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Created August 9, 2024 20:24
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bin heap for Huffman encode/decode
// J. W. J. Williams 1964
enum { alphabet = 32 }; // > 2 and power of two
enum { max_nodes = alphabet * 2 };
static_assert(alphabet > 2 && (alphabet & (alphabet - 1)) == 0,
"alphabet must be 2^n");
typedef struct node_s {
int64_t freq;
int32_t sym;
} node_t;
typedef struct binheap_s {
node_t ns[max_nodes]; // nodes
int32_t sx[alphabet]; // symbol -> ix
int32_t nc; // node count
} binheap_t;
static void binheap_init(binheap_t* t) {
t->nc = 0; // no nodes
for (int32_t i = 0; i < rt_countof(t->ns); i++) {
t->ns[i].freq = 0;
t->ns[i].sym = -1;
for (int32_t i = 0; i < rt_countof(t->sx); i++) { t->sx[i] = -1; }
static inline bool binheap_is_leaf(binheap_t* t, int32_t ix) {
return t->ns[ix].sym >= 0;
static int32_t binheap_find(binheap_t* t, int32_t sym, uint64_t *path, int32_t *bits) {
*path = 0;
*bits = 0; // Start from the root
const int32_t ix = t->sx[sym];
if (ix >= 0) {
assert(0 <= ix && ix < t->nc);
int32_t i = ix;
while (i > 0) {
int32_t parent = (i - 1) / 2;
*path <<= 1; // Shift left to make space for the next bit
if (i == parent * 2 + 2) { *path |= 1; } // Right child
i = parent;
} else {
assert(ix == -1, "%d symbol not found", ix);
return ix;
static bool binheap_verify(binheap_t* t) {
// Verify the max-heap property and the correct setup of nodes
// assert() decays to nothing in release build but
// binheap_verify() will return false to help debug the release build
for (int32_t ix = 0; ix < t->nc; ix++) {
int32_t left = 2 * ix + 1;
int32_t right = 2 * ix + 2;
// Verify max-heap property: Parent frequency >= child frequencies
if (left < t->nc) {
assert(t->ns[ix].freq >= t->ns[left].freq, "Max-heap violation:"
" parent [%d] freq: %lld < left child [%d] freq: %lld",
ix, t->ns[ix].freq, left, t->ns[left].freq);
if (t->ns[ix].freq < t->ns[left].freq) { return false; }
if (right < t->nc) {
assert(t->ns[ix].freq >= t->ns[right].freq, "Max-heap violation:"
" parent [%d] freq: %lld < right child [%d] freq: %lld",
ix, t->ns[ix].freq, right, t->ns[right].freq);
if (t->ns[ix].freq < t->ns[right].freq) { return false; }
// Verify that the sx array correctly maps symbols to heap indices
if (t->ns[ix].sym >= 0) { // This is a leaf node
int32_t sym = t->ns[ix].sym;
assert(t->sx[sym] == ix, "Symbol index mismatch:"
" sym: %d, t->sx[%d]: %d, expected ix: %d",
sym, sym, t->sx[sym], ix);
if (t->sx[sym] != ix) { return false; }
// For leaf nodes, verify the path and ensure it's correct
if (t->ns[ix].sym >= 0) { // This is a leaf node
const int32_t sym = t->ns[ix].sym;
uint64_t path = 0;
int32_t bits = 0;
int32_t i = binheap_find(t, sym, &path, &bits);
assert(i == ix, "Path verification failed:"
" expected ix: %d, found ix: %d", ix, i);
if (i != ix) { return false; }
const bool in_range = 0 <= t->sx[sym] && t->sx[sym] < max_nodes;
assert(in_range, "Invalid symbol index in sx: sym: %d, sx: %d",
sym, t->sx[sym]);
if (!in_range) { return false; }
// Verify that sx array only contains valid indices
for (int32_t sym = 0; sym < alphabet; sym++) {
if (t->sx[sym] != -1) {
