These requirements are met by the UK version of the Revolut app. I don’t know if switching to English language produces them. Otherwise, just edit your CSV accordingly.
I hope this helps.
I would suggest Revolut to only use ISO 8601 dates and only one decimal point for numbers with a fractional part.
@lcpz I think this file is dangerous as it may make serious errors.
First, note that:
I get the error revolut-gma.bash: line 123: !false: command not found revolut-gma.bash: line 128: [[: 895.307: syntax error: invalid arithmetic operator (error token is ".307")
at the end of the file. Can this be ignored?
Second, I get the error awk: cmd. line:1: BEGIN {printf("%.2f", ); exit} awk: cmd. line:1: ^ syntax error awk: cmd. line:1: BEGIN {print *2; exit} awk: cmd. line:1: ^ syntax error awk: cmd. line:1: BEGIN {print 200708+; exit} awk: cmd. line:1: ^ syntax error
This is because part of the transactions are in Product==Savings instead of Product==Current. In this account, I had some 0s, which led the program to use these 0s for calculation (as it uses the first entry on a day). I do not know how to interpret the error (I do not know bash).
Third, I used 3 methods and get 3 results (if i ignore the above errors anyway). For each csv file, I note what the first two lines look like:
- using the original EUR statement.csv, I see the dates in excel are not sorted. The Ubuntu reader reads dates as 2022-01-01 to 2022-06-13: 100.00 x 163 = 16300 || 2022-06-13 to 2022-01-02: 7.79 x 162 = 1261.98.
- after I sort this statement.csv using Excel in ascending order, the file reads dates as 2022-01-01 to 1/2/2022: 7.79 x 2 = 15.58 || 1/2/2022 to 1/3/2022: 107.79 x 2 = 215.58
- due to this date format change (which appears to happen automatically in Excel when sorting), I change the format again to YYYY-MM-DD, and get 2022-01-01 to 2022-06-13: 100.00 x 163 = 16300 || 2022-06-13 to 2022-01-02: 7.79 x 162 = 1261.98.
These three methods give amounts 896, 660 and 551, respectively.
Thanks for the effort of writing this file, but I think caution is needed or patches should be applied. I am sorry I cannot help further, as I have no idea about bash or this coding language.
Yeah I did it, but still...maybe check if the new format is different. This is how it looks now.