###Doing Express.js Async With Generators###
Using Co library, run generators as responses by wrapping Co and adding an extra function to handle errors
- Because Co always runs the last argument as a callback...so it would always runs next() by default
- This function only runs next if there's an error
//assign this to the Co module somewhere in application bootstrapping,
//so you can do var ce = require('co').coExpress in each router file
co.coExpress = (generator) => {
return (...args) => {
co(generator).apply(...args, e => { if (e) args.pop()(e); }); //run next(e) if there are errors
###Now for some examples!###
3 Series Requests
router.get('/series', ce(function* (req, res, next) {
degrees: JSON.parse(yield get('http://myapi.com/degrees')),
categories: JSON.parse(yield get('http://myapi.com/categories')),
subjects: JSON.parse(yield get('http://myapi.com/subjects'))
3 Parallel Requests
router.get('/parallel', ce(function* (req, res, next) {
var data = yield {
degrees: get('http://myapi.com/degrees'),
categories: get('http://myapi.com/categories'),
subjects: get('http://myapi.com/subjects')
degrees: JSON.parse(data.degrees),
categories: JSON.parse(data.categories),
subjects: JSON.parse(data.subjects)
Parallel Requests with alternate destructured syntax
router.get('/parallel2', ce(function* (req, res, next) {
var [degrees, categories] = yield [
degrees: JSON.parse(degrees),
categories: JSON.parse(categories)
Complex example: 2 Parallel actions, the 2nd action is actually 3 series actions
router.get('/parallel3', ce(function* (req, res, next) {
//async operation one
var first = get('first', 2000); //start this, but don't yield it
//arync opearation two - run these in series
var second = yield get('second', 1000); //yield pauses execution
var third = yield get('third', 1000);
var fourth = yield get('fourth', 1000);
first: yield first, //yield first now, so we don't block anything else
second: second,
third: third,
fourth: fourth
//MAN that was WAY too easy!