const int32_t ix = t->sx[sym];
const bool in_range = 0 <= ix && ix < t->nc;
assert(in_range, "Invalid index in sx array: sx[sym:%d]: %d",
sym, ix);
if (!in_range) { return false; }
assert(t->ns[ix].sym == sym, "Symbol mismatch in sx array:"
" ns[sx[sym:%d]].sym: %d", sym, t->ns[ix].sym);
if (t->ns[ix].sym != sym) { return false; }
return true;
static inline void binheap_swap(binheap_t* t, int32_t ix0, int32_t ix1) {
node_t* a = &t->ns[ix0];
node_t* b = &t->ns[ix1];
const int32_t sa = a->sym;
const int32_t sb = b->sym;
if (sa >= 0 && sb >= 0) { // 2 leaves
const int32_t ix = t->sx[sa]; t->sx[sa] = t->sx[sb]; t->sx[sb] = ix;
} else if (sa >= 0) {
t->sx[sa] = ix1;
} else if (sb >= 0) {
t->sx[sb] = ix0;
const node_t swap = *a; *a = *b; *b = swap;
static int binheap_heapify_up(binheap_t* t, int32_t ix) {
while (ix > 0) {
int32_t parent = (ix - 1) / 2;
if (t->ns[ix].freq > t->ns[parent].freq) {
binheap_swap(t, ix, parent);
ix = parent;
} else {
t->sx[t->ns[ix].sym] = ix;
return ix;
static int32_t binheap_heapify_down(binheap_t* t, int32_t ix) {
int32_t largest = ix;
int32_t left = 2 * ix + 1;
int32_t right = 2 * ix + 2;
if (left < t->nc && t->ns[left].freq > t->ns[largest].freq) {
largest = left;
if (right < t->nc && t->ns[right].freq > t->ns[largest].freq) {
largest = right;
if (largest != ix) {
binheap_swap(t, ix, largest);
// tail recursion is shallow and optimizable
ix = binheap_heapify_down(t, largest);
t->sx[t->ns[ix].sym] = ix;
return ix;
static int32_t binheap_add(binheap_t* t, int32_t sym) {
assert(0 <= sym && sym < alphabet);
assert(t->nc < max_nodes);
if (t->nc < 2) {
// Simple case: add the node without merging if there are fewer than 2 nodes.
t->ns[t->nc] = (node_t){.freq = 1, .sym = sym};
t->sx[sym] = t->nc;
int32_t ix = binheap_heapify_up(t, t->nc);
return ix;
} else {
// Merge the two lowest-frequency nodes
int32_t smallest = t->nc - 2;
int32_t second_smallest = t->nc - 1;
assert(t->nc < rt_countof(t->ns));
// Create an internal node `i` with the combined frequency
// of the two smallest nodes
const int32_t i = t->nc;
t->ns[i].freq = t->ns[smallest].freq + t->ns[second_smallest].freq;
t->ns[i].sym = -1; // Internal
// Increase node count before heapify operations
// Perform heapify operations to maintain the heap property
binheap_heapify_down(t, smallest);
binheap_heapify_down(t, second_smallest);
binheap_heapify_up(t, i);
// Place the new node into the heap
assert(t->nc < rt_countof(t->ns));
const int32_t new = t->nc;
// Now add the new leaf node (the actual symbol)
t->ns[new] = (node_t){.freq = 1, .sym = sym};
t->sx[sym] = t->nc;
int32_t leaf = binheap_heapify_up(t, new);
return leaf;
static int32_t binheap_inc_freq(binheap_t* t, int32_t sym) {
assert(0 <= sym && sym < rt_countof(t->sx));
int32_t ix = t->sx[sym];
assert(0 <= ix && ix < rt_countof(t->ns), "ix: %d cannot be root", ix);
// Increment the frequency of the current node
assert(binheap_is_leaf(t, ix));
// Perform heapify operations to maintain the max-heap property
ix = binheap_heapify_down(t, ix); // Heapify down first to push down if necessary
ix = binheap_heapify_up(t, ix); // Then heapify up to correct position
assert(t->sx[sym] == ix);
