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Understanding Parser Combinators Series
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/// This is the implementation of the first 2 parts of the wonderful 4-parts | |
/// posts "Understanding Parser Combinators" of | |
/// [F# for fun and profit]( | |
module ParserLib1 = | |
open System | |
/// Type that represents Success/Failure in parsing | |
type ParseResult<'a> = | |
| Success of 'a | |
| Failure of string | |
/// Type that wraps a parsing function | |
type Parser<'T> = Parser of (string -> ParseResult<'T * string>) | |
/// Parse a single character | |
let pchar charToMatch = | |
// define a nested inner function | |
let innerFn str = | |
if String.IsNullOrEmpty(str) then | |
Failure "No more input" | |
else | |
let first = str.[0] | |
if first = charToMatch then | |
let remaining = str.[1..] | |
Success (charToMatch,remaining) | |
else | |
let msg = sprintf "Expecting '%c'. Got '%c'" charToMatch first | |
Failure msg | |
// return the "wrapped" inner function | |
Parser innerFn | |
/// Run a parser with some input | |
let run parser input = | |
// unwrap parser to get inner function | |
let (Parser innerFn) = parser | |
// call inner function with input | |
innerFn input | |
/// Combine two parsers as "A andThen B" | |
let andThen parser1 parser2 = | |
let innerFn input = | |
// run parser1 with the input | |
let result1 = run parser1 input | |
// test the result for Failure/Success | |
match result1 with | |
| Failure err -> | |
// return error from parser1 | |
Failure err | |
| Success (value1, remaining1) -> | |
// run parser2 with the remaining input | |
let result2 = run parser2 remaining1 | |
// test the result for Failure/Success | |
match result2 with | |
| Failure err -> | |
// return error from parser2 | |
Failure err | |
| Success (value2, remaining2) -> | |
// combine both values as a pair | |
let newValue = (value1, value2) | |
// return remaining input after parser2 | |
Success (newValue, remaining2) | |
// return the inner function | |
Parser innerFn | |
/// Infix version of andThen | |
let ( .>>. ) = andThen | |
/// Combine two parsers as "A orElse B" | |
let orElse parser1 parser2 = | |
let innerFn input = | |
// run parser1 with the input | |
let result1 = run parser1 input | |
// test the result for Failure/Success | |
match result1 with | |
| Success result -> | |
// if success, return the original result | |
result1 | |
| Failure err -> | |
// if failed, run parser2 with the input | |
let result2 = run parser2 input | |
// return parser2's result | |
result2 | |
// return the inner function | |
Parser innerFn | |
/// Infix version of orElse | |
let ( <|> ) = orElse | |
/// Choose any of a list of parsers | |
let choice listOfParsers = | |
List.reduce ( <|> ) listOfParsers | |
/// Choose any of a list of characters | |
let anyOf listOfChars = | |
listOfChars | |
|> pchar // convert into parsers | |
|> choice | |
open ParserLib1 | |
module ParserLib2 = | |
let mapP f parser = | |
let innerFn input = | |
// run parser with the input | |
let result = run parser input | |
// test the result for Failure/Success | |
match result with | |
| Success (value, remaining) -> | |
// if success, return the value transformed by f | |
let newValue = f value | |
Success (newValue, remaining) | |
| Failure err -> | |
// if failed, return the error | |
Failure err | |
// return the inner function | |
Parser innerFn | |
let ( <!> ) = mapP | |
let ( |>> ) x f = mapP f x | |
let parseDigit = anyOf ['0'..'9'] | |
// 注意此函数中 .>>. 与 |>> 的对应关系: | |
// 每次 .>>. 都会生成一个 (x, y),(见 L61) | |
let parseThreeDigitsAsStr = | |
(parseDigit .>>. parseDigit .>>. parseDigit) |>> | |
fun ((c1, c2), c3) -> System.String [| c1; c2; c3 |] | |
let returnP x = | |
let innerFn input = | |
// ignore the input and return x | |
Success (x, input) | |
// return the inner function | |
Parser innerFn | |
let applyP fP xP = | |
// create a Parser containing a pair (f, x) | |
// 这里的 fP 是一个 Parser<'a -> 'b>,就是说当这个 Parser 解析成功后生成一个函数, | |
