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Last active October 27, 2021 01:18
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Created from Lamport's TLA+ grammar at
--------------------------- MODULE TLAPlus2Grammar ---------------------------
EXTENDS Naturals, Sequences, BNFGrammars
CommaList(L) == L & (tok(",") & L)^*
AtLeast4(s) == Tok({s \o s \o s} & {s}^+)
ReservedWord ==
"CASE", "EXTENDS", "SF_", "WF_",
"BY", "HAVE", "QED", "TAKE",
Letter == OneOf("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ")
Numeral == OneOf("0123456789")
NameChar == Letter \cup Numeral \cup {"_"}
Name == Tok((NameChar^* & Letter & NameChar^*)
\ ({"WF_","SF_"} & NameChar^+))
Identifier == Name \ Tok(ReservedWord)
IdentifierOrTuple ==
Identifier | tok("<<") & CommaList(Identifier) & tok(">>")
NumberLexeme ==
| (Numeral^* & {"."} & Numeral^+)
| {"\\b","\\B" } & OneOf("01")^+
| {"\\o", "\\O"} & OneOf("01234567")^+
| {"\\h", "\\H"} & OneOf("0123456789abcdefABCDEF")^+
Number == Tok(NumberLexeme)
ProofStepId == Tok({"<"} & (Numeral^+ | {"*"}) & {">"} & (Letter | Numeral | {"_"})^+)
BeginStepToken == Tok({"<"} & (Numeral^+ | {"*", "+"}) & {">"} &
(Letter | Numeral)^* & {"."}^* )
String == Tok({"\""} & STRING & {"\""})
PrefixOp ==
Tok({ "-", "~", "\\lnot", "\\neg", "[]", "<>",
InfixOp ==
Tok({ "!!", "#", "##", "$", "$$", "%", "%%",
"&", "&&", "(+)", "(-)", "(.)", "(/)", "(\\X)",
"*", "**", "+", "++", "-", "-+->", "--",
"-|", "..", "...", "/", "//", "/=", "/\\",
"::=", ":=", ":>", "<", "<:", "<=>", "=",
"=<", "=>", "=|", ">", ">=", "??",
"@@", "\\", "\\/", "^", "^^", "|", "|-",
"|=", "||", "~>", ".", "<=",
"\\approx", "\\geq", "\\oslash", "\\sqsupseteq",
"\\asymp", "\\gg", "\\otimes", "\\star",
"\\bigcirc", "\\in", "\\prec", "\\subset",
"\\bullet", "\\intersect", "\\preceq", "\\subseteq",
"\\cap", "\\land", "\\propto", "\\succ",
"\\cdot", "\\leq", "\\sim", "\\succeq",
"\\circ", "\\ll", "\\simeq", "\\supset",
"\\cong", "\\lor", "\\sqcap", "\\supseteq",
"\\cup", "\\o", "\\sqcup", "\\union",
"\\div", "\\odot", "\\sqsubset", "\\uplus",
"\\doteq", "\\ominus", "\\sqsubseteq", "\\wr",
"\\equiv", "\\oplus", "\\sqsupset", "\\notin" })
PostfixOp == Tok({ "^+", "^*", "^#", "'" })
TLAPlusGrammar ==
LET P(G) ==
/\ G.Module ::= AtLeast4("-")
& tok("MODULE") & Name & AtLeast4("-")
& (Nil | (tok("EXTENDS") & CommaList(Name)))
& (G.Unit)^*
& AtLeast4("=")
/\ G.Unit ::=
| G.ConstantDeclaration
| G.Recursive
| G.UseOrHide
| (Nil | tok("LOCAL")) & G.OperatorDefinition
| (Nil | tok("LOCAL")) & G.FunctionDefinition
| (Nil | tok("LOCAL")) & G.Instance
| (Nil | tok("LOCAL")) & G.ModuleDefinition
| G.Assumption
| G.Theorem & (Nil | G.Proof)
| G.Module
| AtLeast4("-")
/\ G.VariableDeclaration ::=
Tok({"VARIABLE", "VARIABLES"}) & CommaList(Identifier)
/\ G.ConstantDeclaration ::=
Tok({"CONSTANT", "CONSTANTS"}) & CommaList(G.OpDecl)
