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Created February 1, 2024 10:03
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Kabbalah tree after Luria
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/** For the pardesh:
* CSS classes for each element .pardes-peshat, .pardes-*.
* Dynamic CSS clasa applied to the body: .pardes-peshat, .pardes-*.
* CCS rule engaged when body.class='pardes.*'
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<h2 id="Hebrew"></h2>
<p id="Translit"></p>
<p id="English"></p>
<p id="Attr"></p>
<p id="Letter"></p>
<p id="LetterName"></p>
<a id="close-detail">BACK TO THE TREE</a>
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<aside id="detail"></aside>
<menu id="pardes" alt='פרד"ס'>
<div id="peshat">
<dt><span lang="en">Peshat</span><span lang="he">פְּשָׁט</span></dt>
<dd>"surface" ("straight"); the literal, direct meaning.</dd>
<div id="remez">
<dt><span lang="en">Remez</span><span lang="he">רֶמֶז</span></dt>
<dd>"hints" ("deep"); allegorically hidden or symbolic meaning.</dd>
<div id="derash">
<dt><span lang="en">Derash</span><span lang="he">דְּרַשׁ</span></dt>
<dd>from Hebrew darash, "inquire" ("seek"); the comparative meaning, as given through
textual analysis of similar occurrences, aka Midrashic.</dd>
<div id="sod">
<dt><span lang="en">Sod</span><span lang="he">סוֹד</span></dt>
<dd>"secret" ("mystery"); the esoteric/mystical meaning,
as given through inspiration or revelation. </dd>
const templateEl = document.getElementById( 'detail-template' );
const detailEl = document.getElementById( 'detail' );
const RADIUS = 36;
const RADIUS_SMALLER = 30;
const X_PAD = 100;
const Y_PAD = 100;
let __currentPardes;
function showDetail ( sephiraData, _e ) {
const clone = document.importNode( templateEl.content, true );
for ( let attrName in sephiraData ) {
const el = clone.getElementById( attrName );
if ( el ) {
if ( typeof sephiraData[ attrName ] === 'string' || typeof sephiraData[ attrName ] === 'number' ) {
el.textContent = sephiraData[ attrName ];
else if ( sephiraData[ attrName ] instanceof Array ) {
el.innerHTML = '<ul>' + (
sephiraData[ attrName ].map( _ => { return `<li>${ _ }</li>` } ).join( '' )
) + '</ul>';
document.body.addEventListener( 'keydown', ( e ) => escClosesDetail( e, detailEl ) );
clone.querySelector( '#close-detail' ).addEventListener( 'click', () => {
closeDetail( detailEl );
document.removeEventListener( 'keydown', ( e ) => escClosesDetail( e, detailEl ) );
} );
clone.querySelector( '#Hebrew' ).style.filter = 'url("#gradient-' + sephiraData.Translit + '")';
closeDetail( detailEl );
detailEl.appendChild( clone );
detailEl.classList.add( 'active' );
function escClosesDetail ( e, detailEl ) {
if ( e.key === 'Esc' || e.key === 'Escape' ) {
closeDetail( detailEl );
function closeDetail ( detailEl ) {
detailEl.classList.remove( 'active' );
detailEl.innerHTML = '';
function foreignObject ( { id, xhtml, klass, x, y, width, height } ) {
const foreignObject = document.createElementNS( '', 'foreignObject' ); = id;
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body.innerHTML = xhtml;
foreignObject.appendChild( body );
return foreignObject;
function setPardes ( newPardes ) {
if ( __currentPardes ) {
document.body.classList.remove( __currentPardes );
__currentPardes = 'pardes-' + newPardes.toLowerCase();
document.body.classList.add( __currentPardes );
function addLines ( svgRootNode ) {
// Paths between sephira:
let lineCount = 0;
for ( const connection of connections ) {
const fromPosition = fromTreeOfLife( connection.from ).Position;
