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Last active November 15, 2017 17:52
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Simple bash script to wire up Grafana 2.x with InfluxDB 0.8

Simple bash script to wire up Grafana 2.x with InfluxDB 0.8

This Bash script exposes a few functions to create a Grafana data source, and setup the InfluxDB database behind that. It has some configuration functions in the top. It is a continuation of the Python script offered in this Grafana issue comment.


$ ./ name_of_database

This will use the InfluxDB root:root user to create an database with the name name_of_database, a username and password of name_of_database; it will also connect to Grafana with the admin:admin credentials and setup a datasource named name_of_database pointing to the InfluxDB.

Usage With Puppet

For better or worse, I'm curretly using this with Puppet thusly:

class stats::server {

  # InfluxDB (puppet mod "golja-influxdb")
  require influxdb::server

  # Grafana (puppet mod "bfraser-grafana")
  require grafana

  # InfluxDB and Grafana Configuration
  file { '/usr/local/bin/':
    source => 'puppet:///modules/stats/',
    mode   => '0755',
  } ~>
  exec { '/usr/local/bin/ name_of_database' }
#!/bin/bash -e
# Used for this script to talk to the Grafana API
function grafana_url {
echo -e http://localhost:7879/api/
# Used for this script to talk to the InfluxDB API
function influxfb_local_url {
echo -e "http://localhost:8086/"
# Used for Grafana to script to talk to the InfluxDB API
function influxfb_remote_url {
echo -e ""
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# It is pitch black. You are likely to be eaten by a grue.
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
trap 'unlink ${COOKIEJAR}' EXIT
function usage {
echo "Usage: ${0} database_name"
exit 1
function influx_has_database {
curl --silent "$(influxfb_local_url)db?u=root&p=root" | grep --silent "$1"
function influx_create_database {
curl --silent --data-binary "{\"name\":\"${1}\"}" "$(influxfb_local_url)db?u=root&p=root"
curl --silent --data-binary "{\"name\":\"${1}\",\"password\":\"${1}\"}" "$(influxfb_local_url)db/${1}/users?u=root&p=root"
function setup_influxdb {
if influx_has_database "$1"; then
info "InfluxDB: Database ${1} already exists"
if influx_create_database "$1"; then
success "InfluxDB: Database ${1} created"
error "InfluxDB: Database ${1} could not be created"
function setup_grafana_session {
if ! curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' \
--data-binary '{"user":"admin","email":"","password":"admin"}' \
--cookie-jar "$COOKIEJAR" \
'http://localhost:7879/login' > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then
error "Grafana Session: Couldn't store cookies at ${COOKIEJAR}"
function grafana_has_data_source {
curl --silent --cookie "$COOKIEJAR" "$(grafana_url)datasources" \
| grep "{\"name\":\"${1}\"}" --silent
function grafana_create_data_source {
curl --cookie "$COOKIEJAR" \
-X PUT \
--silent \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' \
--data-binary "{\"name\":\"${1}\",\"type\":\"influxdb_08\",\"url\":\"$(influxfb_remote_url)\",\"access\":\"proxy\",\"database\":\"${1}\",\"user\":\"${1}\",\"password\":\"${1}\"}" \
"$(grafana_url)datasources" 2>&1 | grep 'Datasource added' --silent;
function setup_grafana {
if grafana_has_data_source "$1"; then
info "Grafana: Data source ${1} already exists"
if grafana_create_data_source "$1"; then
success "Grafana: Data source ${1} created"
error "Grafana: Data source ${1} could not be created"
function success {
echo "$(tput setaf 2)""$*""$(tput sgr0)"
function info {
echo "$(tput setaf 3)""$*""$(tput sgr0)"
function error {
echo "$(tput setaf 1)""$*""$(tput sgr0)" 1>&2
function setup {
setup_influxdb "$1"
setup_grafana "$1"
function fill_influxdb_sample_data {
for _ in $(seq 3600); do
curl -X POST \
"$(influxfb_local_url)db/${1}/series?u=${1}&p=${1}" \
-d "[{\"name\":\"data\",\"columns\":[\"foo\",\"bar\"],\"points\":[[$((RANDOM%200+100)),$((RANDOM%300+50))]]}]";
sleep 1;
if [ "$#" -ne 1 ]; then
setup "$1"
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