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Created November 29, 2022 21:47
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Original gmail stats code
// Google Apps Script is a coding language based on JavaScript.
// This Apps Script code helps us to sort addresses by most threads.
// A thread is a group of messages, as a conversation.
const modes = {
inbox: "inbox", // to analyze threads in the "inbox" folder
outbox: "outbox", // to analyze threads in the "sent" folder
const currentMode = modes.inbox; // type 'outbox' if you want to analyze threads in the "sent" folder.
const glo = {
notes: {
legend: {
head: {
range: [1, 1, 1, 1],
filler: [["Legend"]],
body: {
range: [2, 2, 7, 2],
filler: [
["E", "Main numbering"],
["F", "Ids of threads"],
["G", "Message count for each thread"],
["H", "Address of first message of each thread"],
["I", "Address sorted by count"],
["J", "Thread count for the address"],
["K", "Percentage"],
stats: {
head: {
range: [15, 1, 1, 1],
filler: [["Stats"]],
body: {
range: [16, 2, 3, 1],
filler: [
["Threads count"],
["Fetched threads count"],
["Unique address count"],
rowIndOne: {
threadsCount: 16,
fetchedThreadsCount: 17,
uniqueAddressCount: 18,
colIndOne_num: 2,
source: {
rowIndOne: 1,
colIndOne: {
mainNumbering: 5,
threadId: 6,
messageCount: 7,
addressOfFirstMessage: 8,
addressSortedByThreadCount: 9,
threadCountOfAddress: 10,
percent: 11,
function getMyEmail () {
const myMail = Session.getActiveUser().getEmail();
return myMail;
function getJobSheet () {
const mySS = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
const mySheet = mySS.getSheetByName(currentMode);
if (!mySheet) {
throw new Error(`Sheet not found with the name "${currentMode}"`);
return mySheet;
function populateStructure () {
const mySheet = getJobSheet();
const { notes } = glo;
const jobArray = [notes.legend.head, notes.legend.body, notes.stats.head, notes.stats.body];
for (const job of jobArray) {
const theRange = mySheet.getRange(...job.range);
function getSpecificThreads (mode, currStartIndex, maxN) {
let arr = [];
if (mode === modes.inbox) {
arr = GmailApp.getInboxThreads(currStartIndex, maxN);
} else if (mode === modes.outbox) {
arr ="in:sent", currStartIndex, maxN);
return arr;
function getAllThreadsCountRange (sh) {
const statsBody = glo.notes.stats.body;
const cellRange = sh.getRange(statsBody.rowIndOne.threadsCount, statsBody.colIndOne_num + 1, 1, 1);
return cellRange;
function getRangeOfTempStarterIndex (sh) {
const { body } = glo.notes.stats;
const cellRange = sh.getRange(body.rowIndOne.fetchedThreadsCount, body.colIndOne_num + 1, 1, 1);
return cellRange;
function n1_getIdsOfAllThreads() {
const mySheet = getJobSheet();
const sheetName = mySheet.getName();
const maxN = 500;
let currStartIndex = 0;
const myThreads = [];
// console.log("aaaaaa");
let firstArr = getSpecificThreads(sheetName, currStartIndex, maxN);
let faLen = firstArr.length;
// console.log("bbbbbbb");
while (faLen > 0) {
currStartIndex += maxN;
let newArr = getSpecificThreads(sheetName, currStartIndex, maxN);
faLen = newArr.length;
// console.log("bbbbbbb");
const myThreadsLeee = myThreads.length;
const allIds = => x.getId());
const { source } = glo;
const myRangeOfIds = mySheet.getRange(source.rowIndOne, source.colIndOne.threadId, myThreadsLeee, 1);
myRangeOfIds.setValues( => ["id_" + id]));
const myRangeOfNumbering = mySheet.getRange(source.rowIndOne, source.colIndOne.mainNumbering, myThreadsLeee, 1);
const allNumbering = [];
for (let i = 1; i <= myThreadsLeee; i += 1) {
myRangeOfNumbering.setValues( => [num]));
const counterCellRange = getAllThreadsCountRange(mySheet);
const fetchedCountCell = getRangeOfTempStarterIndex(mySheet);
// =======================================
function simplifyAddress (str) {
if (str === "") {
return "NO_ADDRESS";
const indexesOfStartEnd = [-1, -1];
for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i += 1) {
const thisChar = str[i];
if (thisChar === "<") {
if (indexesOfStartEnd[0] >= 0) {
// throw new Error(`detected more than one '<' symbol - - - ${str}`);
return str;
} else {
indexesOfStartEnd[0] = i;
} else if (thisChar === ">") {
if (indexesOfStartEnd[1] >= 0) {
// throw new Error("detected more than one '>' symbol");
return str;
} else {
indexesOfStartEnd[1] = i;
if (indexesOfStartEnd[0] === -1 && indexesOfStartEnd[1] === -1) {
return str;