// 比如普通解析器遇到 'A` 返回 Success("A") 之类的具体值, | |
// 这个解析器遇到 'A' 返回 Success(fun x -> x + 1, remaining-string) | |
// 之类的函数作为解析结果 | |
(fP .>>. xP) | |
// map the pair by applying f to x, | |
// 即将 fP 里包裹的函数取出来 apply 到 xP 里包裹的值上 | |
|> mapP (fun (f, x) -> f x) | |
let ( <*> ) = applyP | |
// returnP f 将普通函数 f 转换为解析器包裹的函数,然后再 applyP 到后面的数值上 | |
let lift2 f xP yP = returnP f <*> xP <*> yP | |
// 用这种方法可以将任何 OOP 式的方法转换为 FP 式的函数调用 | |
let startsWith (str: string) (prefix: string) = str.StartsWith(prefix) | |
let startsWithP = lift2 startsWith | |
let rec sequence parserList = | |
// define the "cons" function, which is a two parameter function | |
// 用这种方法可以将任何不方便用管道符的方法(比如 ::、 .[0])转换为 FP 式的函数调用 | |
let cons head tail = head::tail | |
// lift it to Parser World | |
let consP = lift2 cons | |
// process the list of parsers recursively | |
match parserList with | |
| [] -> | |
returnP [] | |
| head::tail -> | |
consP head (sequence tail) | |
let parsers = [ pchar 'A'; pchar 'B'; pchar 'C' ] | |
let combined = sequence parsers | |
let charListToStr charList = charList |> List.toArray |> System.String | |
// match a specific string | |
let pstring str = | |
str | |
// convert to list of char | |
|> List.ofSeq | |
// map each char to a pchar | |
|> pchar | |
// convert to Parser<char list> | |
|> sequence | |
// convert Parser<char list> to Parser<string> | |
|> mapP charListToStr | |
let parseABC = pstring "ABC" | |
let rec parseZeroOrMore parser input = | |
// run parser with the input | |
let firstResult = run parser input | |
// test the result for Failure/Success | |
match firstResult with | |
| Failure err -> ([], input) | |
// if parse fails, return empty list | |
| Success (firstValue, inputAfterFirstParse) -> | |
// if parse succeeds, call recursively | |
// to get the subsequent values | |
let (subsequentValues, remainingInput) = | |
parseZeroOrMore parser inputAfterFirstParse | |
let values = firstValue :: subsequentValues | |
(values, remainingInput) | |
/// match zero or more occurrences of the specified parser | |
let many parser = | |
let innerFn input = | |
// parse the input -- wrap in Success as it always succeeds | |
Success (parseZeroOrMore parser input) | |
Parser innerFn | |
let manyA = many (pchar 'A') | |
/// match one or more occurrences of the specified parser | |
let many1 parser = | |
let innerFn input = | |
// run parser with the input | |
let firstResult = run parser input | |
// test the result for Failure/Success | |
match firstResult with | |
| Failure err -> | |
Failure err // failed | |
| Success (firstValue, inputAfterFirstParse) -> | |
// if first found, look for zeroOrMore now | |
let (subsequentValues, remainingInput) = | |
parseZeroOrMore parser inputAfterFirstParse | |
let values = firstValue :: subsequentValues | |
Success (values, remainingInput) | |
Parser innerFn | |
let pint = | |
let resultToInt digitList = | |
// ignore int overflow for now | |
digitList |> List.toArray |> System.String |> int | |
// define parser for one digit | |
let digit = anyOf ['0'..'9'] | |
// define parser for one or more digits | |
let digits = many1 digit | |
// map the digits to an int | |
digits |> mapP resultToInt | |
let opt p = | |
let some = p |>> Some | |
let none = returnP None | |
some <|> none | |
let pint2 = | |
let resultToInt (sign,charList) = | |
let i = charList |> List.toArray |> System.String |> int | |
match sign with | |
| Some ch -> -i // negate the int | |
| None -> i | |
// define parser for one digit | |
let digit = anyOf ['0'..'9'] | |
// define parser for one or more digits | |
let digits = many1 digit | |
// parse and convert | |
opt (pchar '-') .>>. digits |>> resultToInt | |
/// Keep only the result of the left side parser | |
let (.>>) p1 p2 = | |
// create a pair | |
p1 .>>. p2 | |
// then only keep the first value | |
|> mapP (fun (a,b) -> a) | |
/// Keep only the result of the right side parser | |
let (>>.) p1 p2 = | |
// create a pair | |
p1 .>>. p2 | |
// then only keep the second value | |
|> mapP (fun (a,b) -> b) | |
