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Last active October 12, 2015 21:47
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inherit.js - a minimal prototype inheritance utility
Inherit copyright 2012 by Lee Grey
license: MIT
The goal of the Interit class is to allow for a prototype based inheritance that
does not create a deep prototype chain. Inherited fields are known to be slow,
so methods and fields are simply copied onto the prototype of the target,
keeping only a single depth.
function A(){}
A.prototype = {
foo : function () {
function B(){
// call "super()":;
Inherit.from(B, A);
You can also inherit from multiple parents and plain objects:
Inherit.from(B, A, {
foo : function () {
// call super function:;
bar : function () {
Note that parents are overlayed in the order supplied, from left to right
var Inherit = Inherit || {};
Inherit.from = function () {
if( arguments.length < 2 ) return;
var target = arguments[ 0 ];
var parent;
for ( i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++ ) {
parent = arguments[ i ];
// If parent is a functional object, copy
// from parent.prototype into the target.prototype:
if( typeof parent === 'function' ) {
for ( var name in parent.prototype ) {
target.prototype[ name ] = parent.prototype[ name ];
// copy props from parent into the target
// ( ie static vars and methods )
for ( var name in parent ) {
target[ name ] = parent[ name ];
//if it is an object, apply to the prototype
else if( typeof parent === 'object' ) {
for ( var name in parent ) {
target.prototype[ name ] = parent[ name ];
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leegrey commented Jul 17, 2013

Note, this is a simplified version of the earlier Inherit.js, with only the core functionality.

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