In this section of the hands on we will switch from tag based code to script based code and create a structure of data. We will then output that on the page.
Tags Used: <cfscript>, <cfoutput>
- Open up the /www/about.cfm file in your code editor.
Locate line 1 and write an opening and closing <cfscript> block. Put the closing </cfscript> tag on the second line. Your code should look something like this:
<cfscript> </cfscript>
In between the opening and closing <cfscript> tags, create a struct by write the following code:
personalInfo = {name='', dob='', address='', phonenumber='', email='', website='', skype=''};
- For each variable of the personalInfo struct, provide some information (you do not have to use real information if you prefer not to).
- Locate the [Name] placeholder text on or around line 116.
- Replace [Name] with
- Replace the other placeholders with their matching variables in the personalInfo struct.
Wrap all the <div> tags with the class of clr in a <cfoutput> tag. Your code should look similar to this:
<cfoutput> <div class="clr"><div class="input-box">Name </div><span></span> </div> <div class="clr"><div class="input-box">Date of birth </div><span> #personalInfo.dob#</span></div> <div class="clr"><div class="input-box">Address</div><span> #personalInfo.address#</span></div> <div class="clr"><div class="input-box">Phone</div> <span>#personalInfo.phoneNumber#</span> </div> <div class="clr"><div class="input-box">E-mail</div><span><a href="#"></a></span> </div> <div class="clr"><div class="input-box">Website </div> <span><a href="#"></a></span> </div> <div class="clr"><div class="box1">Skype </div> <span><a href="#"></a></span> </div> </cfoutput>
- To test that your changes have taken place, load the /www/about.cfm page in your browser.
- Notice that you have received a ColdFusion Error. The error states that it has found an Invalid CFML construct. This is due to the single # signs inside the links for email, website, and Skype. ColdFusion uses the # sign to denote variables and it is trying to evaluate everything between the first # sign and the next one. To resolve the error, we must escape the single # signs.
- Locate the link that wraps around the email output on or around line 121.
Update the value of the href attribute to ## rather than #. You're <a> tag should look similar to this:
<a href="##">
- Do this also for the website and Skype links.
- Refresh the /www/about.cfm page in your browser and confirm that you now see your information being displayed.
- Convert all remaining .html pages to .cfm pages.
- Update all navigation links to point to the .cfm files rather than the .html files.
- Create a structure on the Contact page that stores your address, phone number, email, and Skype information; display it on the right hand side under Contact Info.