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Last active November 27, 2020 19:26
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  • Save leevigraham/448166 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save leevigraham/448166 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
* Custom configuration bootstrap file for ExpressionEngine
* Place config.php in your site root
* Add require(realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../config_bootstrap.php')); to the bottom of system/expressionengine/config/config.php
* Add require(realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../config_bootstrap.php')); to the bottom of system/expressionengine/config/database.php
* If you have moved your site root you'll need to update the require_once path
* Also includes custom DB configuration file based on your environment
* Posiible DB configuration options
* $env_db_config['hostname'] = "";
* $env_db_config['username'] = "";
* $env_db_config['password'] = "";
* $env_db_config['database'] = "";
* @author Leevi Graham <>
* @link
* @link - Hat tip to: Erskine from EECI2010 Preso
* @version 1.10
* == Changelog ==
* Version 1.1
* - Changed 'gv_' to 'global:'
* - Added {global:cm_subscriber_list_slug} for integration
* - Added {global:google_analytics_key} for Google Analytics integration
* - Make $_POST array available as global vars with 'post:' prefix
* - Make $_GET array available as global vars with 'get:' prefix
* - Added more inline commenting
* - Swapped order of system config and global vars
* Version 1.2
* - Removed $_GET and $_POST parsing. You should use Mo Variables instead.
* Version 1.3
* - Added encryption key
* Version 1.4
* - Updated NSM .htaccess path. v1.1.0 of the addon requires the config setting to be an array
* Version 1.5
* - Added global:404_entry_id
* Version 1.6
* - Added SSL support for site url
* Version 1.7
* - Added placeholder config for upload directories
* Version 1.8
* - Added $_GET['debug'] param to help with support
* Version 1.9
* - Added $config['third_party'] param to ease updating
* - Added $config['base_url']
* - Moved webmaster_email config into dev environment
* Version 1.10
* - Added changed $config['third_party'] to $config['third_party_path']
* - Added $config['path_third_themes']
* - Added $config['url_third_themes']
* config_bootstrap.php is included multiple times during the request
* PHP Only allows constants to be defined once so we check first
if(!defined('NSM_ENV')) {
// Set your system folder
define('NSM_SYSTEM_FOLDER', 'ee-admin');
// Define the server name, basepath and site_url
// These can all be defined using the server request and filepath
define('NSM_BASEPATH', dirname(__FILE__));
* Based on the requested server we can determine the environment
* The following conditionals check the server name for specific strings
* We use NSM_ENV to define variables latter on in the bootstrap process
* Examples:
* defines NSM_ENV as local
* defines NSM_ENV as development
* strstr() — Find the first occurrence of a string
* @see
if ( strstr( NSM_SERVER_NAME, 'local.' ) ) define('NSM_ENV', 'local');
elseif( strstr( NSM_SERVER_NAME, 'dev.' ) ) define('NSM_ENV', 'development');
elseif( strstr( NSM_SERVER_NAME, 'stage.' ) ) define('NSM_ENV', 'staging');
elseif( strstr( NSM_SERVER_NAME, 'mobi.' ) ) define('NSM_ENV', 'mobile');
// Fallback to production settings
else define('NSM_ENV', 'production');
// Not sure what environment the request is?
// Add ?debug_config_bootstrap to the end of the URL
if(isset($_GET['debug_config_bootstrap'])) {
die('The current environment is: '.NSM_ENV);
* Create placeholder arrays for environment settings
* Environment settings override the global settings (also defined in config_bootstrap.php) and
* the standard config.php settings
$env_config = array();
$env_db_config = array();
$env_global_vars = array();
// Comparing NSM_ENV which environment specific configuration will we load?
// Local configuration:
if ('local' === NSM_ENV) {
// Environment DB configuration
$env_db_config = array(
'hostname' => '',
'username' => '',
'password' => '',
