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Last active July 9, 2020 09:22
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Hey Ash,

I've decided to approach this lockdown a little different. I've got this gym and I want to use it as much as I can. So I've written a bit of a program for myself. Do you mind having a look over and tell me how crazy it is?

Goals are: get stronger with my front squat, stay active and motivated. I don't intend on pushing the other strength areas too much, but having them there keeps me happier.

Each day I'm planning to keep the strength portion to same to see if I can progress over the 6 weeks, with the idea being that I alternate between the metcons. On Wednesday and Thursday I intend on dialling into the zoom class for mobility and "barbell".

Monday - No cardio Monday

Focus on upping my front squat strength then working on heavy power cleans.

  • Work to a heavy 3 front squats into 5x8 front squats.
  • Build to a heavy single power clean into 3x10 power clean. Focus on keeping the bar close.

Tuesday - Push

Focus on shoulders and chest.. overhead work...


18 Minute EMOM
Minute 1: 3 Split Jerk
Minute 2: 6-12 strict push ups


"Jeremy" 21-15-9
Overhead Squats 


AMRAP 12 minutes
12 Cal bike
12 Burpees
12 Shoulder to overhead

Wednesday - Active Recovery

Mobility - Charge

Thursday - Technique

Barbell - Charge

Friday - Pull

Working that posterior chain. Rows, pull-ups, deads, cleans, kB swings.


20 minute EMOM increasing in weight on DLs
Min 1: 5 deadlifts
Min 2: 1-3 strict pull ups


12 Min AMRAP
30 US KB Swings
20 Ring rows
10 Dead ball slams


"DT" - 5RFT
12 Deadlifts
9 Hang power clean
6 Shoulder to overhead

Saturday - Legs

Focus on legs. Mix running and biking with leg strength movements.


5x5 back squat


Weighted Step ups
Echo Bike Cals


20 Minute AMRAP
200m run
20 box jumps
20 burpees

Sunday - Rest

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