/\ G.Recursive ::= tok("RECURSIVE") & CommaList(G.OpDecl)
/\ G.OpDecl ::= Identifier
| Identifier & tok("(") &
CommaList(tok("_")) & tok(")")
| PrefixOp & tok("_")
| tok("_") & InfixOp & tok("_")
| tok("_") & PostfixOp
/\ G.OperatorDefinition ::=
( G.NonFixLHS
| PrefixOp & Identifier
| Identifier & InfixOp & Identifier
| Identifier & PostfixOp )
& tok("==")
& G.Expression
/\ G.NonFixLHS ::=
& ( Nil
| tok("(")
& CommaList(Identifier | G.OpDecl)
& tok(")") )
/\ G.FunctionDefinition ::=
& tok("[") & CommaList(G.QuantifierBound) & tok("]")
& tok("==")
& G.Expression
/\ G.QuantifierBound ::=
(IdentifierOrTuple | CommaList(Identifier))
& tok("\\in")
& G.Expression
/\ G.Instance ::=
& Name
& (Nil | tok("WITH") & CommaList(G.Substitution))
/\ G.Substitution ::=
(Identifier | PrefixOp | InfixOp | PostfixOp )
& tok("<-")
& G.Argument
/\ G.Argument ::= G.Expression | G.Opname | G.Lambda
/\ G.Lambda ::= tok("LAMBDA") & CommaList(Identifier)
& tok(":") & G.Expression
/\ G.OpName ::=
(Identifier | PrefixOp | InfixOp | PostfixOp | ProofStepId)
& ( tok("!")
& (Identifier | PrefixOp | InfixOp | PostfixOp
| Tok({"<<", ">>", "@"} \cup Numeral^+) )
/\ G.OpArgs ::= tok("(") & CommaList(G.Argument) & tok(")")
/\ G.InstOrSubexprPrefix ::=
( (Nil | ProofStepId & tok("!"))
& ( ( Identifier & (Nil | G.OpArgs)
| Tok({"<<", ">>", ":"} \cup Numeral^+)
| G.OpArgs
| (PrefixOp | PostfixOp) & tok("(") & G.Expression & tok(")")
| InfixOp & tok("(") & G.Expression & tok(",")
& G.Expression & tok(")")
& tok("!")
) ^*
) \ Nil
\* /\ G.InstancePrefix ::= ...
/\ G.GeneralIdentifier ::=
(G.InstOrSubexprPrefix | Nil) & Identifier
| ProofStepId
\* /\ G.GeneralIdentifier ::= ...
\* /\ G.GeneralPrefixOp ::= ...
\* /\ G.GeneralInfixOp ::= ...
\* /\ G.GeneralPostfixOp ::= ...
/\ G.ModuleDefinition ::= G.NonFixLHS
& tok("==")
& G.Instance
/\ G.Assumption ::=
& (Nil | Name & tok("==")) & G.Expression
/\ G.Theorem ::=
& (Nil | Name & tok("==")) & (G.Expression | G.AssumeProve)
/\ G.AssumeProve ::= tok("ASSUME")
& CommaList(G.Expression | G.New | G.InnerAssumeProve)
& tok("PROVE")
& G.Expression
/\ G.InnerAssumeProve ::= (Nil | Name & tok("::")) & G.AssumeProve
/\ G.New ::= (( (Nil | tok("NEW"))
& (Nil | tok("CONSTANT") | tok("VARIABLE") | tok("STATE")
| tok("ACTION") | tok("TEMPORAL") )
) \ Nil)
& ((Identifier & tok("\\in") & G.Expression) | G.OpDecl)
/\ G.Proof ::= G.TerminalProof
| G.NonTerminalProof
/\ G.TerminalProof ::= (tok("PROOF") | Nil)
& ( tok("BY") & (tok("ONLY") | Nil) & G.UseBody
| tok("OBVIOUS")
| tok("OMITTED")
/\ G.NonTerminalProof ::=
(Nil | tok("PROOF"))
& G.Step^*
& G.QEDStep
/\ G.Step ::=
& ( ( G.UseOrHide
| ( (Nil | tok("DEFINE"))
& ( G.OperatorDefinition
| G.FunctionDefinition
| G.ModuleDefinition )^+
| G.Instance
| tok("HAVE") & G.Expression
| tok("WITNESS") & CommaList(G.Expression)
