chore: configuring vscode
create an repository on the git.
create file
:node_modules yarn* .tmp
with our settings{ // editor "editor.formatOnPaste": true, "editor.formatOnSave": true, "editor.formatOnType": true, "editor.detectIndentation": false, "editor.tabSize": 2, "editor.insertSpaces": true, "editor.codeActionsOnSave": { "source.fixAll": "explicit", "source.organizeImports": "explicit" }, "editor.rulers": [ 80, 100, 120 ], // files "files.encoding": "utf8", "files.eol": "\n", "files.insertFinalNewline": false, "files.trimFinalNewlines": true, "files.associations": { ".env*": "shellscript", }, // docker "[dockercompose]": { "editor.formatOnSave": false }, // git "git.inputValidation": false, // jestrunner "jestrunner.runOptions": [ "--testTimeout=999999" ], // javascript "javascript.format.insertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingNonemptyBraces": false, "javascript.format.insertSpaceAfterFunctionKeywordForAnonymousFunctions": false, "javascript.format.insertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingEmptyBraces": false, "javascript.format.insertSpaceBeforeFunctionParenthesis": false, "javascript.preferences.importModuleSpecifier": "shortest", "javascript.preferences.quoteStyle": "single", // typescript "typescript.format.insertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingNonemptyBraces": false, "typescript.format.insertSpaceAfterFunctionKeywordForAnonymousFunctions": false, "typescript.format.insertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingEmptyBraces": false, "typescript.format.insertSpaceBeforeFunctionParenthesis": false, "typescript.preferences.importModuleSpecifier": "shortest", "typescript.preferences.quoteStyle": "single", // xml "xml.format.enabled": false }
with our prefer extensions{ "recommendations": [ // to run jest tests clicking directly on file "firsttris.vscode-jest-runner", // beautyfull icons "vscode-icons-team.vscode-icons", // eslint formatter "dbaeumer.vscode-eslint", // sonarlint codesmell check "SonarSource.sonarlint-vscode", // to create folder barrels (index.ts files) "mikerhyssmith.ts-barrelr" ] }
create the project using the command
npm init -y
and change the file like this:{ "private": true, "name": "my-project-name", "displayName": "My project name", "description": "A simple description about the project", "version": "0.1.0", "homepage": "PROJECT_GIT_REPOSITORY_URL", "author": { "name": "You own name", "email": "[email protected]", "url": "https://www.linkedin.com/in/MY_LINKEDIN_PAGE_URL" }, }
chore: configuring git & lefthook
install deps
npm add -D -E @commitlint/cli @commitlint/config-conventional commitlint cz-conventional-changelog lefthook
lefthook will create a file in root directory named
change the
file adding this property:{ "commitlint": { "extends": [ "@commitlint/config-conventional" ] } }
update the file
with this code# https://github.com/evilmartians/lefthook/blob/master/docs/configuration.md commit-msg: commands: commitlint: run: npx commitlint --edit # https://commitlint.js.org
chore: configuring typescript
run the command
npx gts init
. -
remove all scripts existing in
install other deps to ensure development process
npm add -D -E dotenv tsconfig-paths
change the
to include instaled deps and configure absolute paths{ "extends": "./node_modules/gts/tsconfig-google.json", "compilerOptions": { "rootDir": ".", "declaration": false, "esModuleInterop": true, "resolveJsonModule": true, "emitDecoratorMetadata": true, "experimentalDecorators": true, "strictPropertyInitialization": false, "target": "es5", "module": "commonjs", "strict": true, "baseUrl": "./", "paths": { "#/*": [ "./src/*" ] }, }, "include": [ "**/*.ts", "**/*.d.ts" ], "exclude": [ "node_modules" ], "ts-node": { "files": true, "require": [ "tsconfig-paths/register", "dotenv-expand/config" ] } }