let between p1 p2 p3 = | |
p1 >>. p2 .>> p3 | |
let sepBy1 p sep = | |
let sepThenP = sep >>. p | |
p .>>. many sepThenP | |
|>> fun (p,pList) -> p::pList | |
/// Parses zero or more occurrences of p separated by sep | |
let sepBy p sep = | |
sepBy1 p sep <|> returnP [] | |
/// "bindP" takes a parser-producing function f, and a parser p | |
/// and passes the output of p into f, to create a new parser | |
let bindP f p = | |
let innerFn input = | |
let result1 = run p input | |
match result1 with | |
| Failure err -> | |
// return error from parser1 | |
Failure err | |
| Success (value1, remainingInput) -> | |
// apply f to get a new parser | |
let p2 = f value1 | |
// run parser with remaining input | |
run p2 remainingInput | |
Parser innerFn | |
let (>>=) p f = bindP f p | |
(* | |
To run in fsi, you need to run: | |
#load "myParser.fsx";; | |
open MyParser;; | |
open MyParser.ParserLib1;; | |
open MyParser.ParserLib2;; | |
*) | |
open ParserLib1 | |
open ParserLib2 | |
System.String [| '1'; '3'; '5' |] // output: System.String = "135" | |
run parseThreeDigitsAsStr "123A" | |
let addP = lift2 (+) | |
run combined "ABCD" | |
run parseABC "ABCDE" | |
run parseABC "A|CDE" | |
run parseABC "AB|CDE" | |
// test some success cases | |
run manyA "ABCD" // Success (['A'], "BCD") | |
run manyA "AACD" // Success (['A'; 'A'], "CD") | |
run manyA "AAAD" // Success (['A'; 'A'; 'A'], "D") | |
// test a case with no matches | |
run manyA "|BCD" // Success ([], "|BCD") | |
let manyAB = many (pstring "AB") | |
run manyAB "ABCD" // Success (["AB"], "CD") | |
run manyAB "ABABCD" // Success (["AB"; "AB"], "CD") | |
run manyAB "ZCD" // Success ([], "ZCD") | |
run manyAB "AZCD" // Success ([], "AZCD") | |
let whitespaceChar = anyOf [' '; '\t'; '\n'] | |
let whitespace = many whitespaceChar | |
run whitespace "ABC" // Success ([], "ABC") | |
run whitespace " ABC" // Success ([' '], "ABC") | |
run whitespace "\tABC" // Success (['\t'], "ABC") | |
// define parser for one digit | |
let digit = anyOf ['0'..'9'] | |
// define parser for one or more digits | |
let digits = many1 digit | |
run digits "1ABC" // Success (['1'], "ABC") | |
run digits "12BC" // Success (['1'; '2'], "BC") | |
run digits "123C" // Success (['1'; '2'; '3'], "C") | |
run digits "1234" // Success (['1'; '2'; '3'; '4'], "") | |
run digits "ABC" // Failure "Expecting '9'. Got 'A'" | |
run pint "1ABC" // Success (1, "ABC") | |
run pint "12BC" // Success (12, "BC") | |
run pint "123C" // Success (123, "C") | |
run pint "1234" // Success (1234, "") | |
run pint "ABC" // Failure "Expecting '9'. Got 'A'" | |
let digitThenSemicolon = digit .>>. opt (pchar ';') | |
run digitThenSemicolon "1;" // Success (('1', Some ';'), "") | |
run digitThenSemicolon "1" // Success (('1', None), "") | |
run pint2 "123C" | |
run pint2 "-123C" | |
// use .>> below | |
let digitThenSemicolon2 = digit .>> opt (pchar ';') | |
run digitThenSemicolon2 "1;" // Success ('1', "") | |
run digitThenSemicolon2 "1" // Success ('1', "") | |
let ab = pstring "AB" | |
let cd = pstring "CD" | |
let ab_cd = (ab .>> whitespace) .>>. cd | |
run ab_cd "AB \t\nCD" // Success (("AB", "CD"), "") | |
let pdoublequote = pchar '"' | |
let quotedInteger = between pdoublequote pint pdoublequote | |
run quotedInteger "\"1234\"" // Success (1234, "") | |
run quotedInteger "1234" // Failure "Expecting '"'. Got '1'" | |
let comma = pchar ',' | |
let zeroOrMoreDigitList = sepBy digit comma | |
let oneOrMoreDigitList = sepBy1 digit comma | |
run oneOrMoreDigitList "1;" // Success (['1'], ";") | |
run oneOrMoreDigitList "1,2;" // Success (['1'; '2'], ";") | |
run oneOrMoreDigitList "1,2,3;" // Success (['1'; '2'; '3'], ";") | |
run oneOrMoreDigitList "Z;" // Failure "Expecting '9'. Got 'Z'" | |
run zeroOrMoreDigitList "1;" // Success (['1'], ";") | |
run zeroOrMoreDigitList "1,2;" // Success (['1'; '2'], ";") | |
run zeroOrMoreDigitList "1,2,3;" // Success (['1'; '2'; '3'], ";") | |
run zeroOrMoreDigitList "Z;" // Success ([], "Z;") |
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