###SSH into a remote machine###
ssh [email protected]
#or by ip address
ssh [email protected]
exit: exit
###Install Something###
#If it's a new server, update apt-get first thing
sudo apt-get update
#then you can install something - say Git
sudo apt-get install git
###Copy/Deploy files###
#copy all of the files in this directory to the /home/will/newapp directory
rsync -av . [email protected]:~/newapp
#delete a file and run rsync again, and it only copies the one mising file
###Generate an SSH keypair for passwordless SSH###
#on your computer
cd ~/.ssh
#you might need to make the .ssh directory
ssh-keygen -C "[email protected]"
#hit enter a few times to generate key
#copy the file contents to the clipboard
cat id_rsa.pub | pbcopy
#log into your machine
ssh [email protected]
#make the .ssh directory and get in it
mkdir .ssh
cd .ssh
#open authorized_keys in nano and paste the contents in
nano authorized_keys
#paste contents in and save by hitting ctrl+x
#exit and you can now ssh without a password!
ssh-copy-id [email protected]
from your local machine can make that last step much easier.