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Created June 2, 2020 20:17
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Typescript mock functions for deno
export type MockImplementation<T = any, Y extends any[] = any> = (
...args: Y
) => T;
export interface Mock<T = any, Y extends any[] = any> {
calls: Y[];
reset(): void;
setImplementation(impl: MockImplementation<T, Y>): Mock<T, Y>;
export interface MockFunction<T = any, Y extends any[] = any> {
(...args: Y): T;
mock: Mock;
export function notImplemented(..._args: any): any {
throw new Error("Not implemented");
export function createMock(
impl: MockImplementation = notImplemented,
): MockFunction {
const fn = (...args: any[]) => {
return implementation(...args);
let implementation: MockImplementation = impl;
const mockCalls: any[][] = [];
function setImplementation(impl: MockImplementation) {
implementation = impl;
return mock;
function mockReset() {
mockCalls.splice(0, mockCalls.length);
const mock: Mock = {
calls: mockCalls,
reset: mockReset,
return Object.assign(fn, { mock });
export interface MockFactory {
fn(impl?: MockImplementation): MockFunction;
obj<T>(obj: T): MockInterface<T>;
export type MockInterface<T> = {
[key in keyof T]: T[key] extends (...args: any) => any
? (T[key] & { mock: Mock<ReturnType<T[key]>, Parameters<T[key]>> })
: T[key];
export const mock: MockFactory = {
fn: createMock,
obj<T>(obj: MockInterface<T>) {
return obj;
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