'database' => '',
// Environment config variables
// Overrides anything in $env_config
$env_config = array();
// Environment global vars
// These will be available in youre templates
// 'global:' is not required, it's just a naming convention we use @Newism
// Example: 'global:cm_subscriber_list_slug' will be available in templates as {global:cm_subscriber_list_slug}
// Overrides anything in $default_global_vars
$env_global_vars = array(
'global:cm_subscriber_list_slug' => ''
elseif('development' === NSM_ENV) {
$env_db_config = array(
'hostname' => '',
'username' => '',
'password' => '',
'database' => '',
$env_config = array();
$env_global_vars = array();
elseif('staging' === NSM_ENV) {
$env_db_config = array(
'hostname' => '',
'username' => '',
'password' => '',
'database' => '',
$env_config = array();
$env_global_vars = array();
elseif('mobile' === NSM_ENV) {
$env_db_config = array(
'hostname' => '',
'username' => '',
'password' => '',
'database' => '',
$env_config = array(
// Custom mobile templates?
'tmpl_file_basepath' => NSM_BASEPATH . '/templates_mobile/'
$env_global_vars = array();
elseif('production' === NSM_ENV) {
$env_db_config = array(
'hostname' => '',
'username' => '',
'password' => '',
'database' => '',
$env_config = array();
$env_global_vars = array();
// Config bootsrap... GO!
if(isset($config)) {
* Custom global variables
* This is a bit sucky as they are pulled straight from the $assign_to_config array.
* See EE_Config.php around line 90 or search for: 'global $assign_to_config;'
* Output the global vars in your template with:
* <?php $EE = get_instance(); print('<pre><code>'.print_r($EE->config->_global_vars, TRUE) . '</code></pre>'); ?>
$default_global_vars = array(
// General - Set the production environment so we can test / show / hide components
'global:env' => NSM_ENV,
// Tag parameters - Short hand tag params
'global:param_disable_default' => 'disable="categories|pagination|member_data"',
'global:param_disable_all' => 'disable="categories|custom_fields|member_data|pagination"',
'global:param_cache_param' => 'cache="yes" refresh="10"',
'-global:param_cache_param' => '-cache="yes" refresh="10"', // disable by adding a '-' to the front of the global
// Date and time - Short hand date and time
'global:date_time' => '%g:%i %a',
'global:date_short' => '%F %d, %Y',
'global:date_full' => '%F %d %Y, %g:%i %a',
* Theme - URL to theme assets
* Example: <script src="{global:theme_url}/js/libs/modernizr-1.6.min.js"></script>
'global:theme_url' => NSM_SITE_URL . '/themes/site_themes/default',
* CampaignMonitor - Slug for CM signup forms
* Example: <form action="{global:cm_subscriber_list_slug}/" method="post">...</form>
'global:cm_subscriber_list_slug' => false,
* Google Analytics Key
* Example:
* <script type="text/javascript">
* var _gaq = _gaq || [];
* _gaq.push(['_setAccount', 'UA-{global:google_analytics_key}']);
* _gaq.push(['_trackPageview']);
* </script>
'global:google_analytics_key' => false,
// Store the entry_id for the 404 page
'global:404_entry_id' => '2',
// Make this global so we can add some of the config variables here
global $assign_to_config;
if(!isset($assign_to_config['global_vars'])) {
$assign_to_config['global_vars'] = array();
$assign_to_config['global_vars'] = array_merge($assign_to_config['global_vars'], $default_global_vars, $env_global_vars);
* Config. This shouldn't have to be changed if you're using the Newism EE2 template.
* All the values below override the default config.php configuration.
* Setting a value below will also restrict users from changing it in the CP
* If a user does save a configuration value in the CP:
* - it will be written to config.php
* - the user will see the value below in the CP
$default_config = array(
// General preferences
'is_system_on' => 'y',
'license_number' => '',
'site_index' => '',
'admin_session_type' => 'cs',
'new_version_check' => 'y',
'doc_url' => '',
'site_url' => NSM_SITE_URL,
'base_url' => NSM_SITE_URL,
'cp_url' => NSM_SITE_URL.'/'.NSM_SYSTEM_FOLDER.'/index.php',
// Set this so we can use query strings
// 'uri_protocol' => 'PATH_INFO',
'third_party_path' => NSM_BASEPATH . '/third_party/',
