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Last active July 13, 2022 14:54
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How to convert a gradle repository into a maven repository
# Usage:
# bash
# Will be used as default directories
# your default gradle reprository: $HOME/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/
# in your current path, a new maven directory: $PWD/maven-XXXXX`/repository
# bash <gradle-files2.1-path>
# It will use your prefered gradle files2.1 path and your current path
# bash <gradle-files2.1-path> <your-prefered-output-path>
# It will use your prefered gradle files2.1 and output paths
[ "${path}" == "" ] && path=$HOME/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/
[ "${output}" == "" ] && output=`mktemp -d $current/maven-XXXXX`/repository
mkdir -vp $output
cd ${path}
for file in `find . -regex '.*\(pom\|jar\|aar\|exe\)'`; do
echo "Processing $file"
folderCreate=`echo $file | awk -v file=$file -v output=$output -F/ '{
cad = $2;
gsub(/\./, "/", cad);
print "mkdir -p " output "/" cad "/" $3 "/" $4 "/ "
fileCopy=`echo $file | awk -v file=$file -v output=$output -F/ '{
cad = $2;
gsub(/\./, "/", cad);
print "cp " file " " output "/" cad "/" $3 "/" $4 "/" $6
cd $current
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Gradle To Maven Description


  • bash
    Will be used as default directories

    • your default gradle reprository: $HOME/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/
    • in your current path, a new maven directory: $PWD/maven-XXXXX`/repository
  • bash {gradle-files2.1-path}
    It will use your prefered gradle files2.1 path and your current path

  • bash {gradle-files2.1-path} {your-prefered-output-path}
    It will use your prefered gradle files2.1 and output paths


This script is for creating a maven repository from your gradle repository. It will allow you to reuse your downloaded files on your own device and on other devices, because a Gradle repository is not portable to another host.

Example output

Having these gradle dependencies downloaded:

You will get:

You should create a directory $HOME/.m2/ and add your repository directory inside it, like so:

Now, in your Android project (for example), you can add to your build.gradle file:
as your first build repository. And gradle will look for the dependencies first on your computer, then on the internet


  • If you have problems with gradle dependencies, you can save your downloaded gradle dependencies with this script and safely delete your gradle directory and save many megabytes and download time.

  • If you want to start any android (flutter,react native, et) project in a new computer, you can convert your old gradle repository and reuse it in the new device, saving time.

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eliastg commented Jul 13, 2022

Very useful tool.
I have personally used it to fix some problems in React Native projects.
I am very happy that you have finally published.

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