A HAR archive of the network timings from a compatible browser is extremely useful in pinpointing which issues with Kibana talking to Elasticsearch.
Please note that HAR archives contain sensitive information:
- content of the pages you downloaded while recording
- your cookies, which will allow anyone with the HAR file to impersonate your account
- all the information that you submitted to your browser while recording (i.e., search values, authentication details).
Chrome You can record your HTTP session using the Network tab in the Developer Tools in Chrome.
- Open the Developer Tools from the menu (Menu > Tools > developer tools), or by pressing Ctrl+Shift+C on your keyboard
- Click on the Network tab
- Look for a round button at the top left of the Network tab. Make sure it is red. If it is grey, click it once to start recording.
- Check the box next to Preserve log.
- You can use the clear button (a circle with a diagonal line through it) right before trying to reproduce the issue to remove unnecessary header information
- Save the capture by right-clicking on the grid and choosing "Save as HAR with Content"
- Starting with Firefox 41, HAR files can be created without any additional extension.
- Start Firefox Developer Tools in Network mode (Top right menu > Developer > Network, or ctrl-shift-Q)
- Reproduce the issue
- Save the capture by right-clicking on the grid and choosing "Save all as HAR"
- Export the capture to a HAR file
Internet Explorer/Edge Edge natively produces HAR files. See detailed instructions in the Microsoft site
- Open the Network tool in F12 developer tools
- Reproduce the issue
- Export captured traffic as a HAR (CTRL + S) For Internet Explorer, you will need to use: HttpWatch .
- Download and Install HttpWatch
- Start the HttpWatch capture right before reproducing the behavior you want to study
- Stop the HttpWatch capture right after reproducing the behavior to study
- Export the capture to HAR format