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Last active April 1, 2016 07:52
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private Map<String, Object> testMutation() {
String mutation_query = "mutation M {\r\n"
+ "first: changeGoodsName(id:\"K201511030000008\",name: \"name1\") {\r\n"
+ "name\r\n"
+ "updateTime\r\n"
+ "}\r\n"
+ "}";
GraphQLObjectType goodsType = GraphQLObjectType.newObject()
.description("The updateTime of the goods.")
GraphQLObjectType queryType = GraphQLObjectType.newObject()
GraphQLObjectType mutationType = GraphQLObjectType.newObject()
.dataFetcher(new DataFetcher() {
public Object get(DataFetchingEnvironment environment) {
String id = environment.getArgument("id");
String name = environment.getArgument("name");
GoodsInfoDto info = new GoodsInfoDto();
return info;
GraphQLSchema schema = GraphQLSchema.newSchema()
Map<String, Object> result = (Map<String, Object>) new GraphQL(schema).execute(mutation_query).getData();
return result;
private Map<String, Object> testQuery() {
GraphQLObjectType goodsInfoType = newObject()
.description("type of goods info detail")
.description("The name of the goods.")
.description("The Id of the goods.")
.description("The updateTime of the goods.")
DataFetcher goodsInfoDataFetcher = new DataFetcher() {
Object get(DataFetchingEnvironment environment) {
String id = (String) environment.getArguments().get("id");
Map<String,Object> map = new HashMap<String,Object>();
map.put("goodsId", id);
map.put("languageId", languageId);
map.put("baseUrl", SystemConf.getServerRootDirUrl());
map.put("checkPhoneUserId", null );
GoodsInfoDto info = goodsInfoService.queryGoodsInfoDetail(map);
return info;
GraphQLObjectType queryType = newObject()
.description("id of the goods")
.type(new GraphQLNonNull(GraphQLString))
GraphQLSchema schema = GraphQLSchema.newSchema().query(queryType).build();
String query = "{goodsInfo(id:\"K201511030000008\"){"
+ "name\r\n"
+ "updateTime\r\n"
+ "goodsId}}";
Map<String, Object> result = (Map<String, Object>) new GraphQL(schema).execute(query).getData();
return result;
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