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Save leobetosouza/2505310 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Returns the difference between two Date objects.
writable: false, configurable: false, enumerable: true,
* Returns the difference between two Date objects.
* @param {Date} The date to compare to.
* @return {Object}
* @throws {TypeError}
value: function(date) {
if (date instanceof Date){
var ms = this-date;
var diff = {};
for ( diff.years = 0; ms>=31536000000; diff.years++, ms -= 31536000000);
for ( diff.months = 0; ms>=2628000000; diff.months++, ms -= 2628000000);
for ( diff.days = 0; ms>=86400000; diff.days++, ms -= 86400000);
for ( diff.hours = 0; ms>=3600000; diff.hours++, ms -= 3600000);
for ( diff.minutes = 0; ms>=60000; diff.minutes++, ms -= 60000);
for ( diff.seconds = 0; ms>=1000; diff.seconds++, ms -= 1000);
diff.milliseconds = ms;
return diff;
throw new TypeError("invalid date");
var date = new Date("2012-04-26T17:05:14.000Z");
var diff = date.diff(new Date("2012-04-24T21:29:42.000Z"))
console.log(JSON.stringify(diff)); //{"years":0,"months":0,"days":1,"hours":19,"minutes":35,"seconds":32,"milliseconds":0}
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