Note: using this
configuration, you can import ".env" files automatically and use absolute paths like#/domain/usecase/name-of-usecase.ts
chore: ensuring gts (eslint), prettier and configure lint-staged
install deps
npm add -D -E lint-staged
like this.tmp/* /node_modules/*
to extend print width:module.exports = { ...require('gts/.prettierrc.json'), printWidth: 120, }
change the name of file
and change to this codemodule.exports = { extends: ['./node_modules/gts/'], rules: { // @typescript-eslint '@typescript-eslint/no-namespace': 'off', '@typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any': 'off', '@typescript-eslint/consistent-type-definitions': ['error', 'type'], '@typescript-eslint/consistent-type-imports': [ 'error', { fixStyle: 'inline-type-imports', }, ], '@typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars': [ 'error', { argsIgnorePattern: '^_', varsIgnorePattern: '^_', caughtErrorsIgnorePattern: '^_', }, ], // import 'import/no-duplicates': 'off', // node 'node/no-extraneous-import': 'off', // prettier/prettier 'prettier/prettier': [ 'error', { endOfLine: 'auto', }, ], }, settings: { node: { allowModules: [], }, }, };
change the
file adding this property{ "lint-staged": { "*.{ts,tsx}": [ "eslint --fix", "git add" ] }, }
add script to
"scripts": { "lint": "eslint . --fix",
change the file
adding this codepre-commit: parallel: true commands: lint-staged: run: npx lint-staged # https://github.com/lint-staged/lint-staged
chore: configuring tests
install deps
npm add -D -E @jest/types @types/jest @types/supertest jest jest-environment-node supertest ts-jest ts-node
import {type Config} from '@jest/types'; const config: Config.InitialOptions = { preset: 'ts-jest', roots: ['<rootDir>/src', '<rootDir>/mocks', '<rootDir>/tests'], setupFilesAfterEnv: ['<rootDir>/tests/setup.ts'], coverageReporters: ['json-summary', 'text', 'lcov'], coverageDirectory: '.tmp/coverage', collectCoverageFrom: [ '<rootDir>/src/**/*.ts', '!<rootDir>/src/**/index.ts', '!<rootDir>/src/.d.ts', '!<rootDir>/src/logger.ts', '!<rootDir>/src/vars.ts', ], testEnvironment: 'node', testMatch: ['**/*.spec.ts', '**/*.test.ts'], testPathIgnorePatterns: ['/node_modules/'], moduleNameMapper: { 'package.json': '<rootDir>/package.json', 'mocks/(.*)': '<rootDir>/mocks/$1', '[#]/(.*)': '<rootDir>/src/$1', 'tests/(.*)': '<rootDir>/tests/$1', }, coverageThreshold: { global: { branches: 100, functions: 100, lines: 100, statements: 100, }, }, }; export default config;
to run only unit testsimport config from './jest.config'; config.collectCoverageFrom = ['!<rootDir>/src/main/**/*.ts']; config.testMatch = ['**/*.spec.ts']; export default config;
to run only integration testsimport config from './jest.config'; config.collectCoverageFrom = ['<rootDir>/src/main/**/*.ts']; config.testMatch = ['**/*.test.ts']; export default config;
add scripts to
"scripts": { "test": "jest --passWithNoTests --runInBand --detectOpenHandles --silent --noStackTrace", "test:v": "jest --passWithNoTests --runInBand --detectOpenHandles --verbose", "test:w": "npm run test -- --watch", "test:u": "npm run test -- -c jest.unit.config.ts", "test:i": "npm run test -- -c jest.integration.config.ts", "test:ci": "npm run test -- --coverage", "test:ci:u": "npm run test:u -- --coverage", "test:ci:i": "npm run test:i -- --coverage", "test:staged": "npm test -- --findRelatedTests" }
file to add mocks and others setup configurations// this is an example global.console = { log: jest.fn(), error: jest.fn(), warn: jest.fn(), } as unknown as Console;
create the file
