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Created July 24, 2014 18:11
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Vim Shortcuts

Vim shortcuts

zz                                       Position cursor at middle of screen
zt                                       Position cursor at top of screen
zb                                       Position cursor at the bottom of screen

H                                        Go to the Header
M                                        Go to the Middle
L                                        Go to the Lower

select                                   v
select row(s)                            SHIFT + v
select blocks (columns)                  CTRL  + v
indent selected text                     >
unindent selected text                   <
list buffers                             :ls
open buffer                              :bN (N = buffer number)
print                                    :hardcopy
open a file                              :e /path/to/file.txt
                                         :e C:\Path\To\File.txt
sort selected rows                       :sort
search for word under cursor             *
open file under cursor                   gf
  (absolute path or relative)
format selected code                     =
select contents of entire file           ggVG
convert selected text to uppercase       U
convert selected text to lowercase       u
invert case of selected text             ~
convert tabs to spaces                   :retab
start recording a macro                  qX (X = key to assign macro to)
stop recording a macro                   q
playback macro                           @X (X = key macro was assigned to)
replay previously played macro *         @@
auto-complete a word you are typing **   CTRL + n
bookmark current place in file           mX (X = key to assign bookmark to)
jump to bookmark                         `X (X = key bookmark was assigned to
                                             ` = back tick/tilde key)
show all bookmarks                       :marks
delete a bookmark                        :delm X (X = key bookmark to delete)
delete all bookmarks                     :delm!
split screen horizontally                :split
split screen vertically                  :vsplit
navigating split screens                 CTRL + w + j = move down a screen
                                         CTRL + w + k = move up a screen
                                         CTRL + w + h = move left a screen
                                         CTRL + w + l = move right a screen
close all other split screens            :only

*  - As with other commands in vi, you can playback a macro any number of times.
     The following command would playback the macro assigned to the key `w' 100
     times: 100@w

** - Vim uses words that exist in your current buffer and any other buffer you
     may have open for auto-complete suggestions.


[Vim commands you wish known earlier] (

Vim cheatsheet

Vim Commands Cheat Sheet

A handy guide to Vim shortcuts

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