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Created November 25, 2021 22:06
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implement native ads in a multi view holder infinite scrolling list using paging
class NativeAdViewHolder(itemView: View) : RecyclerView.ViewHolder(itemView){
private val adsArr = listOf("native ads id here 1", "native ads id here 2", "native ads id here 3")
private var adsCnt = 3
init {
private fun loadAds(){
val randomInteger = (0..2).shuffled().first()
val adLoader = AdLoader.Builder(itemView.context, adsArr[randomInteger])
.forUnifiedNativeAd { ad : UnifiedNativeAd ->
// val template: TemplateView = itemView.findViewById(
// template.setNativeAd(ad)
// val adView = itemView as UnifiedNativeAdView
// populateUnifiedNativeAdView(ad, adView)
// val typedValue = TypedValue()
// val theme: Resources.Theme = itemView.context.getTheme()
// theme.resolveAttribute(R.attr.backgroundColor, typedValue, true)
// @ColorInt val color: Int =
// val styles = NativeTemplateStyle.Builder().withMainBackgroundColor(ColorDrawable(color)).build()
val styles = NativeTemplateStyle.Builder().build()
val template: TemplateView = itemView.findViewById(
.withAdListener(object : AdListener() {
override fun onAdFailedToLoad(errorCode: Int) {
// Handle the failure by logging, altering the UI, and so on.
if(adsCnt > 0) {
else {
// Methods in the NativeAdOptions.Builder class can be
// used here to specify individual options settings.
* Populates a [UnifiedNativeAdView] object with data from a given
* [UnifiedNativeAd].
* @param nativeAd the object containing the ad's assets
* @param adView the view to be populated
private fun populateUnifiedNativeAdView(nativeAd: UnifiedNativeAd, adView: UnifiedNativeAdView) {
// Set the media view.
adView.mediaView = adView.findViewById(
// Set other ad assets.
adView.headlineView = adView.findViewById(
adView.bodyView = adView.findViewById(
adView.callToActionView = adView.findViewById(
adView.iconView = adView.findViewById(
adView.priceView = adView.findViewById(
adView.starRatingView = adView.findViewById(
adView.storeView = adView.findViewById(
adView.advertiserView = adView.findViewById(
// The headline and media content are guaranteed to be in every UnifiedNativeAd.
(adView.headlineView as TextView).text = nativeAd.headline
// These assets aren't guaranteed to be in every UnifiedNativeAd, so it's important to
// check before trying to display them.
if (nativeAd.body == null) {
adView.bodyView.visibility = View.INVISIBLE
} else {
adView.bodyView.visibility = View.VISIBLE
(adView.bodyView as TextView).text = nativeAd.body
if (nativeAd.callToAction == null) {
adView.callToActionView.visibility = View.INVISIBLE
} else {
adView.callToActionView.visibility = View.VISIBLE
(adView.callToActionView as Button).text = nativeAd.callToAction
if (nativeAd.icon == null) {
adView.iconView.visibility = View.GONE
} else {
(adView.iconView as ImageView).setImageDrawable(
adView.iconView.visibility = View.VISIBLE
if (nativeAd.price == null) {
adView.priceView.visibility = View.INVISIBLE
} else {
adView.priceView.visibility = View.VISIBLE
(adView.priceView as TextView).text = nativeAd.price
if ( == null) {
adView.storeView.visibility = View.INVISIBLE
} else {
adView.storeView.visibility = View.VISIBLE
(adView.storeView as TextView).text =
if (nativeAd.starRating == null) {
adView.starRatingView.visibility = View.INVISIBLE
} else {
(adView.starRatingView as RatingBar).rating = nativeAd.starRating!!.toFloat()
adView.starRatingView.visibility = View.VISIBLE
if (nativeAd.advertiser == null) {
adView.advertiserView.visibility = View.INVISIBLE
} else {
(adView.advertiserView as TextView).text = nativeAd.advertiser
adView.advertiserView.visibility = View.VISIBLE
// This method tells the Google Mobile Ads SDK that you have finished populating your
// native ad view with this native ad.
// Get the video controller for the ad. One will always be provided, even if the ad doesn't
// have a video asset.
val vc = nativeAd.videoController
// Updates the UI to say whether or not this ad has a video asset.
if (vc.hasVideoContent()) {
// videostatus_text.text = String.format(
// Locale.getDefault(),
// "Video status: Ad contains a %.2f:1 video asset.",
// vc.aspectRatio)
// // Create a new VideoLifecycleCallbacks object and pass it to the VideoController. The
// // VideoController will call methods on this object when events occur in the video
// // lifecycle.
vc.videoLifecycleCallbacks = object : VideoController.VideoLifecycleCallbacks() {
override fun onVideoEnd() {
// Publishers should allow native ads to complete video playback before
// refreshing or replacing them with another ad in the same UI location.
//refresh_button.isEnabled = true
// videostatus_text.text = "Video status: Video playback has ended."
// else {
// videostatus_text.text = "Video status: Ad does not contain a video asset."
// refresh_button.isEnabled = true
// }
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