} else if (indexesOfStartEnd[0] === -1 && indexesOfStartEnd[1] >= 0) {
throw new Error(`indexesOfStartEnd[0] === -1 && indexesOfStartEnd[1] >= 0`);
} else if (indexesOfStartEnd[0] >= 0 && indexesOfStartEnd[1] === -1) {
throw new Error(`indexesOfStartEnd[0] >= 0 && indexesOfStartEnd[1] === -1`);
} else if (indexesOfStartEnd[0] >= indexesOfStartEnd[1] - 1) {
throw new Error(`indexesOfStartEnd[0] >= indexesOfStartEnd[1] - 1`);
const simpleStr = str.slice(indexesOfStartEnd[0] + 1, indexesOfStartEnd[1]);
return simpleStr;
function n2_fetchAddresses() {
const myAddress = getMyEmail();
const mySheet = getJobSheet();
const STEP = 1000;
const counterCellRange = getAllThreadsCountRange(mySheet);
const theAllCount = Number(counterCellRange.getValues()[0][0]);
const rangeOfStarterIndexOne = getRangeOfTempStarterIndex(mySheet);
const starterIndexOne = Number(rangeOfStarterIndexOne.getValues()[0][0]) + 1;
if (starterIndexOne > theAllCount) {
Logger.log("Already fetched all the threads");
const darchenili = theAllCount - (starterIndexOne - 1);
const smartSTEP = Math.min(darchenili, STEP);
const {source} = glo;
const rangeOfIdsOfThreads = mySheet.getRange(starterIndexOne, source.colIndOne.threadId, smartSTEP, 1);
const rValues = rangeOfIdsOfThreads.getValues();
const theIds = rangeOfIdsOfThreads.getValues().map((x) => x[0].slice(3));
const addresses_allFirstMessages = [];
const messageCountForEachThread = [];
for (let i = 0; i < theIds.length; i += 1) {
const id = theIds[i];
if (i % 100 === 0) {
Logger.log(`iiiii: ${i}`);
const theThread = GmailApp.getThreadById(id);
if (!theThread) {
throw new Error(`No thread found for the id: "${id}"`);
} else {
const messages = theThread.getMessages();
const firstMessage = messages[0];
let wantedAddress = "";
if (currentMode === modes.inbox) {
wantedAddress = firstMessage.getFrom();
} else if (currentMode === modes.outbox) {
const addressFrom = simplifyAddress(firstMessage.getFrom());
if (addressFrom === myAddress) {
const addressTo = firstMessage.getTo();
wantedAddress = addressTo;
} else {
wantedAddress = addressFrom;
} else {
throw new Error("no mode found");
// console.log(`addresses_allFirstMessages.length: ${addresses_allFirstMessages.length} - ${starterIndexOne}`);
const coolRange = mySheet.getRange(starterIndexOne, glo.source.colIndOne.addressOfFirstMessage, smartSTEP, 1);
coolRange.setValues( => [x]));
const coolRange2 = mySheet.getRange(starterIndexOne, glo.source.colIndOne.messageCount, smartSTEP, 1);
coolRange2.setValues( => [x]));
const newStarterIndexOne = (starterIndexOne + smartSTEP) - 1;
console.log(`new st: ${newStarterIndexOne}`);
function n3_calcUniqueAddressesSortedByCount () {
const mySheet = getJobSheet();
const counterCellRange = getAllThreadsCountRange(mySheet);
const theAllCount = Number(counterCellRange.getValues()[0][0]);
const fetchedThreadsCountCell = getRangeOfTempStarterIndex(mySheet);
const fetchedThreadsCount = Number(fetchedThreadsCountCell.getValues()[0][0]);
if (fetchedThreadsCount !== theAllCount) {
throw new Error("Not all threads are fetched");
const { source } = glo;
const addressesRange = mySheet.getRange(source.rowIndOne, source.colIndOne.addressOfFirstMessage, fetchedThreadsCount, 1);
const addressesArr = addressesRange.getValues().map((x) => x[0]);
// console.log(addressesArr.slice(0, 5));
const superMap = new Map();
for (const address of addressesArr) {
const inlowCase = address.toLowerCase();
const currVal = superMap.get(inlowCase);
if (typeof currVal === "number") {
superMap.set(inlowCase, currVal + 1);
} else {
superMap.set(inlowCase, 1);
const sorted = [...superMap].sort((a, b) => b[1] - a[1]);
const lenOfSorted = sorted.length;
// console.log(sorted);
const { body } = glo.notes.stats;
const rangeCellOfCountOfUniAddresses = mySheet.getRange(body.rowIndOne.uniqueAddressCount, body.colIndOne_num + 1, 1, 1);
const rangeOfCoolAddresses = mySheet.getRange(source.rowIndOne, source.colIndOne.addressSortedByThreadCount, lenOfSorted, 3);
// const withPercent = => [...x, x[1] * 100 / fetchedThreadsCount]);
const withPercent = => {
const percent = x[1] * 100 / fetchedThreadsCount;
return([...x, percent]);
const lastRowIndexOne = mySheet.getLastRow();
const incr = lastRowIndexOne - (source.rowIndOne - 1);
const percentRange = mySheet.getRange(source.rowIndOne, source.colIndOne.percent, incr, 1);
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