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Created July 22, 2023 02:03
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Wat description:)?

Build on WSL doesn't count here. And... I don't know if it can communicate with the phone:v

What is this?

Pongoterm is a way to communicate with PongoOS, which is used for iOS jailbreaks such as checkra1n and palera1n.


  • GCC
  • libusb from GitHub or from your repo, if you use MSYS2/Cygwin
  • pongotermwin from Mineek's tweet.

Installing libusb (for non-MSYS2/Cygwin users, e.g TDM-GCC - but everyone else can use this)

Get binaries from GitHub. Unpack the compressed file.

Go deeper and you will see directories. Pick one suitable for your compiling tool.

Also grab the DLL file in Visual Studio*\ folder and place it on where you downloaded pongoterm.


Note: This is intended for testing purposes only. Warning: Be careful with everything you see, pongoterm is NOT a jailbreak! No one wants to be tracked, right?

Open Command Prompt, "cd" to your downloaded file path. And run:

gcc -o pongoterm pongotermwin.c -lpthread -lusb-1.0

If you see no error here (or even no output), the build is completed!

You may need to change -lusb-1.0 to "-llibusb-1.0" or put it in quotes.

Put your phone to DFU mode, run .\pongoterm and connect the phone to your PC.

That's all.

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