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Last active December 29, 2016 15:29
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Reduce to ordened tuples of group and ordened values with lodash help
{ordernation: 2, category : 'A'}, {ordernation: 2, category : 'B'},
{ordernation: 1, category : 'A'}, {ordernation: 1, category : 'B'},
{ordernation: 3, category : 'C'}
.reduce(function (acc, it) {
let tuple = acc.find(tuple => tuple[0] === it.category);
if (tuple) {
let list = tuple[1];
list.splice(_.sortedIndexBy(list, it, 'ordernation'), 0, it)
} else {
let newTuple = [it.category, [it]];
acc.splice(_.sortedIndexBy(acc, newTuple, '0'), 0, newTuple)
return acc;
}, [])
// ['A', [{ordernation: 1, category : 'A'}, {ordernation: 2, category : 'A'}]],
// ['B', [{ordernation: 1, category : 'B'}, {ordernation: 2, category : 'B'}]],
// ['C', [{ordernation: 3, category : 'C'}]]
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