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Created February 22, 2025 15:07
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This script extracts tables from LCSO Reports (PDFs) and formats them as Markdown for Telegram messages (using <pre> tags for proper rendering).
import pymupdf
def generate_markdown_table(rows):
"""Generates a Markdown table string wrapped in <pre> tags."""
if not rows:
return "No incidents reported"
headers = ["Station", "Date / Time", "Location", "Incident"]
# Build the Markdown table string
table_md = "<pre>\n"
table_md += "|" + "|".join(headers) + "|\n"
table_md += "|" + "|".join("-" * len(header) for header in headers) + "|\n"
for row in rows:
table_md += "|" + "|".join(str(cell).replace("\n", " ") for cell in row) + "|\n"
table_md += "</pre>"
return table_md
def process_pdf(pdf_path):
"""Extracts data from the PDF and returns a list of rows."""
doc =
rows = []
for page in doc:
tabs = page.find_tables()
if tabs.tables:
for tab in tabs:
table_data = tab.extract()
if table_data:
station_info = table_data[0][0].split("\n")[0]
data = table_data[2:]
for row in data:
# Add station info to each row
row.insert(0, station_info)
return rows
if __name__ == "__main__":
pdf_path = "LCSO Report - 2025-02-18.pdf"
rows = process_pdf(pdf_path)
markdown_table = generate_markdown_table(rows)
pdf_path = "LCSO Report - 2025-02-19.pdf"
rows = process_pdf(pdf_path)
markdown_table = generate_markdown_table(rows)
Copy link

Output Example:

Station Date / Time Location Incident
Eastern Loudoun Station 02/18/2025 5:00 p.m. 46000 block Woodstone Ter., Sterling Vehicle Tampering: Complainant reported that her vehicle was damaged. SO250002847
Ashburn Station 02/10/2025- 02/17/2025 12:00 a.m. 43000 block Postrail Sq., Ashburn Vehicle Tampering: Complainant reported that her vehicle was damaged due to being scratched on all sides. SO250002877
Ashburn Station 02/18/2025 7:30 a.m. 20000 block Trails End Ter., Ashburn Larceny: Complainant reported that his vehicle was entered, and items were taken. SO250002842
Dulles South Station No significant incidents
Western Loudoun Station No significant incidents
Scams No significant incidents

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