First set up your keyboard layout. For example, in Spanish:
# loadkeys es
For a list of all acceptable keymaps:
# localectl list-keymaps
#include <libwebsockets.h> | |
static int callback_example(struct lws *wsi, enum lws_callback_reasons reason, void *user, void *in, size_t len) | |
{ | |
switch (reason) { | |
case LWS_CALLBACK_ESTABLISHED: // just log message that someone is connecting | |
printf("connection established\n"); | |
break; |
#!/bin/zsh | |
# Author: leannejdong | |
# Usage: bill <add|list|remove> <name> <amount> <due_date> | |
BILL_FILE=~/.bills | |
case "$1" in | |
add) | |
echo "$2;$3;$4" >> $BILL_FILE | |
echo "Bill added: $2 - $3 - $4" |
# collections (enclaves encryption, database, safe compute) | | | | | | | | |
# Only for cross building, 'os_build/arch_build' is the system that runs Conan | |
os_build: [Windows, WindowsStore, Linux, Macos, FreeBSD, SunOS, AIX] | |
arch_build: [x86, x86_64, ppc32be, ppc32, ppc64le, ppc64, armv5el, armv5hf, armv6, armv7, armv7hf, armv7s, armv7k, armv8, armv8_32, armv8.3, sparc, sparcv9, mips, mips64, avr, s390, s390x, sh4le, e2k-v2, e2k-v3, e2k-v4, e2k-v5, e2k-v6, e2k-v7] | |
# Only for building cross compilation tools, 'os_target/arch_target' is the system for | |
# which the tools generate code | |
os_target: [Windows, Linux, Macos, Android, iOS, watchOS, tvOS, FreeBSD, SunOS, AIX, Arduino, Neutrino] | |
arch_target: [x86, x86_64, ppc32be, ppc32, ppc64le, ppc64, armv5el, armv5hf, armv6, armv7, armv7hf, armv7s, armv7k, armv8, armv8_32, armv8.3, sparc, sparcv9, mips, mips64, avr, s390, s390x, asm.js, wasm, sh4le, e2k-v2, e2k-v3, e2k-v4, e2k-v5, e2k-v6, e2k-v7] |
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.12) | |
project(SimpleSolve) | |
find_package(Eigen3 3.3 REQUIRED NO_MODULE) | |
find_package(range) | |
include_directories(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/include) | |
add_library(SimpleSolve INTERFACE) #this allows cmake to build the .so or .a file | |
target_include_directories(SimpleSolve INTERFACE include/) | |
target_link_libraries(SimpleSolve INTERFACE Eigen3::Eigen) | |
install(TARGETS SimpleSolve DESTINATION /usr/lib) |
## Build sdk | |
rm -r /home/leanne/.conan/data/bitwyresdk | |
conan create . bitwyresdk/1.0.0@ --build=missing | |
mkdir build; cd build | |
conan install .. --build=missing | |
cmake .. -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=/usr/bin/g++ -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=/usr/bin/gcc -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug | |
#include <boost/beast/core.hpp> | |
#include <boost/beast/http.hpp> | |
#include <boost/beast/version.hpp> | |
#include <boost/asio/strand.hpp> | |
#include <cstdlib> | |
#include <functional> | |
#include <iostream> | |
#include <memory> | |
#include <string> |
# ~/.bashrc: executed by bash(1) for non-login shells. | |
# see /usr/share/doc/bash/examples/startup-files (in the package bash-doc) | |
# for examples | |
# If not running interactively, don't do anything | |
case $- in | |
*i*) ;; | |
*) return;; | |
esac |