const toPosition = fromTreeOfLife( ).Position;
const lineId = `line${ ++lineCount }`;
// Create a line element
const lineNode = document.createElementNS( '', 'path' );
lineNode.setAttribute( 'id', lineId );
lineNode.setAttribute( 'class', 'line-letter-path' );
lineNode.setAttribute( 'd', `
M ${ fromPosition.x() },${ fromPosition.y() }
L ${ toPosition.x() },${ toPosition.y() }
` );
lineNode.setAttribute( 'stroke', connection.Color );
lineNode.setAttribute( 'fill', connection.Color );
svgRootNode.appendChild( lineNode );
// Create a textPath element to label the line
const textPathNode = document.createElementNS( '', 'textPath' );
textPathNode.setAttribute( 'xlink:href', `#${ lineId }` );
textPathNode.setAttribute( 'class', 'text-path' );
textPathNode.textContent = connection.Letter;
// Create a text element and append the textPath
const textNode = document.createElementNS( '', 'text' );
textNode.setAttribute( 'dx', '400%' );
textNode.appendChild( textPathNode );
svgRootNode.appendChild( textNode );
function addSephirot ( svgRootNode ) {
// Render sephirot
let circleLines = 0;
for ( const sephira in treeOfLife ) {
const sephiraData = treeOfLife[ sephira ];
const cx = sephiraData.Position.x();
const cy = sephiraData.Position.y();
const circleId = 'circle-' + ( ++circleLines );
// Create a <g> to group all sephirot
const sephiraGroup = document.createElementNS( '', 'g' );
sephiraGroup.setAttribute( 'class', 'sephira-group ' + ( sephira.toLowerCase() ) );
sephiraGroup.addEventListener( 'click', ( e ) => showDetail( sephiraData, e ) );
svgRootNode.appendChild( sephiraGroup );
// Create the sephira sphere and append it to the <g> element
const path = document.createElementNS( '', 'path' );
path.setAttribute( 'id', circleId );
path.setAttribute( "d", `
M ${ cx },${ cy - RADIUS_SMALLER }
A ${ RADIUS_SMALLER },${ RADIUS_SMALLER } 0 1,0 ${ cx },${ cy + RADIUS_SMALLER }
A ${ RADIUS_SMALLER },${ RADIUS_SMALLER } 0 1,0 ${ cx },${ cy - RADIUS_SMALLER }
path.setAttribute( 'stroke', sephiraData.Translit );
path.setAttribute( 'fill', `url(#gradient-${ sephiraData.Translit })` );
path.setAttribute( 'filter', 'url(#drop-shadow)' );
path.setAttribute( 'class', 'sephira' );
sephiraGroup.appendChild( path );
// Put the Number at the top of the sphere
const number = document.createElementNS( '', 'text' );
number.setAttribute( 'class', 'order' );
number.setAttribute( 'x', sephiraData.Position.x() );
number.setAttribute( 'y', sephiraData.Position.y() - ( RADIUS / 1.9 ) );
number.textContent = `${ sephiraData.Order }`;
sephiraGroup.appendChild( number );
// Create a title text and append it to the <g> element
const title = document.createElementNS( '', 'text' );
title.setAttribute( 'class', 'title' );
title.setAttribute( 'x', sephiraData.Position.x() );
title.setAttribute( 'y', sephiraData.Position.y() );
title.setAttribute( 'filter', 'url(#drop-shadow)' );
title.textContent = `${ sephiraData.Hebrew }`;
sephiraGroup.appendChild( title );
// Create a description text and append it to the <g> element
// const desc = document.createElementNS( '', 'text' );
// desc.setAttribute( 'class', 'desc' );
// desc.setAttribute( 'x', sephiraData.Position.x() );
// desc.setAttribute( 'y', sephiraData.Position.y() + ( RADIUS + 15 ) );
// desc.textContent = `${ sephiraData.Translit } (${ sephiraData.English }) · ${ sephiraData.Letter }`;
// sephiraGroup.appendChild( desc );
// Pardes
for ( let pardes of [ 'peshat', 'remez', 'derash', 'sod' ] ) {
const xhtml = `<ul><li>${ sephiraData.Translit } (${ sephiraData.English })</li><li>${ sephiraData.Letter }</li>`;
