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Created February 16, 2012 03:35
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Ask Reddit bot
__author__ = 'Lee'
import urllib
import json
import time
import re
seen = {}
info_dict = {}
agent = urllib.URLopener()
def login(user, passwd):
u ='', urllib.urlencode({'user':user,'passwd':passwd}));
cookies =['set-cookie']
cookie ="(reddit_session=.+?);", cookies).group(1)
agent.addheader('Cookie', cookie)
def info(t3):
if t3 in info_dict:
return info_dict[t3]
url = ""%t3
data = json.loads(
info_dict[t3] = data
return data
def api():
# returns 'worthwhile' comments
url = ""
data = json.loads(
data = filter(lambda e: e['data']['parent_id'].startswith('t3') and len(e['data']['body']) > 300 and e['data']['name'] not in seen, data['data']['children'])
for e in data:
seen[e['data']['name']] = True
# filter out those comments from threads whose time stamp is less than 5/6 hours or > 100 score
def info_filter(e):
data = info(e['data']['parent_id'])['data']['children'][0]
#print e['data']['parent_id'], info(e['data']['name'])['data']['children']
score = data['data']['score']
timestamp = data['data']['created_utc']
return score > 300 or time.time() < timestamp + 4*3600
return filter(info_filter, data)
def permalink(data):
link_id = data['data']['link_id'].replace("t3_","")
id = data['data']['id']
url = ""%(link_id, id)
print url
return url
uh = ""
def save(id, uh):
return json.loads("", urllib.urlencode({'id':id,'uh':uh})).read())
def post(uh, sr, title, url):
return json.loads("", urllib.urlencode({'uh':uh,'kind':'link','title':title,'url':url,'r':sr,'sr':sr})).read())
def whoami():
data = json.loads("").read())
global uh
uh = data['data']['modhash']
import webbrowser
first = True
def save_this_post(data):
url = permalink(data)
print post(uh, 'lee_saved_comments', data['data']['link_title'], url)
def browse(url):
global first
if first:
first = False
n = 1
while True:
print n
n += 1
data_set = api()
for data in data_set:
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