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Last active March 10, 2016 20:26
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lat_slice = dict()
lat_slice["p1"] = (52,54)
lat_slice["p2"] = (52,54)
lat_slice["p3"] = (52,54)
lon_slice = dict()
lon_slice["p1"] = (60,62)
lon_slice["p2"] = (62,64)
lon_slice["p3"] = (64,66)
def translate_coordinate(data, degree_bin, degree_slice, **kwargs):
format_degree_mask = kwargs.get("format_degree_mask","{0}{1}")
format_min_mask = kwargs.get("format_min_mask", "{0}.{1}{2}")
signal = kwargs.get("lat_signal", "")
degrees = int(degree_bin[1:8], 2)
if degrees[:1] == "1":
lat_signal = "-"
l_min = format_min_mask.format(
str(int(str(data[degree_slice["p1"](0)]:degree_slice["p1"](1)], 'UTF8'), 16)).zfill(2),
str(int(str(data[degree_slice["p2"](0):degree_slice["p2"](1)], 'UTF8'), 16)).zfill(2),
str(int(str(data[degree_slice["p3"](0):degree_slice["p1"](1)], 'UTF8'), 16)).zfill(2)
result = format_degree_mask.format(
str((degrees + (float(l_min) / 60)))
return result
# Uso:
latitude = translate_coordinate(d, Helpers.hexToBinary(d[50:52]), lat_slice)
longitude = translate_coordinate(d, Helpers.hexToBinary(d[58:60]), lon_slice)
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