foreignObject( {
x: sephiraData.Position.x() - ( RADIUS * 2.5 ),
y: sephiraData.Position.y() + ( RADIUS / 0.9 ),
width: RADIUS * 5,
height: RADIUS * 2,
klass: 'desc pardes-' + pardes,
xhtml: xhtml
} )
// TextPath: wrap some text around the same path as the circle: @see associated CSS
const textPathNode = document.createElementNS( '', 'textPath' );
textPathNode.setAttribute( 'href', `#${ circleId }` );
textPathNode.setAttribute( 'class', 'sephirot-outter-text-path' );
textPathNode.setAttribute( 'startOffset', '50%' );
textPathNode.textContent = sephiraData.Attr.join( ' ' );
// Create a text element and append to the textPath created above
const textNode = document.createElementNS( '', 'text' );
textNode.appendChild( textPathNode );
sephiraGroup.appendChild( textNode );
// Get the bounding box (size) of the <g> element
const bbox = sephiraGroup.getBBox();
// and create a <rect> element to match the size
if ( !sephiraData.noBg ) {
const rect = document.createElementNS( '', 'rect' );
rect.setAttribute( 'x', bbox.x - ( RADIUS / 2 ) );
rect.setAttribute( 'y', bbox.y - ( RADIUS / 2 ) );
rect.setAttribute( 'width', bbox.width + ( RADIUS * 2 ) );
rect.setAttribute( 'height', bbox.height + ( RADIUS * 2 ) );
rect.setAttribute( 'class', 'bg' );
// Insert the <rect> as the first child of the <g> element
sephiraGroup.insertBefore( rect, sephiraGroup.firstChild );
function addPardes ( pardes ) {
setPardes( 'peshat' );
document.getElementById( 'pardes' ).addEventListener( 'click', ( e ) => {
setPardes( String( || ||
).toLowerCase() );
} );
function createSvg () {
const svg = document.getElementById( 'svg' );
const svgRootNode = document.createElementNS( '', 'g' );
svg.appendChild( svgRootNode );
return svgRootNode;
const fromTreeOfLife = sephiraTranslitName => treeOfLife[ sephiraTranslitName ];
const treeOfLife = {
EinSof: {
Order: 0,
Hebrew: 'אֵין סוֹף אוֹר',
Translit: 'Ohr Ein Sof, Ein Sof, Ein',
English: 'Limitless Light, Limitless, Nothing',
Letter: ' ',
LetterName: ' ',
Attr: [],
Position: {
x: () => 0,
y: () => -1 * RADIUS,
Keter: {
Order: 1,
Hebrew: 'כֶּתֶר',
Translit: 'Keter',
English: 'Crown',
Letter: 'א',
LetterName: 'Aleph',
Attr: [ 'crown', 'aura', 'yechidah' ],
Position: {
x: () => fromTreeOfLife( 'EinSof' ).Position.x(),
y: () => fromTreeOfLife( 'EinSof' ).Position.y() + Y_PAD,
Mercy: {
noBg: true,
Order: 1,
Hebrew: 'יָכִין',
Translit: 'Yakin',
English: 'Mercy',
Letter: '',
LetterName: '',
Attr: [ '' ],
Position: {
x: () => fromTreeOfLife( 'Keter' ).Position.x() + ( 1.6 * X_PAD ),
y: () => fromTreeOfLife( 'Keter' ).Position.y(),
Severity: {
noBg: true,
Order: 1,
Hebrew: 'בועז',
Translit: 'Boaz',
English: 'Severity',
Letter: '',
LetterName: '',
Attr: [ '' ],
Position: {
x: () => fromTreeOfLife( 'Keter' ).Position.x() - ( 1.6 * X_PAD ),
y: () => fromTreeOfLife( 'Keter' ).Position.y(),
Chokhmah: {
Order: 2,
Hebrew: 'חָכְמָה',
Translit: 'Chokhmah',
English: 'Wisdom',
Letter: 'ב',
LetterName: 'Bet',
Attr: [ 'wisdom', 'face of the hashem', 'chiam' ],
Position: {
x: () => fromTreeOfLife( 'Keter' ).Position.x() + X_PAD,
y: () => fromTreeOfLife( 'Keter' ).Position.y() + Y_PAD,
Binah: {
Order: 2,
Hebrew: 'בִּינָה',
Translit: 'Binah',
English: 'Understanding',
Letter: 'ג',
LetterName: 'Gimel',
Color: 'black',
Attr: [ 'understanding', 'mother', 'neschamah' ],
Position: {
x: () => fromTreeOfLife( 'Keter' ).Position.x() - X_PAD,
y: () => fromTreeOfLife( 'Keter' ).Position.y() + Y_PAD,
Chesed: {
Order: 4,
Hebrew: 'חֶסֶד',
Translit: 'Chesed',
English: 'Kindness',