// After heapify, check the parent frequencies and adjust them if needed
int32_t p = ix;
while (p > 0) {
int32_t parent = (p - 1) / 2;
// Parent should be updated with the correct frequency sum
t->ns[parent].freq = t->ns[2 * parent + 1].freq + t->ns[2 * parent + 2].freq;
p = parent;
parent = (p - 1) / 2;
// Ensure the tree is still a valid heap
return ix;
static void binheap_print(binheap_t* t) {
for (int32_t ix = 0; ix < t->nc; ix++) {
int32_t left = 2 * ix + 1;
int32_t right = 2 * ix + 2;
if (t->ns[ix].sym >= 0) {
const int32_t sym = t->ns[ix].sym;
uint64_t path = 0;
int32_t bits = 0;
int32_t i = binheap_find(t, t->ns[ix].sym, &path, &bits);
assert(i == ix && t->sx[sym] == i, "i: %d ix: %d t->sx[%d]: %d", i,
ix, sym, t->sx[sym]);
assert(0 <= t->sx[sym] &&t->sx[sym] < max_nodes, "sx[%d]: %d",
sym, t->sx[sym]);
assert(t->ns[i].sym == sym, "sx[%d]: %d t->ns[%d].sym: %d",
sym, t->sx[sym], t->ns[i].sym);
char bin[65] = {0};
char turn[65] = {0};
uint64_t p = path;
for (int32_t b = 0; b < bits; b++) {
bin[b] = '0' + (p & 0x1);
turn[b] = (p & 0x1) ? 'L' : 'R';
p >>= 1;
printf("[%2d] freq: %6lld sym: %4d left: %3d right: %3d bits: %d %s %s\n",
ix, t->ns[ix].freq, t->ns[ix].sym, left, right, bits, bin, turn);
} else {
printf("[%2d] freq: %6lld sym: none left: %3d right: %3d\n",
ix, t->ns[ix].freq, left, right);
static int binheap_test(void) {
static binheap_t bh;
for (int32_t sym = 0; sym < alphabet; sym++) {
binheap_add(&bh, sym);
uint64_t path = 0;
int32_t bits = 0;
int32_t ix = binheap_find(&bh, 2, &path, &bits);
for (int32_t i = 0; i < alphabet * alphabet * alphabet; i++) {
int32_t sym = rand() * alphabet / RAND_MAX;
assert(0 <= sym && sym < alphabet, "sym: %d", sym);
int32_t freq = rand() * 16 / RAND_MAX;
for (int32_t k = 0; k < freq; k++) {
binheap_inc_freq(&bh, sym);
return 0;
int main(void) {
return binheap_test();
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leok7v commented Aug 9, 2024

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mseriukov commented Aug 10, 2024

Not really important but shouldn't it be:

enum { max_nodes = alphabet * 2 - 1 };

Matter of taste, but unnecessary else:

        return ix;
    } else {
        // Merge the two lowest-frequency nodes

maybe heap indexing deserve its own funcs :

    int32_t largest  = ix;
    int32_t left  = 2 * ix + 1;
    int32_t right = 2 * ix + 2;
    int32_t parent = (ix - 1) / 2;
    int32_t smallest = t->nc - 2;
    int32_t second_smallest = t->nc - 1;

After reading your conversation with gpt I expected to see Huffman. But the test results look strange to me as almost all codewords are of the same length which shouldn't be the case for Huffman. Even if I artificially increase the frequency of a symbol it still stays as 5 bit codeword.
The heap part seems to be working well though.

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mseriukov commented Aug 11, 2024

In binheap_heapify_down:

    t->sx[t->ns[ix].sym] = ix;
    return ix;

Why do you need this? Looks like it is already handled in binheap_swap. Also I'm not really sure if it is necessary in binheap_heapify_up

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