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Created November 26, 2016 18:55
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function [ref_ii, ref_jj, blk_residual] = block_match(blk, frame)
% frame and block dimensions
[H, W] = size(frame);
blk_size = size(blk, 1);
ref_ii = 1;
ref_jj = 1;
err = (255 ^ 2) * (blk_size ^ 2);
blk_residual = 255 * ones(blk_size, blk_size);
% loop over all blocks fully contained within the reference frame
for ii = 1 : H - blk_size + 1
for jj = 1 : W - blk_size + 1
ref_blk = frame(ii : ii + blk_size - 1, jj : jj + blk_size - 1);
err_blk = norm(ref_blk - blk, 'fro') ^ 2;
% find the block with the smallest matching error
if err_blk <= err
err = err_blk;
blk_residual = blk - ref_blk;
ref_ii = ii;
ref_jj = jj;
clear all
close all
% load reference frame (frame_0) and target frame (frame_1)
frame_0 = double(imread('frame_0.jpg'));
frame_1 = double(imread('frame_1.jpg'));
[H, W] = size(frame_0); % frame dimensions
%% book-keeping variables and parameters
blk_size = 16; % block dimensions
num_blk_H = H / blk_size; % number of blocks
num_blk_W = W / blk_size;
num_blk = num_blk_H * num_blk_W;
mv = zeros(num_blk, 2); % "motion vectors", actually indices for matched blocks
residual = zeros(H, W); % motion-compensated residual
dct_transform = zeros(H, W); % DCT transformed residual
quantize_step = 10; % simple uniform quantization
dct_quantized = zeros(H, W); % quantized DCT transform
idct_transform = zeros(H, W); % inverse DCT transform
reconstructed = zeros(H, W); % reconstructed frame
%% loop over all blocks
for jj = 1 : num_blk_W
for ii = 1 : num_blk_H
% fprintf('Encoding %d out of %d blocks\n', (jj - 1) * num_blk_H + ii, num_blk);
range_vertical = (ii - 1) * blk_size + 1 : ii * blk_size;
range_horizontal = (jj - 1) * blk_size + 1 : jj * blk_size;
% target block to encode
target_blk = frame_1(range_vertical, range_horizontal);
% motion-compensation
[ref_ii, ref_jj, residual_blk] = block_match(target_blk, frame_0);
mv((jj - 1) * num_blk_H + ii, :) = [ref_ii, ref_jj];
residual(range_vertical, range_horizontal) = residual_blk;
% DCT of residual
dct_transform_blk = dct2(residual_blk);
dct_transform(range_vertical, range_horizontal) = dct_transform_blk;
% quantization and de-quantization
dct_quantized_blk = round(dct_transform_blk / quantize_step) * quantize_step;
dct_quantized(range_vertical, range_horizontal) = dct_quantized_blk;
% inverse DCT of quantized coefficients
idct_transform_blk = idct2(dct_quantized_blk);
idct_transform(range_vertical, range_horizontal) = idct_transform_blk;
% reconstruction by motion compensation
reconstructed_blk = idct_transform_blk + frame_0(ref_ii : ref_ii + blk_size - 1, ...
ref_jj : ref_jj + blk_size - 1);
reconstructed(range_vertical, range_horizontal) = reconstructed_blk;
%% visualize and analyze
reconstructed(reconstructed < 0) = 0;
reconstructed(reconstructed > 255) = 255;
reconstructed = round(reconstructed);
figure; imshow(frame_1 / 255, 'border', 'tight');
figure; imshow(reconstructed / 255, 'border', 'tight');
mse = norm(frame_1 - reconstructed, 'fro') ^ 2 / H / W;
psnr = 10 * log10(255 * 255 / mse);
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