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Created May 15, 2023 19:35
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use core::ptr::NonNull;
use core::alloc::Layout;
pub trait Alloc {
/// allocates a block of memory.
/// - if the call succeeds:
/// - the returned pointer refers to a live allocation.
/// - `layout` is the active layout of the returned memory block.
fn alloc(&self, layout: Layout) -> Option<NonNull<u8>> {
if layout.size() != 0 {
// layout.size() > 0.
let result = unsafe { self.alloc_nonzero(layout) };
if let Some(result) = result {
debug_assert!(result.as_ptr() as usize % layout.align() == 0);
return result;
else {
return Some(dangling(layout));
/// allocates a block of memory.
/// - if the call succeeds:
/// - the returned pointer refers to a live allocation.
/// - `layout` is the active layout of the returned memory block.
/// # safety:
/// - `layout.size() > 0`
unsafe fn alloc_nonzero(&self, layout: Layout) -> Option<NonNull<u8>>;
/// frees an allocation.
/// - after the call, `ptr` is no longer a live allocation.
/// # safety:
/// - if `layout.size() > 0`:
/// - `ptr` must be a live allocation, allocated from this allocator.
/// - `layout` must be the active layout of the memory block.
unsafe fn free(&self, ptr: NonNull<u8>, layout: Layout) {
if layout.size() != 0 {
// invariants upheld by the caller, because `layout.size() > 0`.
unsafe { self.free_nonzero(ptr, layout) }
/// frees an allocation.
/// - after the call, `ptr` is no longer a live allocation.
/// # safety:
/// - `ptr` must be a live allocation, allocated from this allocator.
/// - `layout` must be the active layout of the memory block.
/// - `layout.size() > 0`.
unsafe fn free_nonzero(&self, ptr: NonNull<u8>, layout: Layout);
/// attempts to resize an allocation.
/// - returns whether resizing succeeded.
/// - the allocation referenced by `ptr` always remains live.
/// - if the call succeeds, `new_layout` is the active layout,
/// otherwise, `old_layout` remains the active layout.
/// # safety
/// - if old_layout.size() > 0:
/// - `ptr` must be a live allocation, allocated from this allocator.
/// - `old_layout` must be the active layout of the memory block.
/// - `old_layout.align() == new_layout.align()`.
unsafe fn try_realloc(&self, ptr: NonNull<u8>, old_layout: Layout, new_layout: Layout) -> Result<(), ()> {
if old_layout.size() == 0 || new_layout.size() == 0 {
return Err(())
self.try_realloc_nonzero(ptr, old_layout, new_layout)
/// attempts to resize an allocation.
/// - returns whether resizing succeeded.
/// - the allocation referenced by `ptr` always remains live.
/// - if the call succeeds, `new_layout` is the active layout,
/// otherwise, `old_layout` remains the active layout.
/// # safety
/// - `ptr` must be a live allocation, allocated from this allocator.
/// - `old_layout` must be the active layout of the memory block.
/// - `old_layout.align() == new_layout.align()`.
/// - `old_layout.size() > 0`.
/// - `new_layout.size() > 0`.
unsafe fn try_realloc_nonzero(&self, ptr: NonNull<u8>, old_layout: Layout, new_layout: Layout) -> Result<(), ()> {
let _ = (ptr, old_layout, new_layout);
/// resize an allocation.
/// - if the call succeeds:
/// - the returned pointer must be used for subsequent `Alloc` method calls.
/// - the active layout is `new_layout`.
/// - the new memory block's bytes in `0..min(old_layout.size(), new_layout.size())`
/// have the old memory block's values, other bytes are undefined.
/// - if the call fails:
/// - `ptr` remains live.
/// - `old_layout` remains the active layout.
/// - the memory block referenced by `ptr` remains unchanged.
/// # safety
/// - if old_layout.size() > 0:
/// - `ptr` must be a live allocation, allocated from this allocator.
/// - `old_layout` must be the active layout of the memory block.
/// - `old_layout.align() == new_layout.align()`.
unsafe fn realloc(&self, ptr: NonNull<u8>, old_layout: Layout, new_layout: Layout) -> Option<NonNull<u8>> {
debug_assert_eq!(old_layout.align(), new_layout.align());
// invariants upheld by the caller.
if unsafe { self.try_realloc(ptr, old_layout, new_layout).is_ok() } {
return Some(ptr);
else {
let new_ptr = self.alloc(new_layout);
if let Some(new_ptr) = new_ptr {
unsafe {
let min_size = old_layout.size().min(new_layout.size());
if min_size > 0 {
// both allocations are live and at least `min_size` large.
// live allocations can't overlap.
core::ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(ptr.as_ptr(), new_ptr.as_ptr(), min_size);
// invariants upheld by the caller., old_layout);
// else: failed. keep old allocation live.
return new_ptr;
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