'path_third_themes' => NSM_BASEPATH . '/content/themes/third_party/',
'url_third_themes' => NSM_SITE_URL . '/themes/third_party/',
// Datbase preferences
'db_debug' => 'n',
'pconnect' => 'n',
'enable_db_caching' => 'n',
// Site preferences
// Some of these preferences might actually need to be set in the index.php files.
// Not sure which ones yet, I'll figure that out when I have my first MSM site.
'is_site_on' => 'y',
'site_404' => 'site/four04',
// Localization preferences
'server_timezone' => 'UP10',
'server_offset' => FALSE,
'time_format' => 'eu',
'daylight_savings' => 'n',
'honor_entry_dst' => 'y',
// Channel preferences
'use_category_name' => 'y',
'word_separator' => 'dash',
'reserved_category_word' => 'category',
// Template preferences
'strict_urls' => 'y',
'save_tmpl_files' => 'y',
'save_tmpl_revisions' => 'y',
'tmpl_file_basepath' => NSM_BASEPATH . '/templates/',
// Theme preferences
'theme_folder_path' => NSM_BASEPATH . '/content/themes/',
'theme_folder_url' => NSM_SITE_URL . '/themes/',
// Tracking preferences
'enable_online_user_tracking' => 'n',
'dynamic_tracking_disabling' => '500',
'enable_hit_tracking' => 'n',
'enable_entry_view_tracking' => 'n',
'log_referrers' => 'n',
// Messaging preferences
'prv_msg_upload_path' => NSM_BASEPATH . '/content/uploads/member/pm_attachments',
'enable_emoticons' => 'n',
// Member preferences
'allow_registration' => 'n',
// Create a random string for the member profile trigger
'profile_trigger' => '--sdjhkj2lffgrerfvmdkndkfisolmfmsd' . time(),
// Member avatar confiuration
'enable_avatars' => 'n',
'avatar_path' => NSM_BASEPATH . '/content/uploads/member/avatars/',
'avatar_url' => NSM_SITE_URL . '/uploads/member/avatars/',
'avatar_max_height' => 100,
'avatar_max_width' => 100,
'avatar_max_kb' => 100,
// Member photo configuration
'enable_photos' => 'n',
'photo_path' => NSM_BASEPATH . '/content/uploads/member/photos/',
'photo_url' => NSM_SITE_URL . '/uploads/member/photos/',
'photo_max_height' => 200,
'photo_max_width' => 200,
'photo_max_kb' => 200,
// Member signature confiuration
'sig_allow_img_upload' => 'n',
'sig_img_path' => NSM_BASEPATH . '/content/uploads/member/signature_attachments/',
'sig_img_url' => NSM_SITE_URL . '/uploads/member/signature_attachments/',
'sig_img_max_height' => 80,
'sig_img_max_width' => 480,
'sig_img_max_kb' => 30,
'sig_maxlength' => 500,
// Captcha settings
'captcha_font' => 'y',
'captcha_rand' => 'y',
'captcha_require_members' => 'n',
'captcha_path' => NSM_BASEPATH . '/content/'.NSM_SYSTEM_FOLDER.'/images/captchas/',
'captcha_url' => NSM_SITE_URL.'/'.NSM_SYSTEM_FOLDER.'/images/captchas/',
// Encryption / Session key
'encryption_key' => '',
// File Upload config.
// @see:
//'upload_preferences' => array(
// 1 => array( // ID of upload destination
// 'name' => 'Staging Image Uploads', // Display name in control panel
// 'server_path' => '/home/user/', // Server path to upload directory
// 'url' => '' // URL of upload directory
// )
// ),
// NSM htaccess Generator Configuration
// @see:
// 'nsm_htaccess_generator_path' => array(NSM_BASEPATH . "/content/.htaccess"),
// NSM Gravatar Configuration
// @see:
// 'nsm_htaccess_generator_path' => array(
// 'size' => '200',
// 'default' => NSM_SITE_URL . '/uploads/member/avatars/default.png',
// 'force_default' => 'n',
// 'rating' => 'pg',
// 'secure' => 'n'
// )
// Build the new config object
$config = array_merge($config, $default_config, $env_config);
// DB bootsrap... GO!
$default_db_config = array("cachedir" => APPPATH . "cache/db_cache/");
$db['expressionengine'] = array_merge($db['expressionengine'], $default_db_config, $env_db_config);
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@leevigraham you've got syntax errors now on Line 154 and 177 (double braces)

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line 369 should be:

$env_config['upload_preferences'] = array(

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sharq88 commented Apr 25, 2014

@leevigraham Line 7,8 should be:

  • require_once instead of require (see line 9)

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