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Created May 9, 2022 20:55
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stricter typing for reader._parser for
stricter typing
from typing import *
import io
from dataclasses import dataclass
from random import choice
T = TypeVar('T')
T_co = TypeVar('T_co', covariant=True)
T_cv = TypeVar('T_cv', contravariant=True)
class RetrieveResult(Generic[T_co]):
payload: T_co
mime_type: Optional[str] = None
class RetrieverType(Protocol[T_co]):
def __call__(self) -> RetrieveResult[T_co]: ...
class ParserType(Protocol[T_cv]):
def __call__(self, payload: T_cv) -> str: ...
# in general, there are many types of retrievers that produce
# RetrieveResult[IO[bytes]], and many types of parsers that consume it;
# the parser is selected based on the result mime_type
class FileRetriever:
def __call__(self) -> RetrieveResult[IO[bytes]]:
return RetrieveResult(io.BytesIO(b'from-file'), choice(['xml', 'other']))
class HTTPRetriever:
def __call__(self) -> RetrieveResult[IO[bytes]]:
return RetrieveResult(io.BytesIO(b'from-http'), choice(['xml', 'other']))
class FeedParser:
def __call__(self, payload: IO[bytes]) -> str:
return 'feed-' +
# ... but for a custom use case, I have a tightly coupled
# retriever/parser pair for which the payload has a specific type;
# I would like mypy to check that type, if possible
class CustomRetriever:
def __call__(self) -> RetrieveResult[bytes]:
return RetrieveResult(b'from-custom', 'x.custom')
class CustomParser:
def __call__(self, payload: bytes) -> str:
return 'custom-' + payload.decode()
# mime_type -> parser; new parsers may be added by the user
PARSERS: Dict[str, ParserType[Any]] = {
#'fallback': FeedParser(),
#'xml': FeedParser(),
#'x.custom': CustomParser(),
# AttributeError: '_io.BytesIO' object has no attribute 'decode'
# oops, this is a bug, how do I get mypy to complain?
'fallback': FeedParser(),
'x.custom': FeedParser(),
'xml': CustomParser(),
def get_parser(result: RetrieveResult[T]) -> ParserType[T]:
if result.mime_type not in PARSERS:
return PARSERS['fallback']
rv = PARSERS[result.mime_type]
return rv
def file_fn() -> None:
result = FileRetriever()()
rv = get_parser(result)(result.payload)
def http_fn() -> None:
result = HTTPRetriever()()
rv = get_parser(result)(result.payload)
def custom_fn() -> None:
result = CustomRetriever()()
rv = get_parser(result)(result.payload)
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