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Last active January 11, 2025 00:28
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alternate sel script
#cd into directory in Finder's front window
function cdf() {
finderPath=`osascript -e 'try
tell application "Finder" to set the source_folder to (folder of the front window) as alias
on error
tell application "Finder" to set source_folder to insertion location as alias
end try
return POSIX path of source_folder as string'`
cd "$finderPath"
#run ls for directory in Finder's front window
function lsf() {
finderPath=`osascript -e 'try
tell application "Finder" to set the source_folder to (folder of the front window) as alias
on error
tell application "Finder" to set source_folder to insertion location as alias
end try
return POSIX path of source_folder as string'`
# echo "$finderPath"
# echo "-------------------------------------------------------"
ls "$finderPath"
function sel() {
applescript='set theFiles to {}'
while read LINE; do
if [ ! -z "$aLine" -a "$aLine" != "" ]; then
set aFile to POSIX file \"$filez\"
set testFile to aFile as alias
if testFile is not missing value then
set end of theFiles to aFile
end if
(* on error errMsg
display dialog errMsg
end try"
if (count of theFiles) > 0 then
tell application "Finder"
select theFiles
end tell
end if
echo "$applescript" | osascript -
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