to persist the mocks folder -
change the
to tests work:console.log(1);
run the command
npm run test
to see if works
chore: configuring build
add deps
npm add -D -E rimraf webpack webpack-cli ts-loader css-loader terser-webpack-plugin tsconfig-paths-webpack-plugin
add this script to build project:
"script": { "build": "rimraf .tmp && webpack --config webpack.config.ts", }
create the
file in root dir like this:import path from 'path'; import TerserPlugin from 'terser-webpack-plugin'; import TsconfigPathsPlugin from 'tsconfig-paths-webpack-plugin'; import {type Configuration} from 'webpack'; const config: Configuration = { target: 'node', mode: 'production', entry: './src/index.ts', output: { filename: 'index.js', path: path.resolve(__dirname, '.tmp/dist'), }, resolve: { extensions: ['.ts', '.js'], plugins: [new TsconfigPathsPlugin()], }, node: {__dirname: false, __filename: false}, externalsType: 'commonjs', module: { rules: [ {test: /\.(sa|sc|c)ss$/, use: ['style-loader', 'css-loader', 'sass-loader']}, {test: /\.ts$/, use: 'ts-loader', exclude: /node_modules/}, ], }, optimization: { minimize: true, minimizer: [ new TerserPlugin({ extractComments: false, terserOptions: {compress: true, mangle: false}, }), ], }, }; export default config;
run the command
npm run build
to see if works. (the project will be compiled and saved in folder.tmp/dist
Aditional steps to use swagger-ui-express
The lib swagger-ui-express can be used to provide a swagger user interface to document own api. To configure with webpack do these steps:
install the aditional dependencies:
npm add -D copy-webpack-plugin
change the
to adding the configurations to import swagger-ui-express dependencies when build the application// webpack.config.ts import CopyWebpackPlugin from 'copy-webpack-plugin'; const config: Configuration = { // ... plugins: [ new CopyWebpackPlugin({ patterns: [ './node_modules/swagger-ui-dist/swagger-ui.css', './node_modules/swagger-ui-dist/swagger-ui-bundle.js', './node_modules/swagger-ui-dist/swagger-ui-standalone-preset.js', './node_modules/swagger-ui-dist/favicon-16x16.png', './node_modules/swagger-ui-dist/favicon-32x32.png', ], }), ], }; export default config;
chore: configuring docker
.tmp .vscode .scannerwork node_modules
FROM node:16-bullseye-slim AS builder WORKDIR /app COPY . . RUN \ npm install --frozen-lockfile && \ npm build FROM node:16-bullseye-slim AS runner WORKDIR /app ENV \ # APP NODE_ENV="development" \ PORT="3000" # other env vars goes here COPY --from=builder /app/.tmp/dist/ /app/ EXPOSE ${PORT} CMD node index.js
note: the next steps in this section you need only if will use a database (this is a example)
to build database structureCREATE TABLE example ( "id" BIGINT NOT NULL SERIAL, ... ); /* migrations and seeds goes here*/
note in this example i will use postgres as database
with our main repository nameversion: '3' networks: {{REPOSITORY_NAME}}: name: {{REPOSITORY_NAME}} services: {{REPOSITORY_NAME}}-service-name: # service properties
is a simple example. Below you can see some commonly used servicesPostgresSQL
{{REPOSITORY_NAME}}-postgres: image: postgres hostname: postgres container_name: {{REPOSITORY_NAME}}-postgres ports: [ '5432:5432' ] volumes: [ './db.sql:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/db.sql' ] # if uses an db script file (see image docs) networks: [ '{{REPOSITORY_NAME}}' ] environment: POSTGRES_USER: postgres POSTGRES_PASSWORD: postgres POSTGRES_DB: postgres healthcheck: test: ['CMD-SHELL', 'pg_isready -U postgres'] interval: 10s timeout: 5s start_period: 10s