Letter: 'ד',
LetterName: 'Dalet',
Color: 'turquoise',
Attr: [ 'hashem mercy', 'majesty', 'vision of love' ],
Position: {
x: () => fromTreeOfLife( 'Chokhmah' ).Position.x(),
y: () => fromTreeOfLife( 'Chokhmah' ).Position.y() + ( Y_PAD * 1.5 ),
Geburah: {
Order: 5,
Hebrew: 'גְּבוּרָה',
Translit: 'Geburah',
English: 'Severity',
Letter: 'ה',
LetterName: 'Hey',
Color: 'hsl(39, 71%, 48%)',
Attr: [ 'strength', 'vision of power', 'force' ],
Position: {
x: () => fromTreeOfLife( 'Binah' ).Position.x(),
y: () => fromTreeOfLife( 'Binah' ).Position.y() + ( Y_PAD * 1.5 ),
Tiferet: {
Order: 6,
Hebrew: 'תִּפְאֶרֶת',
Translit: 'Tiferet',
English: 'Beauty',
Letter: 'ו',
LetterName: 'Vav',
Attr: [ 'beauty', 'harmony', 'breath' ],
Position: {
x: () => fromTreeOfLife( 'Keter' ).Position.x(),
y: () => fromTreeOfLife( 'Chesed' ).Position.y() + Y_PAD,
Netzach: {
Order: 7,
Hebrew: 'נֵצַח',
Translit: 'Netzach',
English: 'Eternity',
Letter: 'ז',
LetterName: 'Zayin',
Color: 'hsl(120, 85%, 39%)',
Attr: [ 'victory', 'eternity', 'triumph' ],
Position: {
x: () => fromTreeOfLife( 'Tiferet' ).Position.x() + X_PAD,
y: () => fromTreeOfLife( 'Tiferet' ).Position.y() + Y_PAD,
Hod: {
Order: 8,
Hebrew: 'הוֹד',
Translit: 'Hod',
English: 'Glory',
Letter: 'ח',
LetterName: 'Chet',
Color: 'hsl(51, 100%, 50%)',
Attr: [ 'images of hashem', 'truthfulness', 'splendor' ],
Position: {
x: () => fromTreeOfLife( 'Tiferet' ).Position.x() - X_PAD,
y: () => fromTreeOfLife( 'Tiferet' ).Position.y() + Y_PAD,
Yesod: {
Order: 9,
Hebrew: 'יְסוֹד',
Translit: 'Yesod',
English: 'Foundation',
Letter: 'ט',
LetterName: 'Tet',
Color: 'purple',
Attr: [ 'foundation', 'astral light', 'nepesch' ],
Position: {
x: () => fromTreeOfLife( 'Keter' ).Position.x(),
y: () => fromTreeOfLife( 'Hod' ).Position.y() + Y_PAD,
Malkhut: {
Order: 10,
Hebrew: 'מַלְכוּת',
Translit: 'Malkhut',
English: 'Kingdom',
Letter: 'י',
LetterName: 'Yod',
Color: 'white',
Attr: [ 'kingdom', 'mystic circle', 'guph!' ],
Position: {
x: () => fromTreeOfLife( 'Keter' ).Position.x(),
y: () => fromTreeOfLife( 'Yesod' ).Position.y() + ( Y_PAD * 1.2 ),
const connections = [
from: 'Keter',
to: 'Chokhmah',
LetterName: 'Aleph',
Color: '#0000FF',
Letter: 'א',
from: 'Keter',
to: 'Binah',
LetterName: 'Bet',
Color: '#0000FF',
Letter: 'ב',
from: 'Chokhmah',
to: 'Chesed',
LetterName: 'Vav',
Color: '#0000FF',
Letter: 'ו',
from: 'Chokhmah',
to: 'Binah',
LetterName: 'Dalet',
Color: '#0000FF',
Letter: 'ד',
from: 'Geburah',
to: 'Hod',
LetterName: 'Mem',
Color: '#0000FF',
Letter: 'מ',
from: 'Chesed',
to: 'Geburah',
LetterName: 'Tet',
Color: '#0000FF',
Letter: 'ט',
from: 'Chesed',
to: 'Netzach',
LetterName: 'Kaf',
Color: '#0000FF',
Letter: 'כ',
from: 'Geburah',
to: 'Tiferet',
LetterName: 'Yod',
Color: '#0000FF',
Letter: 'י',
from: 'Chesed',
to: 'Tiferet',
LetterName: 'Lamed',
Color: '#0000FF',
Letter: 'ל',
from: 'Tiferet',
to: 'Netzach',
LetterName: 'Nun',
Color: '#0000FF',
Letter: 'נ',
from: 'Tiferet',
to: 'Hod',
LetterName: 'Ayin',
Color: '#0000FF',
Letter: 'ע',
from: 'Netzach',
to: 'Hod',
LetterName: 'Peh',
Color: '#0000FF',
Letter: 'פ',
from: 'Netzach',
to: 'Yesod',
LetterName: 'Tzadi',
Color: '#0000FF',
Letter: 'צ',
from: 'Hod',
to: 'Yesod',
LetterName: 'Resh',
Color: '#0000FF',
Letter: 'ר',
from: 'Yesod',
to: 'Malkhut',
LetterName: 'Tav',
Color: '#0000FF',
Letter: 'ת',
from: 'Binah',
to: 'Geburah',
LetterName: 'Chet',
Color: '#0000FF',
Letter: 'ח',
const svgRootNode = createSvg();
addLines( svgRootNode );
addSephirot( svgRootNode );
addPardes( 'peshat' );
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