| tok("TAKE") & ( CommaList(G.QuantifierBound)
| CommaList(Identifier) )
| ( ( ( (Nil | tok("SUFFICES"))
& (G.Expression | G.AssumeProve)
| (tok("CASE") & G.Expression)
| ( tok("PICK")
& ( CommaList(G.QuantifierBound) | CommaList(Identifier) )
& tok(":")
& G.Expression
& (Nil | G.Proof)
/\ G.QEDStep ::=
BeginStepToken & tok("QED") & (Nil | G.Proof)
/\ G.UseOrHide ::= ( (tok("USE") & (Nil | tok("ONLY")))
| tok("HIDE") )
& G.UseBody
/\ G.UseBody ::= ( (Nil | CommaList(G.Expression | tok("MODULE") & Name ))
& (Nil | Tok({"DEF", "DEFS"})
& CommaList(G.OpName |
tok("MODULE") & Name ))
) \ Nil
/\ G.Expression ::=
\* G.GeneralIdentifier
Name & (Nil | tok("(") & CommaList(Identifier) & tok(")"))
& tok("::") & G.Expression
| G.InstOrSubexprPrefix
& (Tok({"<<", ">>", ":"} \cup Numeral^+) | G.OpArgs)
| G.GeneralIdentifier & (Nil | G.OpArgs)
| PrefixOp & G.Expression
| G.Expression & InfixOp & G.Expression
| G.Expression & PostfixOp
| tok("(") & G.Expression & tok(")")
| Tok({"\\A", "\\E"})
& CommaList(G.QuantifierBound)
& tok(":")
& G.Expression
| Tok({"\\A", "\\E", "\\AA", "\\EE"})
& CommaList(Identifier)
& tok(":")
& G.Expression
| tok("CHOOSE")
& IdentifierOrTuple
& (Nil | tok("\\in") & G.Expression)
& tok(":")
& G.Expression
| tok("{")
& (Nil | CommaList(G.Expression))
& tok("}")
| tok("{")
& IdentifierOrTuple & tok("\\in") & G.Expression
& tok(":")
& G.Expression
& tok("}")
| tok("{")
& G.Expression
& tok(":")
& CommaList(G.QuantifierBound)
& tok("}")
| G.Expression & tok("[") & CommaList(G.Expression)
& tok("]")
| tok("[")
& CommaList(G.QuantifierBound)
& tok("|->")
& G.Expression
& tok("]")
| tok("[") & G.Expression & tok("->")
& G.Expression & tok("]")
| tok("[")
& CommaList(Name & tok("|->") & G.Expression)
& tok("]")
| tok("[")
& CommaList(Name & tok(":") & G.Expression)
& tok("]")
| tok("[")
& G.Expression
& tok("EXCEPT")
& CommaList( tok("!")
& ( tok(".") & Name
| tok("[") & CommaList(G.Expression) & tok("]") )^+
& tok("=") & G.Expression )
& tok("]")
| G.Expression & tok(".") & Name
| tok("<<") & (CommaList(G.Expression) | Nil) & tok(">>")
| G.Expression & (Tok({"\\X", "\\times"})
& G.Expression)^+
| tok("[") & G.Expression & tok("]_")
& G.Expression
| tok("<<") & G.Expression & tok(">>_") & G.Expression
| Tok({"WF_", "SF_"})
& G.Expression
& tok("(") & G.Expression & tok(")")
| tok("IF") & G.Expression
& tok("THEN") & G.Expression
& tok("ELSE") & G.Expression
| tok("CASE")
& ( LET CaseArm ==
G.Expression & tok("->") & G.Expression
IN CaseArm & (tok("[]") & CaseArm)^* )
& ( Nil
| (tok("[]") & tok("OTHER") & tok("->") & G.Expression))
| tok("LET")
& ( G.OperatorDefinition
| G.FunctionDefinition
| G.ModuleDefinition)^+
& tok("IN")
& G.Expression
| (tok("/\\") & G.Expression)^+
| (tok("\\/") & G.Expression)^+
| Number
| String
| tok("@")
IN LeastGrammar(P)
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