{{REPOSITORY_NAME}}-mysql: image: mysql hostname: mysql container_name: {{REPOSITORY_NAME}}-mysql ports: [ '3306:3306' ] volumes: [ './db.sql:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/db.sql' ] # if uses an db script file (see image docs) networks: [ '{{REPOSITORY_NAME}}' ] environment: MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: root MYSQL_DATABASE: mysql MYSQL_USER: mysql MYSQL_PASSWORD: mysql healthcheck: test: [ "CMD", "mysqladmin", "ping", "-h", "localhost", "-proot" ] timeout: 10s retries: 10 start_period: 10s
{{REPOSITORY_NAME}}-mongo: image: mongo:latest hostname: mongo container_name: {{REPOSITORY_NAME}}-mongo ports: [ '27017:27017' ] volumes: [ './db.js:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/db.js' ] # if uses an db script file (see image docs) networks: [ '{{REPOSITORY_NAME}}' ] environment: MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME: mongo MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD: mongo MONGO_INITDB_DATABASE: mongo healthcheck: test: ["CMD", "mongo", "--eval", "db.stats()"] interval: 10s timeout: 5s retries: 3
MongoDB (with replica set enabled)
{{REPOSITORY_NAME}}-mongo: image: mongo:latest hostname: mongo container_name: {{REPOSITORY_NAME}}-mongo ports: [ '27017:27017' ] volumes: [ './db.js:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/db.js' ] # if uses an db script file (see image docs) networks: [ '{{REPOSITORY_NAME}}' ] environment: MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME: mongo MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD: mongo MONGO_INITDB_DATABASE: mongo command: > bash -c " mongod --replSet rs0 --bind_ip_all & sleep 5 && if mongosh --eval 'rs.status().ok' | grep -q 1; then echo 'Replica set are started.' else echo 'Starting replica set...' mongosh --eval 'rs.initiate({_id: \"rs0\", members: [{_id: 0, host: \"mongo:27017\"}]})' fi tail -f /dev/null " healthcheck: test: ["CMD", "mongo", "--eval", "db.stats()"] interval: 10s timeout: 5s retries: 3
MongoDB (Atlas version)
{{REPOSITORY_NAME}}-mongo-atlas: image: mongodb/atlas:latest hostname: mongo-atlas container_name: {{REPOSITORY_NAME}}-mongo-atlas ports: [ "${MONGO_PORT}:${MONGO_PORT}" ] networks: [ "{{REPOSITORY_NAME}}" ] privileged: true command: "bash -c '\ atlas deployments setup \ --type local \ --bindIpAll \ --port ${MONGO_PORT} \ --username ${MONGO_USERNAME} \ --password ${MONGO_PASSWORD} \ --force && tail -f /dev/null'" healthcheck: test: [ "CMD", "mongosh", "--host", "localhost", "--port", "${MONGO_PORT}", "-u", "${MONGO_USERNAME}", "-p", "${MONGO_PASSWORD}", "--eval", "db.stats()" ] interval: 10s timeout: 5s retries: 20
{{REPOSITORY_NAME}}-redis: image: redis/redis-stack-server hostname: redis container_name: {{REPOSITORY_NAME}}-redis ports: [ '6379:6379' ] networks: [ '{{REPOSITORY_NAME}}' ] environment: # by default the redis username is "default", so with that we set the password to "default" to REDIS_ARGS: "--requirepass default" healthcheck: test: ["CMD", "redis-cli", "ping"] interval: 5s timeout: 3s retries: 3
{{REPOSITORY_NAME}}-sonarqube: image: sonarqube hostname: sonarqube container_name: {{REPOSITORY_NAME}}-sonarqube ports: [ '9000:9000' ] networks: [ '{{REPOSITORY_NAME}}' ] healthcheck: test: curl --fail http://localhost:9000 || exit 1 interval: 30s timeout: 10s retries: 5
{{REPOSITORY_NAME}}-rabbitmq: image: rabbitmq:management hostname: rabbitmq container_name: {{REPOSITORY_NAME}}-rabbitmq ports: [ '5672:5672', '15672:15672' ] networks: [ '{{REPOSITORY_NAME}}' ] environment: RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_USER: rabbitmq RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_PASS: rabbitmq healthcheck: test: ["CMD", "rabbitmq-diagnostics", "ping"] interval: 30s timeout: 10s retries: 5
Liquibase (with Postgres)
{{REPOSITORY_NAME}}-liquibase: container_name: {{REPOSITORY_NAME}}-liquibase hostname: liquibase platform: linux/amd64 image: liquibase/liquibase networks: [ '{{REPOSITORY_NAME}}' ] depends_on: {{REPOSITORY_NAME}}-postgres: condition: service_healthy # you need a file called "changelog.xml" in same directory of docker-compose volumes: [ './changelog.xml:/liquibase/changelog/changelog.xml' ] command: "bash -c '\ liquibase \ --url=jdbc:postgresql://postgresql:${POSTGRESQL_PORT}/${POSTGRESQL_DATABASE} \ --searchPath=/liquibase/changelog \ --changeLogFile=changelog.xml \ --username=${POSTGRESQL_USERNAME} \ --password=${POSTGRESQL_PASSWORD} \ --databaseChangeLogTableName=_changelog \ --databaseChangeLogLockTableName=_changelog_lock \ updateToTag ${LIQUIBASE_TAG}'"
Here is a example with the
file:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <databaseChangeLog xmlns="http://www.liquibase.org/xml/ns/dbchangelog" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:ext="http://www.liquibase.org/xml/ns/dbchangelog-ext" xmlns:pro="http://www.liquibase.org/xml/ns/pro" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.liquibase.org/xml/ns/dbchangelog http://www.liquibase.org/xml/ns/dbchangelog/dbchangelog-latest.xsd http://www.liquibase.org/xml/ns/dbchangelog-ext http://www.liquibase.org/xml/ns/dbchangelog/dbchangelog-ext.xsd http://www.liquibase.org/xml/ns/pro http://www.liquibase.org/xml/ns/pro/liquibase-pro-latest.xsd"> <changeSet id="123/change-set-id" author="[email protected]"> <sql> CREATE TABLE "users" ( "id" UUID NOT NULL DEFAULT GEN_RANDOM_UUID(), "created_at" TIMESTAMP(3) WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(3), "last_updated_at" TIMESTAMP(3) WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(3), "removed_at" TIMESTAMP(3) WITH TIME ZONE NULL, "name" VARCHAR(100) NULL, "email" VARCHAR(200) NOT NULL, -- PRIMARY KEY ("id") ); </sql> <rollback> DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "users"; </rollback> </changeSet> <changeSet id="123/tag" author="[email protected]"> <tagDatabase tag="123" /> </changeSet> </databaseChangeLog>
{{REPOSITORY_NAME}}-keycloak: image: quay.io/keycloak/keycloak hostname: keycloak container_name: api-keycloak ports: [ '${KEYCLOAK_PORT}:8080' ] networks: [ '{{REPOSITORY_NAME}}' ] environment: KEYCLOAK_ADMIN: ${KEYCLOAK_ADMIN_USERNAME} KEYCLOAK_ADMIN_PASSWORD: ${KEYCLOAK_ADMIN_PASSWORD} # uncomment this only if you have a realm.json file # volumes: [ './realm.json:/opt/keycloak/data/import/realm.json' ] command: start-dev --import-realm healthcheck: test: curl --fail http://localhost:8080 || exit 1 interval: 30s timeout: 10s retries: 3
Note: to generate
you can access the admin panel, create any realm, access the "realm settings" and click in export. -
Alert: Before export for use with this script you need to edit the json file removing an property called "authorizationSettings" or the script cannot work. You can see more details about this error here
- Try create the client used for develop before export the realm json file, this will help you when develop
- You can edit the realm json file setting a hardcoded secret value on property
. Find the created client on previous tip. - You can add users in the realm json file. To do this, add objects to property
like this example:{ "id": "[email protected]", "username": "[email protected]", "email": "[email protected]", "emailVerified": true, "enabled": true, "firstName": "John", "lastName": "Doe", "credentials": [{"type": "password","value": "password"}], // you can get the "default-role-name" in property // "defaultRole.name" of realm json file "realmRoles": ["{{default-role-name}}"] },
Note: All service scripts here are created by AI solutions like Gemini or ChatGPT.
If you need any other service, please see the image docs on Docker Hub or try generate the markup code with AI's. -
add scripts to
"scripts": { "compose": "docker-compose down --remove-orphans && docker-compose up --build --force-recreate", "compose:d": "npm run compose -- -d", }
chore: configuring debugger
install dependencies to debug
npm add -D -E nodemon ts-node
add scripts to
"scripts": { "dev": "nodemon --watch src --ext ts --exec \"ts-node src\"" }
create file
{ "version": "0.2.0", "configurations": [ { "name": "dev", "request": "launch", "runtimeArgs": [ "run-script", "dev" ], "outputCapture": "std", "runtimeExecutable": "npm", "type": "node" } ], "compounds": [] }
chore: configure sonarcube
Install the sonnar-scanner into you operation system.
The easy way to install is using the Chocolatey. Install the chocolatey using the site tutorial.
Now open an terminal with admin privileges and run the command:
choco install sonarqube-scanner.portable -y
Next you can check the instalation using the command:
sonnar-scanner -v
Depending of the distribution you may need to find the correct command. With Ubuntu as example we have:
Run the command to download the cli:
wget https://binaries.sonarsource.com/Distribution/sonar-scanner-cli/sonar-scanner-cli-
Extract the download file with command:
sudo mkdir /opt/sonar-scanner && sudo unzip sonar-scanner-cli- -d /opt/sonar-scanner
Add the sonnar-scanner binary paths into you environment vars. Normally you need edit the file
(if using ZSH) adding this line in the end of file:export PATH="/opt/sonar-scanner/bin:$PATH"
Save the file and run the command
. -
Now you can check the instalation using the command:
sonnar-scanner -v
The easy way is using the
to install.-
Install the
using the command:/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"
Next, run the command:
brew install sonar-scanner
Now you can check the instalation using the command:
sonnar-scanner -v
Add the sonarcube server to the
. You can use the template in the session about Docker and Docker Compose and start it with thenodejs
commandnpm run compose:d
. -
Access the sonarcube on the endpoint http://localhost:9000 and do login using the
. The sonarcube would request to change the password. Normally I change topassword=password
. -
When login successful, access the endpoint http://localhost:9000/account/security and generate a token called "development" with "Global" type and without expiration time.
The sonarcube will generate a token like
. Now create a file.env.example
with this content:# sonarcube SONARCUBE_HOST = "http://localhost" SONARCUBE_PORT = 9000 SONARCUBE_TOKEN = ""
Now duplicate the file
with name.env
and set the generated token into the SONARCUBE_TOKEN variable.Note: The file
is used to maintain the default.env
file format to configure the environment vars -
Create the file
with this code:require('dotenv').config(); const {exec} = require('child_process'); const packageJson = require('../package.json'); const command = [ "sonar-scanner", `-Dsonar.projectKey="${packageJson.name}"`, `-Dsonar.projectName="${packageJson.displayName}"`, `-Dsonar.projectVersion="${packageJson.version}"`, `-Dsonar.sources="./src"`, `-Dsonar.language="ts"`, `-Dsonar.working.directory="./.tmp/scannerwork"`, `-Dsonar.login="${process.env.SONARCUBE_TOKEN}"` ].join(" "); const childProcess = exec(command); childProcess.stdout.on('data', (data) => console.log(data)); childProcess.on('close', (code) => process.exit(code));
Add an script to
file:{ "scripts": { "sonar": "node ./.scripts/sonar.js" } }
Note: this will enable to run the sonar-scanner into this project. You can access the project overview in the url http://localhost:9000/dashboard?id=${package.json#name}
Add the directory to
file like this:node_modules yarn* .tmp .scannerwork .env
Start development of application.
Every change by each file you need make commit's in conventional-commit design structure
The ESLint config is an default config, you can change this if needed
If you have any question with this gist, call me on Linkedin
Last active
December 4, 2024 15:13
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